
Disruptive fuel applications are unexpected! Indian media: China's major breakthrough in the field of hypersonics

author:Brother Bang loves popular science
{"info":{"title":{"content":"颠覆性燃料应用意想不到!印媒:中国高超音速领域重大突破","en":"Disruptive fuel applications are unexpected! Indian media: China's major breakthrough in the field of hypersonics"},"description":{"content":"导语航天领域的发展一直是科技界炙手可热的领域,人类总是在通过不断的尝试和实践,去研究那些看似不可攀的高峰,希望有一天能够...","en":"IntroductionThe development of the aerospace field has always been a hot field in the scientific and technological world, and human beings are always studying those seemingly unattainable peaks through continuous attempts and practices, hoping to one day be able to..."}},"items":[]}