
Director Jiang and Prime Minister Zhao Cheng really look alike!

author:The wind rises, and the fragrance of flowers overflows

Throughout history, there have always been people and events that are remembered for their absurdity or bizarreness. Zhao Gao in the TV series "The Legend of Chu and Han" is notorious for referring to the allusion of a deer as a horse, and his behavior of reversing black and white and confusing the public has become a typical case of power and moral degradation discussed in later generations. In modern society, we seem to have witnessed a similar scene -- the incident of "pointing a mouse as a duck" by the director of the Jiang Xiexue Bureau.

Jiang Xiexue, director of the Changdong Branch of the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Nanchang High-tech Zone, became the focus of public opinion because of a food safety incident. The incident originated in the canteen of Jiangxi Industrial Vocational and Technical College, where a student found a foreign object suspected to be a rat's head in his meal. This discovery quickly sparked widespread public attention and heated discussions. However, when confronted by the media, Director Kong insisted that the foreign object was a duck's neck and not a rat's head as the public suspected.

Director Jiang and Prime Minister Zhao Cheng really look alike!

This statement is undoubtedly reminiscent of the story of Zhao Gao's finger on the deer as a horse. In "The Legend of Chu and Han", Zhao Gao deliberately described a deer as a horse in order to test his power and influence, and the officials in the court echoed it in order to cater to Zhao Gao, and this reversal of black and white eventually led to the demise of the Qin Dynasty. Although Director Jiang Xiexue's behavior is different from Zhao Gao's in nature, the result is no less shocking - in the face of public doubts, he still insists on his wrong judgment, and this attitude of ignoring facts and ignoring public feelings is undoubtedly a great damage to public trust.

The development of events did not stop there. As public opinion ferments and the public continues to pay attention, more details are revealed. Through comparative analysis, some experts pointed out that the foreign body has the characteristics of a mouse head, including upper and lower incisors, canines, etc. Through video analysis, some popular science bloggers further confirmed the possibility that the foreign body was a rat's head. These voices have undoubtedly provided the public with a more scientific and reasonable explanation, and also lifted a veil of mystery for the truth of the incident.

Director Jiang and Prime Minister Zhao Cheng really look alike!

However, the insistence of Director Jiang Xiexue makes people wonder what kind of interests and motives are hidden behind this insistence. In modern society, the transparency of information and the public's right to know are highly valued, and any attempt to cover up the truth will be questioned and condemned by the public. Director Jiang Xiexue's behavior not only damaged his personal image, but also caused immeasurable damage to the credibility of the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau.

In addition, the development of the incident has also triggered a deep reflection on the food safety supervision system. Food safety is related to everyone's health and life safety, and any negligence and mistakes can lead to serious consequences. Director Jiang Xiexue's "pointing rats at ducks" incident has exposed the problems existing in the regulatory system, including the sense of responsibility, professional ability of supervisors, and the mechanism for responding to emergencies.

Director Jiang and Prime Minister Zhao Cheng really look alike!

Under the pressure of public opinion and the expectations of the public, the relevant departments finally set up a joint investigation team to conduct an in-depth investigation of the incident and came to the conclusion that the foreign object was the head of a rodent. The publication of this conclusion is not only a response to public doubts, but also a profound reflection on the work of the regulators themselves. It tells us that only by facing up to problems and having the courage to correct mistakes can we truly win the trust and respect of the public.

Although the "rat is a duck" incident was finally resolved, it left us with a reflection that is far from over. In this era of information explosion, how to distinguish between the true and the false, how to safeguard the public's right to know and participate, and how to build a more just and transparent society are issues that each of us needs to ponder. At the same time, this incident also reminds us that as members of society, we have the responsibility and ability to promote the progress and development of society through rational voices and actions.

Director Jiang and Prime Minister Zhao Cheng really look alike!

In the long river of history, Zhao Gao has been infamous for 10,000 years with his allusion of "pointing to a deer as a horse", and has become synonymous with power and deception. In modern society, the incident of "pointing a mouse as a duck" by Director Jiang Xiexue seems to be similar to Zhao Gao's behavior. The two characters, although separated by thousands of years, are compared for their similar behavior.

Director Jiang Xiexue has a striking resemblance to Zhao Gao in appearance, which can't help but remind people of the reincarnation and irony of history. In the "pointing rat as a duck" incident, Director Jiang's behavior was even more identical to Zhao Gao's. In Zhao Gao's allusion, in order to test his power and influence, he deliberately described a deer as a horse, and the officials in the court echoed it in order to cater to Zhao Gao, and this reversal of black and white eventually led to the demise of the Qin Dynasty.

In the case of Director Jiang Xiexue, he faced the camera and swore that the foreign object found in the cafeteria was a duck neck, not a rat head as suspected by the public. This attitude of ignoring the facts and ignoring the public's feelings coincides with Zhao Gao's behavior. Director Jiang's behavior not only damaged his personal image, but also caused immeasurable damage to the credibility of the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau.

The development of events did not stop there. As public opinion ferments and the public continues to pay attention, more details are revealed. Through comparative analysis, some experts pointed out that the foreign body has the characteristics of a mouse head, including upper and lower incisors, canines, etc. Through video analysis, some popular science bloggers further confirmed the possibility that the foreign body was a rat's head. These voices have undoubtedly provided the public with a more scientific and reasonable explanation, and also lifted a veil of mystery for the truth of the incident.

However, the insistence of Director Jiang Xiexue makes people wonder what kind of interests and motives are hidden behind this insistence. In modern society, the transparency of information and the public's right to know are highly valued, and any attempt to cover up the truth will be questioned and condemned by the public. The behavior of Director Jiang Xiexue has undoubtedly done great harm to the public's trust.

In addition, the development of the incident has also triggered a deep reflection on the food safety supervision system. Food safety is related to everyone's health and life safety, and any negligence and mistakes can lead to serious consequences. Director Jiang Xiexue's "pointing rats at ducks" incident has exposed the problems existing in the regulatory system, including the sense of responsibility, professional ability of supervisors, and the mechanism for responding to emergencies.

Under the pressure of public opinion and the expectations of the public, the relevant departments finally set up a joint investigation team to conduct an in-depth investigation of the incident and came to the conclusion that the foreign object was the head of a rodent. The publication of this conclusion is not only a response to public doubts, but also a profound reflection on the work of the regulators themselves. It tells us that only by facing up to problems and having the courage to correct mistakes can we truly win the trust and respect of the public.

The incident of "pointing a mouse as a duck" by Director Jiang Xiexue has become the focus of extensive discussion in society, from the initial controversy to the final reversal. This incident has not only raised public concerns about food safety, but also has a certain irony, reflecting the attitude and handling of certain officials in the current society.

The fermentation of the incident began when a student found a foreign object suspected to be a rat's head in the canteen of Jiangxi Industrial Vocational and Technical College. The discovery quickly sparked a heated discussion on social media, with public concerns about food safety running high. However, in the face of this problem, the director of the Jiang Association gave a conclusion contrary to the public's intuition, insisting that the foreign body was a duck neck. This way of dealing with it is undoubtedly a challenge to the public's IQ and a disregard for the truth.

As the incident deepened, more details were revealed. The analysis of experts and popular science bloggers gradually revealed the true identity of the foreign object. Under the pressure of public opinion, the intervention of the joint investigation team finally came to the conclusion that the foreign body was the head of a rodent. The announcement of this conclusion is undoubtedly a satire on the behavior of the director of the Jiangxi Association of Scholars in "pointing rats as ducks" and is also a major blow to the credibility of the regulatory departments.

The reversal of the incident has raised questions about the responsibility and ability of the regulatory authorities. As the director of the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, Jiang Xiexue was supposed to be the guardian of food safety, but he gave a wrong judgment at a critical moment. This kind of behavior is not only a betrayal of the public's trust, but also a dereliction of duty. In the eyes of the public, the image of Director Jiang Xiexue has changed from a guardian to a symbol of irony.

In addition, the development of the incident has also exposed the inadequacy of the regulatory authorities in responding to emergencies. In the face of public skepticism and pressure from public opinion, the response of regulators has been slow and weak. This efficiency and ability to deal with problems has undoubtedly raised doubts among the public about the professionalism and responsibility of the regulatory authorities.

The reversal and conclusion of the incident have also triggered a reflection on the current social values. In the era of information explosion, the public's pursuit of truth and expectations for fairness and transparency are getting higher and higher. However, the behavior of Director Jiang Xiexue reflects the attitude and handling of problems by certain officials, which runs counter to public expectations.

This incident is undoubtedly a wake-up call to the regulatory authorities. It tells us that, as a regulatory authority, we must always maintain respect for facts and accountability to the public. Any attempt to cover up the truth and fool the public will eventually be condemned by public opinion and judged by society.

At the same time, this event is also an education for the public. It reminds us to remain rational and objective in the face of problems, and to distinguish between truth and falsehood through scientific and professional methods. Only in this way can we find the truth of the facts and safeguard our rights and interests in the era of information explosion.

In general, the incident of "pointing rats as ducks" by the director of the Jiangxi Association is not only a food safety crisis, but also a crisis of social trust. It shows us the inadequacy of regulators in the face of problems, and also the power of the public in the pursuit of truth. The discussion and reflection of this incident will affect our understanding and thinking about food safety, the responsibility of regulatory authorities and social values for a long time.

From the controversy at the beginning to the final reversal, the incident of "pointing a mouse as a duck" by Director Jiang Xiexue not only caused an uproar in society, but also surprised and thought-provoking the public. The reversal of this incident is not only a correction of a specific issue, but also a manifestation of society's pursuit of truth and expectation of justice.

The public was surprised by the reversal of events, and this surprise was not unfounded. In the early days of the incident, the persistence and self-confidence of Director Jiang Xiexue made many people mistakenly believe that his judgment was correct. However, as the investigation deepened and the evidence gradually surfaced, the public discovered that this was not the case. This process from trust to suspicion to final confirmation of the truth reflects the public's relentless pursuit of truth.

Public skepticism and discussion have played a key role in this process. Heated discussions on social media, analysis by experts, and explanations by popular science bloggers are all important factors driving the development of events. These voices converged into a powerful social force, forcing the relevant authorities to re-examine the incident and finally come to the right conclusion. This kind of power is precisely the society's expectation and call for justice.

The reversal of events also allows people to see the progress of society. In the past, it may have been hard to imagine a bureau chief's judgment being questioned and discussed so widely by the public. But today, the transparency of information and the increase in public participation have made it possible for everyone to be a discoverer and disseminator of the truth. Such changes are the embodiment of the progress of social civilization and the practice of the spirit of democracy and the rule of law.

In addition, the reversal of events has also triggered a reflection on the responsibilities of regulators. As the guardian of food safety, the regulatory authorities should be based on facts and the law as the criterion, and deal with problems fairly, openly and transparently. However, in this case, the preliminary judgment of the regulatory authorities is contrary to the facts, which undoubtedly exposes the deficiencies of the regulatory authorities' sense of responsibility, professional ability and response mechanism.

The public was surprised by the reversal of events, and this surprise also translated into higher expectations from regulators. It is hoped that the regulatory authorities will learn from this incident, improve their professionalism and sense of responsibility, respond more actively to public concerns, and more effectively protect the interests of the public.

At the same time, the reversal of events also shows the power of social justice. Under the public's questioning and supervision, the wrong judgment was corrected and the truth was restored. The realization of this kind of justice is not only the redemption of the individual, but also the reconstruction of social trust. It convinces people that as long as they persist in pursuing the truth and upholding justice, society can continue to progress and develop in a more just and transparent direction.

Generally speaking, the incident of "pointing a mouse at a duck" and its reversal by Director Jiang Xiexue is a profound social education. It not only gives the public higher expectations of the regulatory authorities, but also allows people to see the society's pursuit of truth and expectations for justice. The discussion and reflection of this incident will affect our understanding and thinking about social responsibility, public interest and individual behavior for a long time.

Hu Xijin, the former editor-in-chief of the Global Times, has long been an active figure in the field of public opinion. His remarks have often sparked widespread attention and discussion, even controversy. In the "Pointing the Mouse as a Duck" incident, Hu Xijin's role and remarks once again reflect the complexity of public opinion.

During the incident, Hu Xijin initially expressed support for the judgment of the local supervision bureau, believing that after repeated comparisons, it was confirmed that the foreign body was a duck neck. However, when the results of the joint investigation team came out and determined that the foreign object was actually a rat's head, Hu Xijin quickly changed his attitude and declared that it was a victory for justice. This rapid change of stance was regarded by some netizens as a "grass on the wall" behavior, which caused dissatisfaction and criticism.

Hu Xijin's role and remarks in the incident reflect the changeable views and unstable positions in the field of public opinion. In today's fast-changing world of information and diverse opinions, it is difficult for even well-known media professionals to maintain a consistent position. This phenomenon, on the one hand, reflects the cognitive adjustment of individuals in the face of complex information, and on the other hand, it also exposes the possible problems in the guidance of public opinion.

Hu Xijin's remarks sparked a discussion about the responsibility and influence of opinion leaders. As a public figure, every word he says can be amplified and interpreted to influence the public's views and attitudes. Therefore, he needs to be more careful in his choice of words to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and controversies. At the same time, it also reminds the public that when faced with various voices, they need to keep thinking independently and not blindly follow them.

In addition, Hu Xijin's performance in the incident has also triggered a reflection on public opinion supervision and the responsibility of the media. Media and opinion leaders play an important role in social events, and their reports and commentaries have a profound impact on the direction of events and public perception. Therefore, they should take a more responsible attitude, report the incident objectively and fairly, and guide the public to look at the problem rationally.

In the "Pointing the Mouse as a Duck" incident, Hu Xijin's role and remarks have undoubtedly added more complexity to the field of public opinion. The change in his attitude has made people see the dilemma of opinion leaders in the face of public opinion pressure and the truth. This phenomenon deserves our in-depth consideration: In the tide of public opinion, how to maintain rationality and objectivity, and how to correctly guide and respond to public opinion are problems that everyone needs to face.

Overall, Hu Xijin's role and remarks in the "Pointing a Mouse as a Duck" incident are a microcosm of the complexity of public opinion. It reflects the responsibilities and challenges of opinion leaders in the face of social events, and also reminds the public of the importance of maintaining independent judgment in the arena of public opinion. This incident will have a far-reaching impact on our understanding and response to the phenomenon of public opinion.