
Mold, no!

author:Released in Wuxi

"Rain in the Yellow Plum Season"

The rainy season in Gangnam from early summer to midsummer

High humidity is accompanied by high temperatures

Under the continuous rain

Something terrible has reappeared


Mold, no!
Mold, no!

The home will be moldy, and the "culprit" is actually - mold spores! Don't think that it can't be seen or touched, but it's actually "invisible" in the air, everywhere, running around with the air current. Once you encounter the right environment, you can adapt to the temperature and can draw nutrients and water from the outside world, and you can immediately wake up and start growing.

Mold in the South has a "natural geographical advantage"

The best conditions for mold growth are high temperature (20-35°C) and high humidity (relative humidity greater than 70%), so a warm, humid, dark, unclean, poorly ventilated environment will be more conducive to mold growth. Bathrooms, refrigerators, washing machines, balconies, etc. are all hard-hit areas for mold growth!

Mold, no!
Mold, no!
Mold, no!

Mold that is common in the home


Look at the Aspergillus flavus → your rice tank

  • Characteristic:

Aspergillus flavus is a type of Aspergillus flavus that usually appears yellow or yellow-green visible to the naked eye.

  • Harm:

It produces aflatoxin, a toxin that has been classified as a naturally occurring carcinogen by the World Health Organization's (WHO) Agency for Research on Cancer, which is 68 times more toxic than arsenic.

  • Common Sources:

It can be found in soil, organic matter, grains, and often in nuts such as moldy peanuts, walnuts, and melon seeds, as well as grains such as corn and rice.

Mold, no!


Take a look at your toilet → Alternaria mold


Colonies vary in color, ranging from black to white, depending on the growing environment.

  • Harm:

Although not as carcinogenic as Aspergillus flavus, it can also cause allergic reactions and other health problems.

  • Common Sources:

Damp corners, corners, bathrooms, etc. in the home.

Mold, no!


Look at the penicillium → your fruit basket

  • Characteristic:

The plaque is greenish, and the colonies are sometimes white.

  • Harm:

Although Penicillium itself does not necessarily cause direct harm to humans, the spores it produces can induce allergies.

  • Common Sources:

Fruits, textiles, wallpaper, etc. in the home.

Mold, no!


Look at your bathroom and kitchen → aspergillus

  • Characteristic:

It is a special fungus that can cause mildew reactions, and common indoor molds include Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigatus, etc.

  • Harm:

Aspergillus niger is mostly attached to damp showers and washstands, and it is easy to invade people with weak immunity, inducing respiratory diseases and lung diseases.

Aspergillus fumigatus was included in the World Health Organization's first list of fungal "priority pathogens", and invasive aspergillosis is critical once it occurs.

  • Common Sources:

Wet areas such as toilets, bathrooms, kitchens, etc.

Mold, no!


Look at the other molds → all corners of your home

  • Characteristic:

There are many types of molds, including trichophytes, dried rot fungi, and Epicoccus niger, each of which has its own unique growth environment and characteristics.

  • Harm:

Although these molds may not be as virulent as Aspergillus flavus, they may also pose a threat to human health, such as causing allergic reactions, respiratory infections, etc.

  • Common Sources:

Every corner of the home, especially damp, poorly ventilated areas.

Mold is a health hazard

Affects respiratory health

If there is too much mold in the home, a lot of mobile spores will be produced in the air, which will endanger respiratory health and induce rhinitis, bronchitis, asthma and other diseases if inhaled for a long time.

Skin allergies

Wearing mold-contaminated clothing may cause redness, itching, and allergies to the skin.

food poisoning

After eating contaminated food, mold multiplies rapidly in its body and produces toxins that can damage the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and cause diseases such as gastroenteritis.

Lowers immunity

Mold enters the body to produce toxins that may inhibit protein synthesis in the immune system and reduce the body's immunity.

The key to preventing mold is dehumidification!

Intermittent ventilation method

On rainy days, close windows and doors facing south or southeast (i.e. upwind) and only open windows and doors downwind to reduce moisture ingress. When the weather is clear, all doors and windows can be opened to speed up the evaporation of water.

Charcoal dehumidification method

Put 5 to 10 kg of black charcoal in each room, add water and boil for 10 minutes in advance, filter out the water and ventilate and dry, put it in a breathable basket for two days, and put it in a diagonal position in the room.

Newspaper anti-mold method

Spread newspaper to the bottom of the closet, or even to the inside of the door. Newspapers absorb moisture to prevent mildew, and the smell of ink on newspapers repels insects.

Lime aspiration method

Lime is an adsorbent. On rainy days, you can wrap quicklime in cloth or sacks and place it indoors to keep the indoor air dry.

What should I do if it has mold?


Pay attention to protection in mold removal