
7 restaurants in Yangpu are on the list! Dianping's 2024 "Must Eat List" was released

author:Yangpu, Shanghai

"A hundred cities and thousands of flavors, food in all directions, but a bowl of fireworks in the world." Recently, Dianping's 2024 "Must Eat List" was announced in Beijing, with 2,797 restaurants in 119 cities and regions on the list. Yangpu has a total of 7 restaurants on the list, including international cuisine such as Paran Siamese cuisine and Ajit Korean private cuisine, as well as authentic restaurants such as Antar lobster, barbecue and food stalls, and Chongqing Malatang.

7 restaurants in Yangpu are on the list! Dianping's 2024 "Must Eat List" was released

The number of cities on the "Must Eat List" exceeded 100 for the first time, and the number of merchants and cities reached a record high. Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing, and Guangzhou are the top 5 cities in terms of the number of restaurants on the list. Of the 144 restaurants on the list in Shanghai, nearly 30 are fireworks shops rooted in the streets. In 2024, nearly 40% of the new merchants will be on the list.

More gastronomic destinations

With the popularity of "taste bud tour", many tourists go to a city for a dish. Dianping data shows that in the past year, the proportion of non-local users on the "must-eat list" list has reached 42%. Jingdezhen's porcelain clay stewed chicken, Yanbian's Korean ginseng chicken soup, Xiangyang's rice wine with beef noodles...... A richer and more comprehensive food list has further become a "food journey guide" in the hearts of consumers.

This year's list has significantly improved its "sense of discovery" compared with previous years, with 58 new cities on the list, nearly half of which are popular cities for "taste bud travel", covering more surrounding districts and counties. More small shops and traditional old stores appear on the list, and nearly half of them are urban characteristic merchants. In 2024, the "Must Eat List" will not only become a "big stage for small businesses" and a "vane of the catering industry", but also a "city food business card" that highlights the food characteristics and cultural heritage of various places, which will further activate consumption and help the development of entities.

Qingyuan, Guangdong Province is a new city on the list this year. More than 50 kilometers away from the city center, Xiangzi Farmhouse Vegetable and Fresh Fig Soaked Chicken Shop is a typical "Shankara Farm" in the hearts of Cantonese people. According to the boss, his own free-range chicken is Qingyuan chicken No. 1 seedling, which is raised in the village 5 kilometers away, and is taken care of by the 73-year-old father.

ARAB OWNER MUHANNAD IN YIWU BEYTIRESTAURANT BEDI RESTAURANT, THIS YEAR ON THE JINHUA "MUST-EAT LIST". "There are now 'Eight Nations Chefs' in the store, with a total of more than 300 dishes, covering the flavors of nearly 20 countries." Bedi introduced. In recent years, Yiwu tourism has exploded, and there are more and more Chinese tourists, and signature dishes such as Turkish kebab are very popular.

More restaurants

A list of "800 million people eat" represents the true background of a city's catering consumption. "In the past year, users have praised the restaurant's taste beyond expectations with 'authentic flavor' and 'full pot', and also used 'the price is not more than 100' and 'the ingredients are fresh' to evaluate the restaurant experience beyond expectations." Zhang Xuejiao, the person in charge of the Dianping must-eat list, mentioned it at the Dianping "must-eat list" release and award ceremony.

"Innovation does not forget the roots, inheritance is not conservative." Based on the new trend of food and beverage consumption, more authentic restaurants that insist on fresh ingredients and are full of fireworks appear on the list. Among the 2,797 merchants on the list, nearly half of them are urban characteristic merchants, with fireworks shops accounting for 46% and more than 500 snack merchants.

At the gate of Shekou Market in Shenzhen, Guangdong, Ye Xiangjia, a Chaoshan man, relied on the skills of wrapping rice dumplings taught by his father, starting from a cart to set up a stall, and made the 20-year-old restaurant, Jiahua Snack Bar, a "must-eat list". The rice dumplings were steaming out of the pot, and the outside of the store was crowded with local citizens and tourists queuing up. "All zongzi stores are ready-made, and during peak hours, four 'zongzi workers' are busy from morning to night, selling thousands of them a day." Ye Xiangjia introduced.

Chongqing Gong Dawa bean curd noodles that insist on making bean curd every day, the ingenious kitchen of Cantonese cuisine in Shanghai's "restaurant level", Chengdu Xinruiyuan oil marinated skewers made by the proprietress herself, Wuhan Laotongcheng bean skin king who starts to work at 3 o'clock in the morning...... "small shops also have a big stage", and these authentic restaurants on the 2024 "must-eat list" list have become the choice of food recommended by locals and planted by outsiders.

7 restaurants in Yangpu are on the list! Dianping's 2024 "Must Eat List" was released

Food is the best calling card of the city

After 8 years, there have always been three insistences: the first is to insist on "one in a thousand"; The second is to insist on the selection based on the real evaluation of users in the year; The third is to insist that there are no human nominations.

On the basis of "delicious, inexpensive, and good experience", the 2024 "Must Eat List" will select 2,797 restaurants from tens of millions of merchants based on hundreds of millions of evaluation data, of which non-cooperative merchants account for nearly 20%.

"I was very surprised to learn that I was shortlisted, because the store never does online group buying, which made us realize the 'credibility of the list'." Shenzhen Jiahua Snacks (Shekou Market Store) said. "When we first made the list, we didn't cooperate with Meituan, and we didn't know until the medals were sent. This is not only an honor but also a spur, and we must continue to improve in order to live up to consumers. The owner of Chongqing Leshan Xianzhi Flavor Bowl Chicken also shared his journey.

With the improvement of the "sense of discovery" of the list, users' enthusiasm for "taste bud travel" and consumption vitality have been further stimulated, and the "city food business card" has further become a new driving force for local consumption. It is understood that in July, Dianping will also hold the second must-eat festival, which will help the development of catering and local consumption at a new speed.

"Food is the best calling card of the city. The development of each city and the development of gastronomy are very closely linked. Zhang Chuan, senior vice president of Meituan, said that the must-eat list and must-eat festival aim to connect more authentic delicacies in the market with more consumers and pass them on for a long time.

Let's take a look at Shanghai

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7 restaurants in Yangpu are on the list! Dianping's 2024 "Must Eat List" was released

Text: Mao Xinhui

Editor: Wu Baixin

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Yangpu

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