
Keep them on your toes!

author:Today it is called Minhang

Moral models and advanced models are exemplary forces for the progress of social civilization. Minhang District has taken many measures to promote advocating morality and respecting typical models to become a civilized fashion in the new era.

On June 30, the Propaganda Department of the District Party Committee and the District Spiritual Civilization Office held a special literary and artistic activity of "Red Singing Praise to the Party, Iron Heart and Following the Party" Caring Courtesy Morality (Advanced) Typical Literary and Artistic Activities at the Shanghai City Theater.

"In this event, I invite them to enjoy the concert of red classic songs, and keep them in mind, so that everyone can feel the typical temperature of the party committee, the government and the whole society caring for morality (advanced), and truly embodying 'those who are virtuous have gains, and good people are rewarded'." The relevant person in charge of the Propaganda Department of the District Party Committee said that he hoped that the whole district would adhere to moral guidance and role modeling, care for models, advocate the advanced, accumulate virtue and virtue, and always listen to the party's words, feel the party's kindness, and follow the party, so as to add ink and color to the new chapter of the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Minhang.

Cao Jie, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, attended the event.

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A special gift to the party, with no regrets

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the birth of the Communist Party of China, Minhang District with the theme of "Red Singing Praises to the Party, Iron Heart and Walking with the Party", focusing on organizing moral models and advanced models, and enjoying a series of red classic songs such as "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party", "Ten to the Red Army", "No Communist Party, No New China", "Don't Forget the Original Heart", "Singing the Motherland" and other series of red classic songs brought by the Shanghai Light Music Troupe. It shows the firm confidence of the Party in leading the people to promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization in the new era, and expresses the belief and determination of all moral models and advanced models to always adhere to the "one heart to the Party and follow the Party with an iron heart" and the original moral intention of caring for others and contributing to society.

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During the event, along with the popular red classic songs, everyone kept waving the red flag in their hands and immersed themselves in it.

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After retiring, He Lihua, a moral model in Minhang District and a "lovely Minhang person", actively participated in the community volunteer team, participated in community public welfare services, carried out party lectures in the community, and spread the party's innovative theories in the community. She has been a party member for 52 years, and she said that she was proud to participate in this event, as a party member, and as a moral model, to celebrate the party's birthday with everyone, and she was also proud of the development of Minhang. "It is particularly meaningful to listen to red songs, feel the party's kindness, and receive education, as a gift to the party's birthday."

A special invitation to courtesy good people, respect the typical

Cultural courtesy is one of the measures taken by Minhang to care for moral models and advanced models.

The Propaganda Department of the District Party Committee and the District Spiritual Civilization Office cooperated with the Shanghai City Theater to specially produce the Minhang District Moral (Advanced) Typical Cultural Courtesy Card, and set up a "Moral (Advanced) Typical Courtesy Window" in the theater to provide services.

This time, it is one of the forms of courtesy to hold a special literary and artistic activity of Minhang District's caring courtesy and morality (advanced).

Wang Wen, deputy general manager of Shanghai Poly Chunshen Theater Management Co., Ltd., introduced that the City Theater, as a "beneficial space" for the practice of civilization in the new era in Minhang District, gave full play to its professional advantages in the field of culture and literature to fully help the performance. The reporter learned that at the beginning of this year, the Propaganda Department of the Minhang District Party Committee also cooperated with the Shanghai City Theater to provide nearly 10 free performances for 197 moral (advanced) models at all levels in the district in the form of moral (advanced) cultural courtesy cards.

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The reporter noticed that a special feature of this event is that in addition to organizing all kinds of moral models and advanced models at all levels to participate, they also specially invited their family members, representatives of national civilized units, and representatives of the "lovely Minhang people" team to come to the scene to feel the sense of reverence and glory of being a good person and being a typical person.

"I usually like to listen to red songs, and it is the first time for me to participate in such an event with my family, which is very rewarding." Zhang Canhong, a national civilized family, the most beautiful family in the country, a nomination award for the 38th Red Banner Pacesetter in Shanghai, and an outstanding volunteer in Shanghai, said frankly. As the mother of the "Star Child", for more than 20 years, she has taught her son Jiawei to take care of himself through continuous exploration, and established the "Rainbow Mother Studio" to pass on her experience to autistic families free of charge. "We feel the concern and love of the Minhang District Party Committee and the District Government for moral models, and only when the family is good is the society, I will drive the people around me to help the social development of Minhang."

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A special kind of warmth to care for others and warm yourself

The moral model and advanced model are the pioneers who practice the important concept of "people's city built by the people, and the people's city for the people", the demonstrator of the construction of civilization and happiness in Minhang, and the contributor to the "temperature" of Minhang urban area.

Wang Haibin, a national moral model, a "good person in China", a good person and a good person of Shanghai's socialist spiritual civilization, and a moral model of the 9th Minhang District, "Lovely Minhang People", was deeply touched by the care and courtesy. "This gives us greater spiritual encouragement, the honor is temporary, and the care and courtesy is continuous." Wang Haibin said that a new series of youth life education activities of "Don't be afraid of bruises" is currently being carried out, focusing on the theme of "life education" and encouraging everyone to deeply perceive life and face adversity correctly.

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In recent years, Minhang District has taken the construction of Xi Jinping's cultural and ideological best practice as the starting point, continued to promote the cultivation, selection, publicity, courtesy, and management of moral (advanced) models, created a new highland for moral construction in the new era, and continuously polished the "golden business card" of Minhang's national civilized urban area with the moral force of upward and benevolent, and strived to make the contribution of moral models and advanced models more socially valuable, and also made all walks of life more sensitive to moral (advanced) models, and inspired the whole district to participate in the excavation, recommendation, selection, and selection of moral (advanced) models. The enthusiasm of propaganda has made learning to be a "good person around you" a new fashion for Minhang people.

According to the District Spiritual Civilization Office, in 2003, Minhang created a mass moral construction brand - "Lovely Minhang People" tree selection and publicity activities, which has been held for 11 consecutive sessions, a total of 188 advanced individuals (collectives) in moral construction have been selected, and 4 national moral models (including nominations), 2 national civilized families, 17 "good Chinese people" and 32 municipal moral models.

At present, Minhang has formed a set of closed-loop operation of the system to build a demonstration home for moral construction. The "Administrative Measures for the Honorary Title of Moral Models in Minhang District (Trial)" was updated and promulgated to ensure that moral models can stand, shout, and spread. The "Implementation Measures for Courtesy and Care of Typical Moral Models in Minhang District (Trial)" has been formulated, and the "Minhang District Typical Moral Evidence Platform" has been established, with more than 140 windows listed to provide priority services for moral models, and more than 10 cultural and entertainment facilities to provide free or preferential services for moral models.

It is reported that the "Lovely Minhangren" volunteer service team has become the first regional volunteer service team formed by moral models in Shanghai, and has successively established 13 moral typical professional volunteer service teams, 6 "Lovely Minhangren" volunteer service bases, and created a "lovely Minhangren" convenient service "caravan" into the community project, which has served more than 38,000 people. Meanwhile. Online, Minhang Civilization Network specially produced a special version of the moral model "Good People Pavilion". Offline, a number of distinctive "good people park, good people corridor, good people wall" and other moral typical advanced deeds propaganda positions have been created.

Keep them on your toes!

Reporter: Mao Haiping

Contribution: Intern Reporter of the Propaganda Department of the District Party Committee: Wang Ruoxi Preliminary Review: Tang Jingxian Review: Yao Yiying Final Review: Xu Leibing

Please indicate that it is from the official WeChat of Minhang today

Keep them on your toes!
Keep them on your toes!