
Here, the "Xin" light shines!

author:Today it is called Minhang

"I have been practicing cheerleading for 3 years, and it has not only helped me improve my temperament, but also improved our team understanding."

"I have witnessed the gradual popularization of aerobics in Xinzhuang Town over the past 20 years. Calisthenics can cultivate children's posture beauty, promote self-confidence, and exercise their willpower. ”

"I hope that the 'aerobics' exercise will become a 'Xin' business card of Xinzhuang Town's education!"

Here, the "Xin" light shines!

Recently, the 2024 Xinzhuang Town Primary and Secondary School (Kindergarten) Student Cheerleading and Aerobics Invitational Tournament was successfully held in Xinguang School. This competition not only provides a platform for young people to show themselves, exchange and learn, but also a vivid practice of the educational concept of "five educations at the same time".

In recent years, Xinzhuang Town has relied on the construction of school districts to seek "Xin" breakthroughs in the one-stop layout of art and sports projects, among which the "aerobics" project was approved as a district-level "one-stop" layout project in 2022. Bodybuilding operation is a collective exercise that integrates multiple elements such as dance, music, and sports, which is an effective way to promote the integration of "five educations" and improve the physical health level of students.

Since the launch of the project, under the guidance of the promotion of school districtization and Jiang Yanfang's characteristic teacher's studio, many primary and secondary schools (kindergartens) have opened aerobics projects, and the aerobics movement in Xinzhuang Town has sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, so that children can cultivate aerobics from an early age.

Here, the "Xin" light shines!

The invitational tournament is a town-wide student sports event hosted by Xinzhuang Town and undertaken by Xinguang School, and it is also the first student cheerleading and aerobics competition in Xinzhuang Town, with a total of 58 teams and 692 athletes participating. This is not only a feast of sports competition, but also a display of youthful vitality, and the contestants interpret the spirit of sportsmanship with beautiful dancing and outstanding performance.

Here, the "Xin" light shines!

Wu Siqi, a student from Xinguang School, said that she gained a lot from practicing cheerleading, not only fell in love with sports, but also became more confident. "Through the competition, I also realized the importance of teamwork. I will continue to love this sport and work hard to achieve better results. ”

The vigorous development of the calisthenics talent team is inseparable from the inheritance of excellent quality. Long Shuting, coach and referee of Xinzhuang Middle School, said: "In the high school team I led this time, there are 6 junior high school graduates from Xinguang School. In training, they actively play an exemplary role and influence the players around them with their actions. Their excellent quality and exquisite skills made me feel the power of inheritance. ”

Here, the "Xin" light shines!

After fierce competition, the awards were announced one by one. A total of 6 teams won the championship trophy of this competition. The successful holding of this invitational competition not only demonstrated the achievements and characteristics of Xinzhuang Town in art and sports education, but also provided a platform for primary and secondary school (kindergarten) students in Xinzhuang Town to show themselves and exchange learning. Many participants said that the art and sports education in Xinzhuang Town will definitely be more colorful and vigorous!

Here, the "Xin" light shines!

List of teams that have won the championship trophy

Here, the "Xin" light shines!

List of teams that won the first prize

Here, the "Xin" light shines!
Here, the "Xin" light shines!

Reporter: Dai Jingyi

Contribution: Xin Xiangrong preliminary review: Gao Shuting review: Shi Sijia final review: Liu Kenbo

Please indicate that it is from the official WeChat of Minhang today

Here, the "Xin" light shines!
Here, the "Xin" light shines!