
Moderate rain tonight, locally heavy to torrential rain! And thunder, wind, Xiaoice hail! Expected to last until ......

author:Haihe River bells

During the day today, the weather in Tianjin will be mainly cloudy

Temperatures are generally high

At 15 o'clock, the temperature in most parts of the city was around 33 °C

Moderate rain tonight, locally heavy to torrential rain! And thunder, wind, Xiaoice hail! Expected to last until ......
Moderate rain tonight, locally heavy to torrential rain! And thunder, wind, Xiaoice hail! Expected to last until ......

Future weather trends

Affected by the cold vortex system, it is expected that there will be moderate rain from today night to tomorrow in Tianjin, locally heavy to heavy rain, mainly concentrated from midnight today to tomorrow morning, accompanied by lightning, short-term heavy rainfall, 6~8 short-term strong winds and local Xiaoice hail, it is recommended to take measures in advance to prevent the adverse effects of short-term heavy rainfall, short-term strong winds and local Xiaoice hail

Moderate rain tonight, locally heavy to torrential rain! And thunder, wind, Xiaoice hail! Expected to last until ......
Moderate rain tonight, locally heavy to torrential rain! And thunder, wind, Xiaoice hail! Expected to last until ......

It is expected that there will be significant rain on the 2nd and 6th, showers and naughty, and we must bring rain gear when we travel, in case we need to have thousands of roads, and pay attention to safety on the way home on the first rainy day!

Affected by the rainy weather, the temperature began to fall, and the hot weather temporarily withdrew

Moderate rain tonight, locally heavy to torrential rain! And thunder, wind, Xiaoice hail! Expected to last until ......


As the saying goes, "can't be provoked, can afford to hide", in the event of strong convective weather, the public needs to avoid entering rivers, mountains, low-lying areas and other dangerous areas, traffic should avoid waterlogged road sections, drive carefully, slow driving, the best defense is to pay attention to the early warning forecast information in advance, and arrange travel plans reasonably

Weather forecast for the coming week

The first half of the night: cloudy to overcast with thundershowersThe second half of the night: cloudy with moderate rain accompanied by thunder and lightning and light winds turning easterly 3-4 with gusts of 6, minimum 23°C

Monday, July 1 Day: Cloudy with light rain Night: Light rain to cloudy easterly wind 3-4 gusts to light wind, 29 to 22°C

Tuesday, July 2 Cloudy with showers turning cloudy

Breeze, 27 to 22°C

Wednesday, July 3rd cloudy with light winds, 31 to 23°C

Thursday, July 4th cloudy with light winds, 33 to 23°C

Friday, July 5th cloudy with light winds to easterly winds of 3-4 degrees, 33 to 23°C

Saturday, July 6 Cloudy to overcast with thundershowers and light winds, 30 to 24°C

Sunday, July 7 was cloudy and cloudy

Breeze, 31 to 23°C

Moderate rain tonight, locally heavy to torrential rain! And thunder, wind, Xiaoice hail! Expected to last until ......

Source: Tianjin Meteorological Central Meteorological Observatory Jinyun

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Tianjin adjusts the basic pension of retirees!

Open tomorrow! You can take a boat to Yangliuqing!

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