
The poet renamed the summer

author:Read Time Magazine
The poet renamed the summer

Everything in life seems to be accelerating, and the express delivery can be delivered the next day, and when chasing dramas, I can't wait to set my fingers on the triple speed...... We are trapped in a high-speed efficiency machine, and we gradually forget how to slow down and how to feel time.

How to find a moment of comfort in a short life and a cramped world? Writer Pan Xiangli feels the Zen of life from ancient poems, opens up all her perception in daily life, and in her pen, everything is relaxed and beautiful, in her opinion: "Appreciating beauty in the gap of hurry and busyness is a precious talent." ”

This article is excerpted from "The Daily Life of Fragrance", written by Pan Xiangli.


Lotus Wind, Bamboo Dew, Idler

The poet renamed the summer

When the weather is hot, it is natural to think of writing summer poems.

The first thing that comes to mind is these words:

"The silver candle autumn light is cold, and the small fan flutters fireflies. The night is as cool as water, and you can sit and watch the morning glory Vega. ”

Then he immediately burst out laughing. Where is this written summer? Du Mu's famous work, the title of the poem is "Autumn Evening".

The bleak candlelight, the fan that is no longer needed after the season, the fireflies that haunt the inaccessible grass and trees, and the unattainable Cowherd and Vega are all telling the desolate, desolate, and hopeless fate of the palace maid. How can there be the abundance, richness, chaos and vibrancy of a summer night? So beautiful, so quiet, so desolate, it can only be an autumn night. But I think I've seen it somewhere, and say it's a depiction of a summer night—it would be a mistake, maybe not just me. However, everyone really likes this poem, and the great poet Du Mu should not blame us.

I can't help it, so I have to let the palace maid continue to sit still, it's summer now, and it's serious for us to read a few poems about summer.

"The common bottle is good, and the words are looking for the valley. The path of Xue Luo Mountain enters, and the lotus water pavilion opens. The sun contains residual rain, and the clouds send evening thunder. Luoyang bells and drums arrived, and the carriage and horse department returned late. ”

This poem, which is quite tempered but full of body, is entitled "Summer Over Zheng Qishan Zhai", the author Du Xianyan is the most accomplished person in the "Four Friends of Articles" in the early Tang Dynasty, especially in the stereotype of five-character poems and the perfection of seven-character quatrains, and has made outstanding contributions. He is Du Fu's grandfather, Du Fu is very proud of this, and once said a heroic sentence: "Poetry is my family affair", this is not accepted by others, because Du Fu does not say it and it is not the turn of others to say, even if it is Li Bai, he is not qualified to say it.

"Summer Over Zheng Qishan Zhai" is Du Xianyan's visit to Zheng Qi's house and visiting friends in the mountains, which is very suitable in summer. Not only because the mountains can escape the heat, but also because "the intentional person can be searched" is a kind of spiritual ventilation and even spiritual oxygen.

The poet renamed the summer

It is much more difficult to face the heat alone, and even feel hopeless.

"The rain is long, and it winds around the clear stream. Lead the cane to test the barren spring, and untie the belt around Hsinchu. What's the matter, loneliness is what you want. Fortunately, the camp was rested, and the song was quiet and hot. (Liu Zongyuan, "Looking for Foolish Creek after the Rain in Early Summer")

Liu Zongyuan is a very thoughtful person, and it is especially painful when the situation is not good. Just seeing that he was so lonely and bored after the rain at the beginning of summer, and had no pleasure, I knew that he would definitely fall into the double scorching of weather and mood in the middle of summer-

"I got up at night in the bitter heat, and went upstairs to wear clothes alone. The mountains are condensed in the heat, and the stars are bright. The fire crystals are dry and dewy, and the wild is quiet and the wind is mighty. Explore the soup and draw the yin well, and the stove is opened. After a long time of hesitation, sweat cannot be waved. Mo Bianting is poisonous, and he sues Xuan and Ji. Forgive Fei Gu for shooting, Jing Sheng An Nengxi. (Liu Zongyuan, "Summer Night Bitter Heat Ascending the West Tower")

Heaven and earth are full of heat, get rid of the plan, unable to sleep, climb the stairs alone, still can't find coolness, look up at the starry sky can only pour out their grievances, and finally admit that they are not the gods on Gushu Mountain, can not expect to be as pure and serene as them. Liu Zongyuan is a person who understands, and he knows that because of his concern for politics and his dissatisfaction with those in power, the "summer heat" comes from his heart, and he cannot get real coolness and tranquility.

Compared with Liu Zongyuan, Dou Shuxiang's name is very unresounding, but this song "Summer Night Cousin Talks the Old" is meaningful and quite touching:

"The night flowers bloom fragrantly, and the night is drunk and the rain is drunk. Far books cherish He Zengda, and the old things are bleak and unhearable. In Japan, the children all grew up, and the relatives and friends of the past were half withered. The Ming Dynasty was a lonely boat again, and I was sad to see the river bridge and the wine curtain was green. ”

Yu Qiyun, a close friend, commented: "With its innocence, it is the most easily moved. Those who are middle-aged or older are all in everyone's mind. ("A Brief Introduction to Poetry") is true, it is all common feelings, pure heart, natural flow, self-feeling, not wanting people to resonate and resonate spontaneously. This poem reminds me of Li Yi's "Happy to See My Brother and Say Goodbye" in a similar situation, but the emotions are more mixed than Li Shi's, so it is somewhat close to Du Fu's touching "Gift to the Eight Guards".

In summer, when relatives and friends get together, there is actually an inconvenience, that is, you need to dress relatively neatly in the sweaty temperature. When you think about it this way, you immediately understand what a drudgery it is to accompany the emperor in the summer (there is no air conditioning all the time)! What's more, when the heat is fainting, he still has to face the emperor's "proposition composition" that is "difficult" at any time, and "respond" to compose poems.

Song Zhiwen's character has nothing to do with the "gentleman", but he is indeed talented, and under such circumstances, the poems he writes are still neat and rich, and he has done the praise, scene, rendering, and aftertaste. Who said you don't need to be an official?

"Gaoling forces the galaxy, take advantage of this day. The wild is rainy and moist, and the mountains are mixed with summer clouds. Ruizao light cave, Chen's placket and dill. Leisurely small world, the return road is full of songs. (Song Zhiwen "Summer Immortal Calyx Pavilion Response")

In the seventy-sixth episode of "Dream of Red Mansions", Xiangyun smiled and said, "Don't commit the crime of praising the saints for them", which shows the orientation of a pure poet, but in Song Zhiwen, "praising the saints" is not only his own job and "his own responsibility", but also very compatible with his climbing speculative personality, which can give full play to his talents, so this kind of poems accounts for a large proportion of his works.

Being an idler, leisurely between the mountains and rivers, can naturally be much cooler, but people in the same way do not get together from time to time.

"The mountain light suddenly sets in the west, and the pond moon gradually rises in the east. Radiate the sunset cool, open and open. The lotus wind sends the fragrance, and the bamboo dew drops are clear. If you want to play the piano, you hate ignorance. I feel nostalgic for the old people, and I dream of working in the middle of the night. ”

This is Meng Haoran's "Summer Nanting Huaixin Da". This poem is clear and tranquil, warm and clean, with moonlight, lotus wind, bamboo dew, the sound of the piano in my heart, and the longing for my friends. Heaven and earth, scenery, idlers, so harmonious, so pure, so comfortable, make people grateful.

The poet renamed the summer

If you choose only one poem about summer, you may hesitate; But if you only choose one sentence, then choose "the lotus wind sends the fragrance, the bamboo dew drops are clear", it makes people feel that the summer is cool, and the fragrance is overflowing, and the crystal light flows. Lotus wind, bamboo dew, idlers, poets rename summer.


"Steamed wood" leads to "hibiscus fried"

The poet renamed the summer

In autumn, the richness of osmanthus envelops the whole city. Several trees in the community bloomed extraordinarily grandly this year, and I couldn't help but walk under the laurel tree, look up and enjoy the rich and sweet aroma, and sincerely repeat the exclamation of previous years: What a fragrance! It smells so good!

It was as if each bud was a miniature topaz bottle containing the balm that had been brewed for three seasons, and when the "autumn" king arrived, he cheered and poured out the balm from the billions of small jade bottles, to anoint the new king from head to toe. The incense of this world without hesitation is surprising, intoxicating, and secretly ashamed of being useless, almost a little bit unsure of what to do.

Osmanthus always reminds me of Xin Qiji's "Qingping Le, Remembering Wujiang Appreciating Wood":

The young man drank bitterly and remembered Wu Jiang to wake up. The bright moon is full of tall tree shadows, and the water is cold for ten miles.

Most of them are a little palace yellow, and the world is fragrant. I'm afraid that it is the autumn wind and dew, and the dyeing and teaching world is fragrant.

Yonggui and get its wind god, the artistic conception is beautiful and open, and the words are clear and fragrant. "Dadu" is the meaning of "but", "a little", the small osmanthus flower, and then borrow the "palace yellow" painted by the woman in the palace to say its color; Of course, the main reason is to marvel at its "fragrance" - it's just such a small little bit of tender yellow, and it is so fragrant that the whole world is fragrant.

The poet renamed the summer

I love osmanthus very much, and I love Xin words very much, so that when I don't see osmanthus, I will think of this "Qingping Le". Not long ago, when the 500th issue of "Youth Literature" was published, I recorded this poem and sent it to congratulate it, because it is about the memory of youth, flying, warm, bright, and joyful, just like the feeling that the famous journal "Youth Literature" has given me in the past 20 years.

Tang people sing the famous sentence of Gui, only remember the end of Lu Zhaolin's "The Ancient Meaning of Chang'an":

"Lonely and lonely Yangzi dwelling, a bed of books every year. The unique Nanshan osmanthus hair, flying around and attacking people. ”

Whether it is to set off the tranquility of Nanshan and the noble character of the reader, or to allude to the lonely genius of the literary name will be famous for centuries, the admiration for osmanthus is very strong.

Before and after the osmanthus bloom, the weather was suddenly muggy, as if it had turned around and returned to summer. In early autumn, the sunny and sultry weather after the rain and low temperature has a name, called "Mu Xi steaming", also called osmanthus steaming.

Volume 8 of "Qing Jialu" has a "Mu Xi Steaming" article:

"Vulgarly call rock cinnamon for the wood, there are two kinds of morning and evening, in the autumn equinox festival open the early laurel, the cold dew festival open the evening laurel. When the flowers will be spent, there will be several days of hot such as the heat, which is called the steaming of the wood, and the words are steaming and the flowers are also rising. Since it is the golden wind urging the stamen, the jade dew is fragrant, the men and women are old, they are extremely interested in longitudinal travel, and they are also the beginning of the decade, and the number is Muxi City. ”

Steamed wood. Osmanthus steamed. I feel joy when I hear it at first time, how apt and vivid, and how wonderful and elegant! Gradually, I feel that this contains a kind of warm and tenacious optimism from the people. It seems that the sudden resurgence of the summer is to achieve a grand osmanthus festival, so the high temperature of the restoration is no longer unpleasant, but like a happy covenant:

"The osmanthus is going to bloom, and it will be hot for a few days."

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say, how good the osmanthus smell is, even though it's hot!"

I have been thinking about giving other kinds of weather a good name according to this logic, so as to appease myself who was struggling to count the days at that time.

When the lotus is in full bloom, it is the time when the sun is "full of fire", and the lotus needs such scorching heat and strong light.

The poet renamed the summer


So, "hibiscus roast"?

It sounds easy to misunderstand it as a "hibiscus test", and lotus flowers don't need to be examined, and it's not good.

Yes, it's called "hibiscus frying", also known as "lotus frying" (as usual).

The weather was so hot, but I didn't say "it's hot" anymore, but thought: this is hibiscus fried.

This is not a boring naming game, as soon as it is called, the subtext becomes: "No, she won't bloom the lotus!" How beautiful the hibiscus out of the water is, that year in the West Lake Quyuan Wind Lotus, and Shaoxing Shen Garden...... Alas, for the sake of the lotus, I can't bear to be a little hot. ”

In the middle of winter, the frost is cold and the wind is cold, the earth is frozen, but the wax plum prefers the cold, this flower should be placed in the wind and frost when the cold wave comes, and it is enough to suffer from the cold, and the flowers are blooming in winter, and the natural fragrance is more. So, call the "most difficult to breathe" cold day "wax plum jelly", and the frost at that time was nicknamed "wax plum cream". In this way, the cold that invades the muscles and bones brings the fragrance of wax plum, and it is easier to endure.

Mild cold weather in spring that is stormy and prone to colds?

Let's call it "Pear Blossom Yin".

For the osmanthus flowers, we sincerely welcome the steaming of the wood; For the wax plum, calmly deal with the wax plum jelly; For the sake of pear blossoms, it is ridiculous to pear blossom yin; For the sake of lotus, I am not afraid of hibiscus frying from now on. But it turns out that in the face of the same thing, the feeling can also be customized and secretly refreshed, and only one chic and interesting reason is needed.


The poet renamed the summer

Look at how the Tang people spend the summer

On the WeChat account of "Sanlian Life Solar Terms", I read a "summer escape in the "Zunsheng Eight Notes", there are water summer retreats, summer drinks in Heshuo, high lying north windows, summer shelters, icebergs, water banquets, cool breezes, reading with the shade of trees, floating melons and plums and other wonderful methods, as well as Chengshui silk, ice silk, Zhao Liangzhu and other strange things, it is very interesting.

When I read Tang poems again, I noticed how people in the Tang Dynasty spent summer.

Drinking tea porridge –

"When the heat is strong, the birds are still and do not fly. Nian Jun Gao Wuyin, recovering the mountain clothes. A few distant clouds once did not hide the sun. Drown in the tea porridge, and share my rice fern rose. We are not far away, and we are slowly returning at dusk. (Chu Guangxi, "Eating Tea Porridge")

——The summer diet is naturally different from that of other times, and tea porridge can clear the fire, appetize, calm the heart, and refresh the mind, which is indeed the best choice.

Drinking in the water pavilion, enjoying the cool scenery and seeing off friends——

"The pavilion will be goodbye to the evening, and the pool is not drunk. Close the door and dream of the sunset, and the cactus leads to the horse. Lotus leaf Tibetan fish boat, rattan flower hairpin. The remnant clouds collect the summer heat, and the new rain brings the autumn lan. Lost in the road is uncomfortable, and it is unbearable to think about it. In the house of Reizting, there is no small river pool. (Cen Shen "June 13th Water Pavilion Sent Huayin Wang Shaofu to Return to the County")

Qingtang rafting——

"When you are tired, you can return to the pond in a light boat. The breeze drifts and blows horizontally around the forest. The clouds and water are sunset, and the rain is slightly cool. As soon as you write about diligence, would you rather use it to sue Huaqing? (Wei Yingwu, "Nantang Boating Club Yuan Liukunji")

Lying high in the north window, the mountain boy making tea to be cooked, is naturally a summer day for literati and scholars-

"Nanzhou is drunk like wine in the summer, and he sleeps in the north. At noon, there is no sound alone, and the mountain boy knocks on the tea mortar across the bamboo. (Liu Zongyuan's "Summer Day Occasional Works")

In the end, military generals are different from scribes, even if they have retired and depressed, they still have a luxurious and heroic background under the cold of the court, such as Zhang Wei's "Summer Theme Veteran Lin Ting":

After a hundred battles, Hou Men gradually became like a fairy.

The rain on the wall is fine and the grass is thin, and the wind on the water surface gathers the fallen flowers.

The well is put to soak the wine, and the parrot is opened to report the sencha.

How many people are in Lingyan Pavilion, and they have never fought against Sesha?

"The rain on the wall is fine and the grass hangs, and the wind on the water surface returns to gather and fall flowers" is a commendable sentence, the previous sentence says that no one comes to the door, the owner has no intention of cleaning up, the garden is desolate, and the latter sentence says that the falling flowers swirl with the wind on the water surface. But the size of the pond that can accommodate the falling flowers will not be small, not to mention the wine soaked in the well and the parrots that will inform the servants of sencha, and there is still a little comfort and wealth in the sparse fall.

When it comes to writing about the rich atmosphere, "the sheng song returns to the courtyard, and the lights go down the stairs" is a famous sentence that enjoys a fixed evaluation. From Bai Juyi's "Banquet Dispersion", the full poem says:

The small banquet chases the cool and scatters, and the flat bridge returns to the moon.

Sheng Ge returned to the courtyard, and the lights went down the stairs.

The summer cicadas are exhausted, and the new autumn geese are brought.

Will He Ying sleep happily, lying down and raising the remnant cup.

After Bai Juyi was middle-aged, he adopted the strategy of "hidden" and lived a life of contentment and contentment, and at the same time he loved music very much, and composed a lot of music by himself, and could also play the piano and the sheng, and conduct the orchestra. He has a lot of housework, and the allusion of "Sukou Manwaist" is from his housekeeper Fan Su and Xiaoman, who are good at singing and dancing. Zhao Yi once said in "Oubei Poems": "His family music can be beautifully matched with the prime minister and left-behind players." It can be seen that Bai Juyi's family music battle.

Bai Juyi seems to be a first-class character in "Dream of Red Mansions", not so much that his poems are cleverly written, but that he enjoys them very layered:

After the host and guests are happy, the host instructs the servants to send the guests, and the lights guide the guests from the floor to go down, and the carriages and horses slowly disperse: the master sees that the moonlight is just right, the night air is cool, and then the moon is cool, and when he comes back, he does not want to sleep, and then he pours himself a drink, and then he is satisfied, and sleeps with a slight drunkenness.

The poet renamed the summer

Even such wealthy people sometimes use the simplest way to beat the heat, which is to go to bed early -

"The moon is bright, and the incense is clear. The green screen covers the shadow of the candle, and the curtain under the red sleeves. After sitting for a long time, the first dream of sleep has not come true. Who teaches parrots, so they are shocked. (Bai Juyi's "Human Determination")

But some people spend the summer in a way that pays more attention to the spiritual world, such as Wang Wei's "Cumulus Rim Sichuan Zhuang Works":

The rain is in the empty forest, and the fireworks are late, and the steamed quinoa is cooked.

Flying egrets in desert paddy fields, yellow emu in the yin and yin summer.

Yamanaka 习静观朝槿,松下清斋折露葵。

The wild old man is competing with others, and the seagulls are even more suspicious.

After days of rain, smoke finally rises from the tree-shaded village. The coarse tea and light rice that is being burned are to be given to the people who are farming in the east of the village. On the vast flat paddy fields, egrets sometimes fly by; The melodious cry of a yellow oriole could be heard in the lush woods. I cultivate my self-cultivation in the mountains, watch the morning hibiscus open in the morning and thank you in the evening, and comprehend life; In Panasonic and dew fold sunflower, do not stick to the meat fish. I am already a person who has withdrawn from the officialdom of chasing fame and fortune, and why is Gull still suspicious and unwilling to get close to me?

Living in seclusion in the countryside, practicing quietness, eating and fasting, spending the summer in this way not only abandons the shameful glory and fortune, breaks free from the shackles of fame, but also breaks away from the world, blends with heaven and earth, and abandons others and wrestles with the soul. Thus attaining true tranquility and supreme coolness.

"Flying egrets in the desert paddy fields, and yellow orioles in the yin and summer trees", these two lines of poetry are so good that any praise seems clumsy and ridiculous. In the summer of Wang Wei's pen, there are empty forests, egrets, orioles, cooking smoke, ploughing fields and simple farmers, and a poet who is far away from competition, breaking free from the dust net, and returning to himself.

This picture, this realm, is the same as Wang Wei's poetic style, "how much at ease"!

I can't learn to go to the mountains, learn quietly, and eat fasting, but I will: drink tea, raise pots, appreciate porcelain, read posts, read books, especially reading Wang Wei's poems, the most cool and cool.

This article is excerpted from "The Daily Life of Fragrance"

The poet renamed the summer

Author: Pan Xiangli

Publisher: Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House

Source: WeChat public account "Zhuoer Bookstore"

Author: Pan Xiangli

Editor: Pan Xi

[Disclaimer: This number is the official public welfare account of "National Reading Promotion", and this article is reprinted for the purpose of conveying more information. If there is a source label error or other inaccuracies, please contact us. We will correct it in a timely manner. Thank you]

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