
Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

author:Eternal Chi Guosheng


Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity - Eternal Chi Kunok-sung: @广陵王聊历史 Textbook Eyes Open and Tell Nonsense - Today's Headlines

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Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

Very hurt,

Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

I've been making up stories all the time?

Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

Are at least six dialects in Nantong made up by my nine-colored deer?

Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

A certain local's textbook opening of his eyes and telling nonsense is also a skill! [Like] [Like] [Like]

Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

This @ Che Jian Che is really a sincere person [like] [like] [like], a humble person, crying the wrong grave is the norm.

Teach you to be good, my ID of the nine-colored deer is called Eternal Chi Guosheng!

Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

If you do something, you must not turn to yourself.

Reflect on this.

Chairman Mao, the great leader, taught us to [if there is a change, if there is no encouragement], to crush the rumors of a certain person with real skills.

Gossip is not to say, let's get back to business, let's revisit the ancient poem of Zhang Lei in the Northern Song Dynasty [Huaiyang]

Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

The first sentence [Huaiyang Ancient Emperor Ruins] is very incomprehensible, there is Taihao (good sound) Mausoleum in Huaiyang District, Zhoukou City, Henan Province, there is no emperor mausoleum, and there is a mausoleum of King Xiang of Chuqing, all of which are not [Shi Fengjun].

Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

The meaning of the first feudal monarch is the first vassal state.

Chen Guo

Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

Which one is easy to look for, haha

Shi Fengjun called Concubine (Yin Gui) Man, Zhoukou City, Henan Province, Huaiyang District, Longhu Southeast, Nantan Lake, there is his cemetery.

Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity
Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

[Historical Records: Chen Qi Family] contains [Chen Hu Gongman, after Yu Emperor Shun...... King Wu of Zhou, Ke Yin, is the queen of Shun, and he is full of concubines

Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

, sealed in Chen, in order to worship Emperor Shun, is for Hu Gong].

Chen Hu's real name is Concubine Man, and he is the son-in-law of Ji Fa, the king of Zhou Wu (the one who is the one of the [Romance of the Gods] Lifa Shang).

People are full of smooth sailing, delicious food and drink for a lifetime, what is there to sigh about Zhang Lei?

Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

The beggar lamented that Ma Yun was corrupted by copper odor (Yinxiu)? Not like a beggar who is poor?

Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

Everyone knows that Zhang Lei was seventeen or eighteen years old when he traveled to Chenzhou to see Chenzhou professor Su Zhe Su Ziyou (two hungry Mr. Wanqiu, haha, both teachers and students are poor ghosts), and he can't talk about it.

So will this Huaiyang be my big Huai'an?

Don't spray me,

Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

We have ancient records! [Like] [Like] [Like]

I am called [Huaishang], and in addition to [Lianshang], there is another called [Sishang]!

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Liu Che Yuanding four years (113 BC) set up the country of Surabaya!

Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

The first Fengjun was Liu Shang, the king of Surabaya.

In the same way, people eat and drink well for a lifetime, what does Zhang Lei have to sigh about?

In the fourth year of Liu Bang, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty (201 BC), Han Xin was named the king of Qi.

In the fifth year (202 BC), the king of Qi was abolished and Han Xin was named the king of Chu, and Huaiyin belonged to the Chu Kingdom.

In six years, Han Xin was degraded to the Marquis of Huaiyin, and the country was sealed to Han Xincheng (Ganluo City).

In the eleventh year (196 years ago), Han Xinweiyang Palace was killed, not to kill when he saw the sky, not to kill when he saw the ground, not to kill when he saw iron, and Liu Ji and Liu Laosan's promise also counted.

Emperor Liu Xuan of the Han Dynasty was poisoned by the general Liang Yi in the first year of Benchu (146).

In the first year of the Han Dynasty (189), Emperor Liu Xieyong of the Han Dynasty was poisoned and killed, and he did not see the light of day and the iron tools!


Relevant knowledge

Idiom [push food and undress]

Han Xin has made great contributions to the country, Chu and Han are competing, and any party can win the world with Han Xin's help.

[Historical Records: The Biography of Han Xinhou] records that [the king of ministers, the official is not Langzhong, the position is not a halberd, he does not listen to words, and he does not need to draw (plan), so he doubles (abandons) Chu and returns to Han. The king of Han gave me the seal of the general, gave me tens of thousands of people, undressed me, pushed me to eat, listened to my words, and used my words, so I was able to come to this. Madame deeply believes in me, and I am doubly (betrayed) ominous, although death is not easy. Fortunately, thank you for the letter]!

Han Xin was grateful to Liu Ji and Liu Laosan for the grace of knowing the encounter, and finally couldn't bear to carry it, even millions of people, the battle must be won, the attack must be taken, out of Chen Cang, Dingsan Qin, capture Wei Podai, and destroy Zhao Zhenyan. Annihilated the Chu army.

Such a hero, such a national hero, finally died at the hands of a woman, how sad and sad!

Its head is in a different place (there are three tombs of Han Xin, Shaanxi Baqiao Tomb, Shanxi Lingshi Tomb, Jiangsu Huaiyin Tomb), the father and the elder pity him, and set up a tomb for it (the first tomb or a clothed mound), and the ancestral hall is sacrificed.

【Song, Xu Jideng, Huaiyin Ancient City】

This city cannot be called Ganluo, and the Marquis of Huaiyin is injust.

Its atmosphere is depressed and vigorous, so that the flat land is born.


I am in Huai'an Han Han Xinhou Temple in Huai'an District Town Huailou East

Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

灵武冠世 (照壁)

Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

Medal Crown Three Heroes (Three Heroes are Han Xin, Zhang Liang, Xiao He)

Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

Statue of Han Xinhou

Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity
Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity
Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity
Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

As a native of Han Xin's hometown (a native of Huaiyin, Chuzhou), it is not surprising that Zhang Lei was indignant.

Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity



Zhang Lei's ancient poem [Huaiyang] I am the most important evidence that the nine-colored deer is determined to be my great Huai'an

Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

Haoshui can be translated as a moat, but Guhaoshui cannot.

Guhao Water is the upper reaches of Huaishui in Fengyang, Anhui Province

Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

One, Zhang Lei's first time as an official was the main book of Linhuai (nine products, thanks to the word teacher @ Slender West Lake to say Yangzhou, haha),

Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity
Sigh from the beginning of the king, leave a mound for eternity

My big Huai'an is in the lower reaches of Guhao River, but Hanzhi Huaiyang County is not related.


【Song, Zhanglei, Han Xin Temple】

A thousand daughters and a meal are still repaid, and the south is called lonely (sound) forget.

Why wait for Chen Hou to get up, don't think about Xiao Xiang in Xianyang.

【Tang Liu Yuxi, Han Xin Temple】

The general will slightly kill the world, and the pale yellow bell room sighs for the bow.

紣 (音啐) so that future generations ascend the altar, every thought is afraid of meritorious service.

[Tang Li Shen but over the Huai Di hanging Han Xin Temple]

The merit is high and he abandons the Han Yuanchen, and the temple is gloomy and waterfront.

Director Ying Xian increased the tiger's wings, and the fake king Fufu committed dragon scales.

Cheap can endure shame and humility, and there is little wealth and loyalty.

I pay a meal with a thousand dollars in vain, and I don't know how to defend myself.

【Yuan·Sadula·Yujiangyue· Over Huaiyin】

Short-coated skinny horse,

Looking at the sky is wide,

Biyun Forest.

Nomizu Lonely Castle,

I still remember that time.


Paper ash wind,

Fly into the Huaiyin Temple.

Shibirt liquor,

Heroes Senko Hanging.

Where is the desolate grave of the mother,

Qingming Fall Day,

Intestine cut off Wang Sun Cao.

The bird hides the bow into the bottom of the matter,

Pepsi is better than home.

Midnight bells,

Five more chickens sing,

The north and south pedestrians are old.


Youth is here again.

[Qing Yuan Baoheng (son of Yuan Jiasan, governor of Caoyun, uncle of Yuan Shikai)

In the eyes of Emperor Gao, there are only two males, Huaiyin Tongshi and Chongpupil.

King Xiang is dead, the general is here, can he not be suspicious until the end of the exam.


Nine-colored deer comment [The four wild gods are not plants and trees, and the eight wildernesses and ten thousand kinds should have spirits]!
