
CDPR wants to get some advice from fans about the sequel to Cyberpunk 2077


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CDPR wants to get some advice from fans about the sequel to Cyberpunk 2077

Fans have witnessed the changes that have taken place in Cyberpunk 2077. When the game's reputation suffered, the developers did their own to salvage the game's enthusiasm. Cyberpunk 2077 was then updated to the 2.0 update and Phantom Liberty DLC, which received a wave of critical acclaim and gave CD Projekt Red the confidence to develop a sequel. Now, players are looking forward to the next game and want to have an equally memorable time in Night City.

CDPR wants to get some advice from fans about the sequel to Cyberpunk 2077

As part of CD Projekt Red's AnsweRED podcast, the developers shared their expectations for the Cyberpunk 2077 sequel (currently codenamed Project Orion). Dan Hernberg, Executive Producer of Project Orion, spoke about the themes of human exploitation and dystopia in Cyberpunk 2077, hoping to find ways to amplify the impact of those themes. He argues that the development of video games provides a relatively safe environment to call out social injustice. He expressed the hope that the questions would be raised in a sharp way so that everyone could think more about those things. I hope that the sequel can be presented to players in a more perfect state.

CDPR wants to get some advice from fans about the sequel to Cyberpunk 2077

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CDPR wants to get some advice from fans about the sequel to Cyberpunk 2077
CDPR wants to get some advice from fans about the sequel to Cyberpunk 2077

CDProjekt RED

Brief introduction:

CDProjekt AG (Polish: CDProjekt S.A.) is a Warsaw, Poland-based video game developer, publisher and distributor, founded in 1994 by video game retailers Marcin Iwinski and Mika Tisinski.

Founded: 1994

Headquarters: Warsaw, Poland

Representative works: "The Witcher" series, Cyberpunk 2077

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