
With more than 25,000 casualties and $2,000 losses in 42 days, the U.S. war woke up countries around the world

author:Historical riddles

When the smoke of the Iran-Iraq war had not completely dissipated, Iraq took another attack on Kuwait because of the debt problem, triggering a local conflict that shocked the world. On August 2, 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait with lightning speed, a move that not only triggered international condemnation, but also touched a nerve in the United States.

As Kuwait's oil supplier, the United States feels threatened by its vital interests. Moreover, for a long time, Saddam Hussein has always wanted to change the rules for the settlement of oil in US dollars, which undoubtedly touched the reverse scales of the United States, so that an unprecedented modern war -- the Gulf War -- is about to break out.

With more than 25,000 casualties and $2,000 losses in 42 days, the U.S. war woke up countries around the world

At that time, Iraq was known as the "little overlord of the Middle East", its army was huge, with a total strength of one million, well-equipped, and it purchased a large number of warplanes, tanks, and missiles from the Soviet Union. In the Gulf War, Saddam Hussein dispatched 860,000 troops to respond. However, in the face of the high-tech offensive of the US military and its allies, the Iraqi army is so vulnerable.

In just 42 days, it was completely defeated, with about 25,000 killed and more than $2 trillion in economic losses. This war not only cost Iraq dearly, but also demonstrated to the world the terrifying power of modern warfare. The United States, with its sophisticated weaponry and advanced tactical concepts, has taught the world a good lesson.

With more than 25,000 casualties and $2,000 losses in 42 days, the U.S. war woke up countries around the world

During the war, the US military used various high-tech weapons, such as tracking bombers, new aircraft carriers and warships, to inflict a devastating blow on the Iraqi army.

Through the coordinated operation of satellites and electronic warfare aircraft, Iraq's electronic equipment was paralyzed, radar communications were blocked, missiles could not be guided, and combat effectiveness was completely lost. The U.S. military also uses infrared systems to equip firearms, so that soldiers can clearly locate enemy positions at night.

With more than 25,000 casualties and $2,000 losses in 42 days, the U.S. war woke up countries around the world

The most shocking thing about this war was the more than 90,000 tons of bombs dropped by the US military, including cluster bombs, precision-guided missiles and other high-tech weapons. These bombs not only destroyed Iraq's ground superiority, but also demonstrated the powerful strength of the United States' air-space integrated electronic information warfare. Iraq was powerless in this war and was completely suppressed by the high-tech weapons of the US military.

The Gulf War became a war of the greatest significance in the military history of mankind. It has not only changed the mode of warfare, but also made all countries in the world realize the dominant position of information-based high-tech weapons on the battlefield in the future. The war woke up the world, and countries began to reform their military to meet the needs of future battlefields.

With more than 25,000 casualties and $2,000 losses in 42 days, the U.S. war woke up countries around the world

As a military power at that time, the Soviet Union had to admit that its military theory and technology had lagged behind the United States, after all, the Soviet Union was still mainly attacking tanks and armor on the ground. The war accelerated the collapse of the Soviet Union and also marked the leading position of the United States in the global military arena.

For China, the Gulf War also had far-reaching consequences. It reminds us that traditional methods of warfare are no longer fit for the needs of the modern battlefield. Against the background of information-based warfare, we must step up scientific and technological innovation and raise the level of informationization in the armed forces.

With more than 25,000 casualties and $2,000 losses in 42 days, the U.S. war woke up countries around the world

Fortunately, China recognized this in time. Under the impetus of reform, our economic strength and scientific and technological level have been significantly improved. After more than 20 years of hard work, China's military technology has caught up, and a series of high-tech weapons and equipment have been unveiled one after another, demonstrating China's military strength.

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