
Surprise! 6 "newcomers" in the top 18 of the national football team are expected to be selected: Hu Hetao and Wang Yudong are listed!

author:Super League Ball Review

As the national football team approaches the round of 18, the team lineup gradually surfaces. "Football Daily" reported that the national team will continue to vigorously promote the rejuvenation strategy at this stage, and six "newcomers" are expected to be selected as candidates for young internationals, which is expected. Hu Hetao and Wang Yudong, two young players, may usher in an important moment in their national football careers with their outstanding performances.

Surprise! 6 "newcomers" in the top 18 of the national football team are expected to be selected: Hu Hetao and Wang Yudong are listed!

In recent years, the Chinese Football Association has clarified the direction of rejuvenation in the construction of the national football team, which is not only to cultivate the main force of the national football team in the future, but also to hope that young players can gain more practical experience in the international arena. In this round of 18, the national football team will continue this line of thinking. Wu Shaocong, Dai Weijun, Wang Haijian, Tao Qianglong, Hu Hetao and Wang Yudong, six young players, are expected to be included in the national team's inspection list. Among them, although Hu Hetao and Wang Yudong have not been selected for the national team before, their performance in the league is eye-catching, especially worth looking forward to.

Surprise! 6 "newcomers" in the top 18 of the national football team are expected to be selected: Hu Hetao and Wang Yudong are listed!

The introduction of young players can not only inject fresh blood into the team, but also improve the overall combat effectiveness. Wang Yudong's performance in the national youth team and the league is particularly prominent, and his keen offensive awareness in the front court has attracted a lot of attention. Although he has not played many games in the league, fans believe that the national football team is in a period of rebuilding and that nothing is more important than giving young people a chance. Hu Hetao, on the other hand, has shown excellent technical and physical reserves in recent matches and is expected to play an important role in the national football team.

Surprise! 6 "newcomers" in the top 18 of the national football team are expected to be selected: Hu Hetao and Wang Yudong are listed!

Fans expressed support for the rejuvenation strategy of the national football team. Many fans believe that the chances of the national football team in the round of 18 are not great, and instead of relying on veterans, it is better to let young players experience in the international arena. As one fan said: "Just play the club if you are old, there is no risk in the national football team now, it is better to boldly use young people, maybe there will be surprises." "It's also a reflection of the anticipation and support for the new generation of players.

Surprise! 6 "newcomers" in the top 18 of the national football team are expected to be selected: Hu Hetao and Wang Yudong are listed!

The rejuvenation strategy of the national football team is not only for the future, but also a helpless move under the current situation. After all, the overall strength of the national team is relatively weak, and the fighting spirit and potential of young players may be able to make up for the lack of experience to a certain extent. In the round of 18, hard work will be the most basic requirement. The addition of young players will make the whole team more positive and help create a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere for preparation. This round of 18, no matter what the result is, the performance of young players will become an important reference for the future of Chinese football. It is hoped that these new forces can shine in the international arena and lay a solid foundation for the future of the national football team. (Super League Commentary)