
Tengwang Pavilion Scenic Area won the 2024 Tourist Attraction Innovation and Development Case Award

author:Nanchang release

On June 29, the 2024 "Travel the Great Beauty of China, Share a Better Life" 2024 Tourism Cities, Towns and Tourist Attractions Innovation and Development Case Collection and Promotion Conference hosted by the China Association of Tourist Attractions was held in Beijing.

Tengwang Pavilion Scenic Area won the 2024 Tourist Attraction Innovation and Development Case Award

It is understood that the Tengwang Pavilion Intelligent Back Order Pavilion project is the country's first artificial intelligence large language model driven by the virtual digital human "Wang Bo" project, the project uses advanced artificial intelligence technology to allow tourists to interact with the virtual digital person "Wang Bo" in the scenic spot, as if traveling through time and space, and personally feel the charm of millennium culture. Through the dialogue with "Wang Bo", tourists can have a deeper understanding of the history and culture of Tengwang Pavilion and Wang Bo's literary achievements, bringing a new travel experience to tourists.

Tengwang Pavilion Scenic Area won the 2024 Tourist Attraction Innovation and Development Case Award

In addition to the intelligent back order pavilion project, Tengwang Pavilion Scenic Area also cooperated with Jiangxi Chinese Media Digital Publishing Co., Ltd. and Xinhua Zhiyun Technology Co., Ltd. to jointly build the Jiangyou Cultural Digital Experience Hall. The project is committed to conveying the unique charm of Jiangxi culture to the whole country and the world, and visitors can gain an in-depth understanding of Jiangxi's history, culture, customs and folk traditions through digital technology in the Jiangyou Cultural Digital Experience Center. At the same time, the scenic spot has also developed a "Jiangyou cultural big data base" including characters, events, poems, etc., and built an online Jiangyou cultural platform relying on the data base, which realizes the interconnection and sharing of the two online and offline platforms, and provides tourists with a richer and more convenient cultural tourism experience.

Tengwang Pavilion Scenic Area won the 2024 Tourist Attraction Innovation and Development Case Award

In the current wave of science and technology represented by artificial intelligence, with the rapid development of a new generation of artificial intelligence technology, AI technology is increasingly widely used in all walks of life, Tengwang Pavilion Scenic Area keeps up with the forefront of science and technology, and successfully promotes the integration and innovation of culture and tourism by giving full play to the advantages of AI technology, injecting new vitality into the development of the tourism industry in Nanchang City and even Jiangxi Province.

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