
The Silk Road Community of Chunliu Street carried out the "July 1st" Party Day activity - Red Heart to the Party, a gift to July 1st

author:Dalian Railway Station

In order to commemorate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party, improve the cohesion, appeal and combat effectiveness of the party organization, and enhance the sense of honor, responsibility and mission of the majority of party members, on the morning of July 1, 2024, the Party Committee of the Silk Road Community of Chunliu Street organized a party day activity with the theme of "Red Heart to the Party, Gift to July 1st", which was attended by more than 50 party members, in-service party members and non-public party branches of the community.

The Silk Road Community of Chunliu Street carried out the "July 1st" Party Day activity - Red Heart to the Party, a gift to July 1st
The Silk Road Community of Chunliu Street carried out the "July 1st" Party Day activity - Red Heart to the Party, a gift to July 1st

Before the start of the event, the party members were grateful to the party, and wrote what they wanted to say to the party into the blessing card and solemnly pasted it on the blessing wall. In the card, there are thanks to the party, a look back on the history of the party, and blessings to the party...... Although the words were short, they deeply expressed the deep love of all party members for the party.

The Silk Road Community of Chunliu Street carried out the "July 1st" Party Day activity - Red Heart to the Party, a gift to July 1st
The Silk Road Community of Chunliu Street carried out the "July 1st" Party Day activity - Red Heart to the Party, a gift to July 1st

With the music melody of "Always Follow the Party" sounded, the five old party members who have reached the 50th anniversary of the party have resolute eyes and solemn expressions, and come to the stage with steady steps. The veteran party members were in good spirits, and expressed their gratitude to the party and the motherland, and their excitement and cherishment for winning the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

The Silk Road Community of Chunliu Street carried out the "July 1st" Party Day activity - Red Heart to the Party, a gift to July 1st
The Silk Road Community of Chunliu Street carried out the "July 1st" Party Day activity - Red Heart to the Party, a gift to July 1st

Subsequently, around the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" in the basic knowledge of the Communist Party of China, the knowledge of the Communist Party of China was carried out to carry out knowledge of the Communist Party of China, and the party members who performed well in the activities were awarded honorary certificates.

The Silk Road Community of Chunliu Street carried out the "July 1st" Party Day activity - Red Heart to the Party, a gift to July 1st

In the end, everyone sang "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", and the theme activity was pushed to a climax in the passionate singing. The party members said: "We must keep in mind the mission, never forget the original intention, actively participate in the activities of community party members, support community work with practical actions, and be a qualified Communist Party member!" ”

The Silk Road Community of Chunliu Street carried out the "July 1st" Party Day activity - Red Heart to the Party, a gift to July 1st

Through the theme party day activities, the majority of party members have received a party discipline and party spirit education, improved the ideological consciousness and party spirit cultivation of party members, and further strengthened the sense of purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly. Next, the Party Committee of the Silk Road Community will take this event as an opportunity to continue to do a good job in the study and education of party discipline in all branches, unite the joint efforts of grassroots governance, and truly promote the work of serving the people to a new level.

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