
Mosquito coils repel mosquitoes, don't forget to prevent fire, don't "kill a thousand enemies and damage eight hundred"!

author:Chuzhou Fire Fighting


Miyun District, Beijing

A fire broke out after a supermarket closed


After investigation

The clerk of the shop lit the mosquito coil before leaving work

and placed on a carton

There is no one in the store

Mosquito coils ignite the carton

The fire caused the burning of fruits, vegetables and other goods in the store

There were no casualties as a result of the accident

The direct property loss of the fire was more than 30,000 yuan

Mosquito coils repel mosquitoes, don't forget to prevent fire, don't "kill a thousand enemies and damage eight hundred"!

Since the beginning of summer, the temperature has risen

Every night

Mosquitoes are gradually increasing

To be able to sleep soundly

Most people will choose to point mosquito coils to repel mosquitoes

Fire case alerts

On May 20, 2024, a fire broke out on the balcony of a resident in Pingyuan Village, Songjiang District, Shanghai. The cause of the fire was that the mosquito coils hung by residents were not completely extinguished, and they fell into the garbage cans to ignite debris and spread into a disaster, but fortunately there were no casualties.

Mosquito coils repel mosquitoes, don't forget to prevent fire, don't "kill a thousand enemies and damage eight hundred"!

In the early morning of May 19, 2024, a fire broke out in a resident's home in Ningyuan County, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province. Through surveillance, it was found that two hours before the accident, the hostess of the store picked up an open bottle of drink and doused the striped mosquito coil lit under the table. Then she picked up the "extinguished" mosquito coil and put it in a cardboard box on the cargo shelf, and went back to the room to rest, but the mosquito coil was not extinguished.

Mosquito coils repel mosquitoes, don't forget to prevent fire, don't "kill a thousand enemies and damage eight hundred"!
Mosquito coils repel mosquitoes, don't forget to prevent fire, don't "kill a thousand enemies and damage eight hundred"!

Mosquito coils have no flame though

But it can easily start a fire

Why is it so powerful?

Mosquito coils repel mosquitoes, don't forget to prevent fire, don't "kill a thousand enemies and damage eight hundred"!

Mosquito coils are mainly composed of sticky wood powder, charcoal powder and medicine, and only have a small burning point after being ignited, but it can continue to burn without extinguishing. When the mosquito coil is smoldering, the maximum temperature of the fire point can reach 700 °C - 800 °C, which is enough to ignite the combustibles such as mosquito nets, cotton cloth, sponges, clothes, and paper with low ignition points, causing fires.

Mosquito coils repel mosquitoes, don't forget to prevent fire, don't "kill a thousand enemies and damage eight hundred"!
Mosquito coils repel mosquitoes, don't forget to prevent fire, don't "kill a thousand enemies and damage eight hundred"!

Whether it's mosquito coils or other mosquito repellent products

Once used improperly, it is easy to cause accidents

Use mosquito repellent products safely

Please keep this reminder!

Mosquito coils repel mosquitoes, don't forget to prevent fire, don't "kill a thousand enemies and damage eight hundred"!
Mosquito coils repel mosquitoes, don't forget to prevent fire, don't "kill a thousand enemies and damage eight hundred"!