
The Chinese women's basketball team and the Chinese men's basketball team are all in Australia today! In the next 4 days, there will be 4 warm-up matches

author:Qi Shuai


The Chinese women's basketball team and the Chinese men's basketball team are all in Australia today! In the next 4 days, there will be 4 warm-up matches
The Chinese women's basketball team and the Chinese men's basketball team are all in Australia today! In the next 4 days, there will be 4 warm-up matches

Beijing time on July 1, 2024. This month is Olympic Month, and on July 26, the Paris Olympics officially opened. Of China's three major balls and six events, only the Chinese women's volleyball team and the Chinese women's basketball team have qualified for the Olympic Games. The Chinese men's basketball team, after missing the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, once again missed the Paris Olympics. ——While we wish the Chinese women's basketball team good results in this trip to Paris, we can only silently hope that the Chinese men's basketball team will fight for strength and strive to enter the next Los Angeles Olympic Games.

The Chinese women's basketball team and the Chinese men's basketball team are all in Australia today! In the next 4 days, there will be 4 warm-up matches

At present, the Chinese women's basketball team and the Chinese men's basketball team are all in Australia to participate in warm-up games, and their recent warm-up opponents are all Australian teams. The Chinese women's basketball team will play two warm-up games with the Australian women's basketball team on July 3 and July 5. The Chinese men's basketball team will play two warm-up games with the Australian men's basketball team on July 2 and July 4.

The Chinese women's basketball team and the Chinese men's basketball team are all in Australia today! In the next 4 days, there will be 4 warm-up matches

Let's talk about the Chinese women's basketball team first. The real rise of the women's basketball team, I remember the 2016 Rio Olympics, the Chinese women's basketball team was 1-4 in the group stage, when the Chinese women's basketball team faced the United States women's basketball team, there was no way to lose 43 points. Many star players in that team are familiar to everyone, Shao Ting has retired, Sun Mengran is still playing in the national team, in good shape, and Chen Nan - the Chinese women's basketball U18 won the runner-up in Shenzhen in the past few days, Zhang Ziyu was born, and the assistant coach of the women's basketball U18 team is Chen Nan.

The Chinese women's basketball team and the Chinese men's basketball team are all in Australia today! In the next 4 days, there will be 4 warm-up matches

Entering the 2020 Tokyo Olympic cycle, a group of new stars of the Chinese women's basketball team have grown up, including Han Xu, Li Yueru, Wang Siyu, Li Meng, etc. Despite finishing fifth, hope has already been planted. Immediately after the 2022 World Cup, the Chinese women's basketball team defeated Australia to enter the final and won the runner-up. In 2023, he defeated his old rival Japan in a row, and won the Asian Cup and Asian Games in a row! In February this year, it was the first to obtain a ticket to the Paris Olympics.

The Chinese women's basketball team and the Chinese men's basketball team are all in Australia today! In the next 4 days, there will be 4 warm-up matches

Today's Chinese women's basketball team is at the peak of this wave of golden lineups. The team has world-class players in all five positions. Although there have been ups and downs in a series of recent warm-up games, I believe that when the full main lineup, including Li Meng and Li Yueru returns, the Chinese women's basketball team will be worth looking forward to at the Paris Olympics. The general expectation is that the Chinese women's basketball team will win a medal at the Paris Olympics!

The Chinese women's basketball team and the Chinese men's basketball team are all in Australia today! In the next 4 days, there will be 4 warm-up matches

The 16-member squad of the Chinese women's basketball team

Recently, the Chinese women's basketball team has played 5 warm-up games in China and 4 in Europe. After coming to Australia to play 2 warm-up matches in the past few days, I will fly to France to start my Olympic journey!

The Chinese women's basketball team and the Chinese men's basketball team are all in Australia today! In the next 4 days, there will be 4 warm-up matches

The 17-man squad of the Chinese men's basketball team

Let's talk about the Chinese men's basketball team. It is said that the Chinese men's basketball team in 2008 had the most golden lineup of Yao Ming, Yi Jianlian, and Wang Zhizhi, and it has gradually declined since then. played the main force of the 2012 London Olympics, and only Guo Allen is left. The main players who played in the 2016 Rio Olympics also include Zhao Jiwei, Wang Zhelin, Zhou Qi and Guo Allen. Since then, the Chinese men's basketball team has had a poor record in the 2019 and 2023 World Cups, and has missed two consecutive Olympic Games. In terms of head coach selection, from the domestic Li Nan, Du Feng's red and blue teams, to Djordjevic, they were not very successful.

The Chinese women's basketball team and the Chinese men's basketball team are all in Australia today! In the next 4 days, there will be 4 warm-up matches

At present, the interim head coach of the Chinese men's basketball team is Guo Shiqiang. Uncle has the possibility of being turned positive, Guo Shiqiang leads the team rigorously, especially to cultivate and dig new good seedlings. It is expected that in the future, the Chinese men's basketball team will impact the team of the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics, on the one hand, Zhao Rui, Zhao Jiwei and other post-90s veterans, and at the same time, Cui Yongxi, Zeng Fanbo, Jiao Boqiao and other post-00s young people will also be promoted.

The Chinese women's basketball team and the Chinese men's basketball team are all in Australia today! In the next 4 days, there will be 4 warm-up matches

But if the Chinese men's basketball team wants to break out of Asia again, it needs to put in a lot of effort!

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