
WeChat installment online consumption of more than 500 yuan is available, which merchants can use WeChat installment

author:Xinzhou Net

Today, some media found that WeChat's "installment" was launched.

It is understood that the product supports online and offline scenarios, and can be repaid in installments of 3, 6 and 12 installments, and can be used for consumption of more than 500 yuan.

WeChat installment online consumption of more than 500 yuan is available, which merchants can use WeChat installment

The service is provided by Chongqing Weiheng Technology Co., Ltd. for users to obtain credit services from credit institutions.

Among them, the installment credit service includes the "use installment payment when consumption" mode and the "use installment turnover after consumption" mode, which users can choose to use independently.

WeChat installment online consumption of more than 500 yuan is available, which merchants can use WeChat installment

Judging from the exposed screenshots, the repayment date will be automatically repaid from the change, change pass, and savings card. In terms of interest rate, taking 3 periods as an example, the interest rate of each period is 0.77%, and the annualized interest rate is 13.75%.

If you spend 500 yuan, the interest is 3.83 yuan, and 170.49 yuan should be repaid in each period.

WeChat installment online consumption of more than 500 yuan is available, which merchants can use WeChat installment

Tencent's customer service said that installments can be used for consumption scenarios such as meals and shopping, and cannot be used for red envelopes, transfers, withdrawals, etc.

As for the payment by scanning the personal collection code, the installment is not fully open for the time being, if the transaction does not support installment, you can choose other payment methods to pay.

WeChat installment online consumption of more than 500 yuan is available, which merchants can use WeChat installment

What merchants can use WeChat installment?


JD Baitiao is a consumer credit product launched by JD Finance, which users can use when shopping in JD Mall. After binding JD Baitiao through WeChat Pay, you can use the WeChat installment function in JD Mall. Support WeChat installment merchant √:8574155 I hope it can help you

WeChat installment online consumption of more than 500 yuan is available, which merchants can use WeChat installment

2. Meituan

Meituan Takeaway, Meituan Grocery and other businesses can use WeChat installment payment. After completing the order payment, the user can choose WeChat Pay and bind the Meituan Pay account to enjoy the WeChat installment service.

3. DiDi Chuxing

Didi Chuxing partnered with WeChat to launch Didi financial services. When using Didi Chuxing's travel service, users can choose WeChat Pay and bind their Didi Pay account to enjoy WeChat installment services.

4. Pinduoduo

The Pinduoduo platform also supports WeChat installment payments. After completing the order payment, the user can choose WeChat Pay and bind the Pinduoduo payment account to enjoy the WeChat installment service.

5. NetEase Carefully Selected

As an e-commerce platform, NetEase Yanxuan also supports WeChat installment payments. After completing the order payment, the user can choose WeChat Pay and bind the NetEase Pay account to enjoy the WeChat installment service. ️

Why can't WeChat installment be used all of a sudden?

1. Policy Adjustments

Recently, the state has strengthened its supervision of the online microfinance industry, and some financial institutions may be affected, resulting in some merchants temporarily removing WeChat installment services.

2. System upgrade

Some merchants may be in the process of upgrading their systems and are temporarily unable to provide WeChat installment services. After the upgrade is completed, I believe that WeChat installment will return to everyone's life again.

3. Merchant qualifications

Some merchants may have illegal operations or insufficient qualifications, resulting in the inability to provide WeChat installment services. It is recommended that you pay more attention to the information and evaluation of the official announcement when choosing a WeChat installment cash withdrawal merchant.

Summary: Although some merchants may not be able to use WeChat installment for the time being, there are still many WeChat installment withdrawal merchants who can enjoy this convenient service. You can choose the right business for consumption according to your own needs. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the protection of personal information and use credit products reasonably.


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