
The Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.92% to nearly 3,000 points, and the rare earth permanent magnet and real estate sectors rose sharply


On July 1, the three major A-share indexes were mixed, as of the close, the Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.92% to nearly 3,000 points, the Shenzhen Component Index rose 0.57%, and the ChiNext Index fell 0.04%.

The Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.92% to nearly 3,000 points, and the rare earth permanent magnet and real estate sectors rose sharply

Wind data shows that more than 3,500 stocks rose in the whole market.

The Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.92% to nearly 3,000 points, and the rare earth permanent magnet and real estate sectors rose sharply

In terms of sectors, rare earth permanent magnets, real estate, supply and marketing cooperatives, genetically modified, phosphorus chemicals and other sectors rose, while semiconductors, satellite navigation, MR, humanoid robots, consumer electronics concepts and other sectors performed sluggishly.

Specifically, the concept of rare earth permanent magnets performed strongly, as of the close, Zhongke Magnetics, Dagang Holdings, Huahong Technology, Chuangxing Resources and other shares of the daily limit.

The Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.92% to nearly 3,000 points, and the rare earth permanent magnet and real estate sectors rose sharply

The real estate sector was active, and as of the close, Zhongzhou Holdings, Binjiang Group, Huafa Shares, I Love My Home, etc.

The Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.92% to nearly 3,000 points, and the rare earth permanent magnet and real estate sectors rose sharply

The performance of the semiconductor sector was sluggish, with Anlu Technology and Guoxin Technology falling by more than 10%, and Jewalt, Innosilicon, and Hengshuo shares were among the top decliners.

The Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.92% to nearly 3,000 points, and the rare earth permanent magnet and real estate sectors rose sharply

【Fund Flow】

The Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.92% to nearly 3,000 points, and the rare earth permanent magnet and real estate sectors rose sharply

The main funds continued to flow into real estate, banking, non-ferrous metals and other sectors in the end of the market, and the net outflow of electronics, national defense and military industry, household appliances and other sectors.

In terms of individual stocks, BAIC Blue Valley, Star Power, and Vanke A received net inflows of 1.117 billion yuan, 472 million yuan, and 394 million yuan.

In terms of net outflow, Lingyi Zhizao, BYD, and Dongshan Precision were sold 376 million yuan, 321 million yuan, and 154 million yuan.

【Institutional Perspectives】

Everbright Securities: At present, the market has returned to the bottom range, and it is expected that the downside of the market is limited, and the upside of the market depends on the timing and strength of key policies and the timing and elasticity of significant price increases. From the perspective of timing, it is expected that policy will be an important catalyst for the market in the third quarter, and the change in prices in the fourth quarter may be an important factor affecting the market. In terms of allocation, we will focus on the large-cap style and high-dividend sectors. Historically, in the early stage of economic recovery, the performance of leading enterprises has a relative advantage, so in the context of the current gradual economic recovery, compared with non-leading enterprises, the performance of leading enterprises may be more resilient, and it is expected that the market style will be biased towards the market; In addition, in the current market environment, high-dividend sectors are worth long-term allocation. The policy is also actively guiding dividends, which will boost the situation of high-dividend sectors.

Guosheng Securities: Looking ahead, the index may have bottomed out in the short term, and in addition, the direction of big technology will continue to change in the direction of the index decline, so under the expectation that the index will bottom out, the current market participation is more cost-effective, and there is a certain game value. In terms of hot spots, we can focus on consumer electronics, semiconductors, satellite navigation and other sectors in the direction of big technology.

China Securities Construction Investment: The "Regulations on the Management of Rare Earths" was issued, which for the first time regulated the development and utilization of rare earth resources in the form of administrative legislation, and proposed to strictly control the supply subject and quantity, establish a total regulation and control system, deepen the sustainable development pattern of the supply side of rare earths, build a win-win industrial ecology for the upstream and downstream under the rule of law, coordinate the security of upstream strategic resources, support the demand-side strategic emerging industries, and support and encourage the comprehensive utilization of rare earth secondary resources. The implementation of the "Regulations" is good for upstream rare earth mining, smelting and separation enterprises, downstream rare earth applications such as rare earth permanent magnet enterprises, and comprehensive utilization enterprises with secondary resources as raw materials. In addition, the "Regulations" proposes that the management of rare metals other than rare earths, the relevant competent authorities can refer to the relevant provisions of the Regulations, which has important guiding significance for the supply side and demand side of rare strategic metals such as tungsten, molybdenum, antimony, tin, germanium, gallium, indium, etc., which is also good for other rare strategic metals and optimizes the industrial pattern.

(This article is from Yicai)