
"Acceleration" of Business Environment Optimization: Analysis and Summary of Local Promotion Practices and Characteristics


(The author of this article is Wang Peng, a researcher at the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences)

At present, the work of optimizing the business environment in various regions continues to advance. Taking Shenzhen as an example, the "Shenzhen 2024 Work Plan for Optimizing the Market-oriented Business Environment", "Shenzhen 2024 Work Plan for Optimizing the Law-based Business Environment", and "Shenzhen 2024 Work Plan for Optimizing the International Business Environment" have been officially issued (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). The "Plans" put forward 105 main tasks around stimulating the vitality of business entities and enhancing Shenzhen's strong attraction and international competitiveness of global high-quality factor resources, so as to help Shenzhen improve the level of marketization, rule of law, and internationalization. It is of great significance for the mainland to further deepen the reform of the business environment by taking a correct view of the phenomenon of actively promoting the business environment in various localities and accurately analyzing the characteristics of optimization.

1. Accelerating innovation and excellence in the business environment in various places: a strong signal for efficient development

Actively promoting the optimization of the business environment is a complex phenomenon covering economic, political and social levels, which has far-reaching strategic significance and practical value. The advantages of Shenzhen, Taiyuan and other cities are highly compatible with the development of national strategic emerging industries, and it is timely to accelerate high-quality development. The quality of the business environment is the key support that determines whether development opportunities can be transformed into development advantages. Measures such as simplifying administrative approvals, reducing enterprise costs, and improving service efficiency can not only stimulate market vitality, but also help attract domestic and foreign investment, and promote the improvement of enterprise innovation and competitiveness.

All localities actively promote the optimization of the business environment at the economic level, and promote the formation of a good situation in which the quantity and quality of investment attraction are both improved and the vitality of business entities is bursting out. From a political point of view, each region optimizes the business environment through innovative policies and institutional design, and effectively supports market players. At present, the regional government has strengthened the interaction between local government and business, clarified the positioning of political and business exchanges, standardized the behavior of political and business exchanges, improved the mechanism of "government commitment + social supervision + accountability for untrustworthiness", and gave full play to the working mechanism of the main body of the contact service market.

The optimization of the regional business environment not only builds a fair, transparent and law-based business environment, but also enhances the government's governance ability and credibility. Changes in the economic structure require governments to speed up the adjustment of jobs and labor force adaptation. The optimization of the business environment in various regions effectively solves the regional "employment pain points": the fair competition market environment provides more opportunities for individuals and enterprises, while creating more jobs and economic growth points, and improving people's livelihood and social happiness.

The optimization and promotion of the business environment in various regions is a good whistle for economic development, which helps to reduce social inequality and injustice, and promote social stability and harmony. Based on the comprehensive discussion of the active promotion of the optimization of the business environment in various places, it can be concluded that the promotion of the business environment is not only an important part of the economic development strategy, but also an important driving force for political system reform and social progress. By continuously optimizing the business environment, we can better motivate market players and release market vitality, and we should avoid the swing regulatory model, keep up with the development needs of new quality productivity, enhance the overall competitiveness of the country, and achieve a win-win situation of sustainable economic development and comprehensive social progress.

2. New features of measures to optimize the business environment: comprehensive, accurate, innovative and efficient

Building a new type of "pro" and "clean" political and business relationship, and focusing on optimizing the construction of the business environment, have been the forefront of China's local government innovation and reform in recent years. Judging from the latest policy measures in Shenzhen, the measures to optimize the business environment show several significant new features:

First, comprehensiveness and multi-dimensionality. For example, the three work plans issued by Shenzhen City optimize the business environment in three aspects: marketization, rule of law and internationalization, showing the comprehensive and multi-dimensional nature of the government's consideration of the business environment. This all-round, multi-angle optimization strategy helps to improve the overall quality of the business environment more comprehensively. Previous studies have shown that due to the lack of reform strategies, there is a dilemma of "death and chaos as soon as it is grasped" in the business environment, especially in the market at the forefront of the technology industry. In this optimization, all regions in the mainland follow the principle of "standardizing in development and developing in standardization", build a comprehensive and diversified self-help knowledge system, reshape the regulatory mechanism and rule system, and rely on scientific and technological governance and technology-driven innovation to realize the innovation of traditional regulatory concepts.

Second, precise policy implementation and problem-solving orientation. Unlike previous macro policies, the measures are now more precise and directly targeted at specific issues and challenges. For example, each of the 10 aspects focused on by the Taiyuan Market Supervision Bureau is proposed in response to specific problems existing in the current market supervision, showing the government's precise policy and problem-solving orientation in optimizing the business environment. Taiyuan City accurately grasps the business environment issues, introduces industry leading enterprises, accelerates the extension of the industrial chain and strengthens the chain, and creates a "soft environment" for investment and development with fast approval, active mechanism, low cost, high efficiency and good service.

Third, it emphasizes innovation and international vision. In the context of globalization, the current round of measures to optimize the business environment pays more attention to innovation and the improvement of international competitiveness. Taking Shenzhen as an example, the city emphasizes enhancing its attractiveness to global high-quality factor resources, and strives to provide more fertile soil, water more abundant "labor" nutrients, and open up a broader space for the development of the city's state-owned and private economies. The optimization of Shenzhen's business environment reflects the international vision and open-mindedness of the mainland government in optimizing the business environment. At present, this kind of innovative and international thinking will help enhance the competitiveness of local enterprises in the global market, and can enable the mainland to better open up a new situation of regional economic development.

Fourth, focus on effectiveness and sustainability. The current round of measures to improve the business environment in the region not only focus on short-term effects, but also take into account long-term effects. Regional governments advocate ensuring the effectiveness and sustainability of policies through sound monitoring mechanisms and policy feedback mechanisms. Most of the measures in this round rely on the Internet and adopt a new, comprehensive and sustainable collaboration method to realize information sharing between government departments, improve transaction and work efficiency, fundamentally reduce the institutional friction of business environment optimization, and overcome information asymmetry. This pragmatic and sustainable approach can help create a stable and predictable business environment that attracts more long-term investment.

3. Focus on the optimization and efficiency improvement of the business environment in the second half of the year: regulatory evaluation and feedback optimization

Only by creating institutional mechanisms and other environmental conditions suitable for the operation and development of enterprises in related industries can we create a good industrial ecosystem and promote high-quality economic development. In order to further ensure the continuous optimization of the business environment in mainland China, governments need to focus on core areas in the second half of the year: establish and improve the policy supervision and evaluation mechanism, and adjust and improve the policy implementation in a timely manner through regular monitoring and in-depth analysis; At the same time, the government should improve the pertinence and effectiveness of policies by setting up smooth feedback channels for enterprises, establishing pro-Qing political and business relations, and actively responding to corporate feedback.

In addition, in the second half of the year, the optimization of the business environment needs to further play the role of multiple subjects, strengthen public publicity and enterprise education, so that the society can better understand and use the concept and details of the diversified popularization policy.

Finally, to optimize the business environment, it is necessary to think about the digital operation path of the system operation dimension, promote inter-departmental collaboration and information sharing, and improve administrative efficiency.

The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author.

(This article is from Yicai)