
Municipal leaders investigated the preparation of cultural tourism and performing arts projects

author:News Wide-Angle Spring Media

On June 27th, the municipal leaders led a team to the Maritime Silk Road Culture International Research Camp to investigate the preparations for large-scale cultural tourism and performing arts projects.


Liu Linshuang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Minister of the Propaganda Department and Minister of the United Front Work Department, has a detailed understanding of the design concept, scene layout, and commercial operation of the performing arts project, studies the problems and solutions at this stage, and ensures the implementation of various tasks.

Municipal leaders investigated the preparation of cultural tourism and performing arts projects

Municipal leaders pointed out that large-scale cultural tourism and performing arts projects can fill the gap of tourists' night consumption in Quanzhou and meet the needs of tourists for high-quality cultural and tourism consumption. All parties should take the initiative to take action, adhere to the system concept, strengthen cooperation and cooperation, and jointly promote the smooth implementation of performing arts projects. It is necessary to strengthen the sense of competition, grasp the law of market competition in cultural tourism and performing arts projects, strengthen project content planning and form innovation, and strive to be invincible in the future market competition, so as to achieve a bumper harvest of social and economic benefits. It is necessary to strengthen overall planning, take performing arts projects as the leader, deepen the integration of culture and tourism, integrate Quanzhou elements, integrate Quanzhou puppet theater, Quanzhou song and dance theater and other advantageous resources, create a cultural, tourism and leisure complex, further give full play to the advantages of superposition, and help the high-quality development of Quanzhou's cultural tourism to be stable and far-reaching.

Municipal leaders investigated the preparation of cultural tourism and performing arts projects

The preliminary design of the large-scale cultural tourism and performing arts project integrates historical, artistic, intellectual and commercial. According to the background of different stories, each performing arts space will have its own environmental characteristics and immersive experience, striving to restore the prosperous scene of the ancient city of Thornton in the Song and Yuan dynasties, and bring a new immersive and menu-based experience to visitors.

Municipal leaders investigated the preparation of cultural tourism and performing arts projects