
Australian Internet celebrity checked in to a Michelin restaurant, and was in pain with food poisoning

author:Life in Tuao

When it comes to restaurants, you must have heard of Michelin. A restaurant can be transformed into the Hermès of restaurants by wearing the "Michelin" name. Michelin is synonymous with modern high-end restaurants.

Recently, however, there has been a lot of gossip about Michelin-starred restaurants, not because of poor taste or value for money, but because of food poisoning.

It is reported that an influential Internet celebrity in Australia felt unwell after eating at a Michelin-starred restaurant, and then found out that he had food poisoning. And similar incidents are not uncommon in high-end luxury restaurants in Australia.

Food safety is the most basic bottom line of a restaurant, and is a Michelin-starred restaurant worthy of its name?

Australian Internet celebrity checked in to a Michelin restaurant, and was in pain with food poisoning

图源:Daily Mail

1. Australian Internet celebrities checked in to Michelin restaurants, and they were in pain with food poisoning

More than 100 years ago, Michelin published the information publication "Michelin Guide", and the restaurants that were subsequently included in the "Michelin Red Guide" can be called Michelin restaurants.

In 1926, the Michelin Guide began to mark restaurants with asterisks, and it was from that that time that the "Michelin star" was officially launched.

Since then, the word "Michelin" has been the calling card of high-end restaurants, and until recent years, as long as a restaurant is associated with Michelin, it can become a place for people to check in.

But as more and more accidents increase, the veil of Michelin's nobility and mystery is also lifted.

Australian Internet celebrity checked in to a Michelin restaurant, and was in pain with food poisoning

Source: SCMP

According to the Daily Mail, an influential Internet celebrity in Australia "planted a heel" in a Michelin-starred restaurant.

Influencer Rozalia Russian posted her "painful" experience at a Michelin-starred restaurant on her Instagram account.

She said that just last Sunday, she and her husband, Nick Russian, were on vacation in Paris. That night, out of curiosity, the two decided to go to a prestigious Michelin-starred restaurant in Paris to check in and dine.

Australian Internet celebrity checked in to a Michelin restaurant, and was in pain with food poisoning

罗莎莉亚·拉什(Rozalia Russian)。 图源:Daily Mail

When she arrived at the restaurant, Rosalia felt that she was not very hungry, perhaps because "the day's work had left me with no appetite". So, she only ordered a "light meal" - Nice salad.

The Nice salad is a classic salad in the south of France, topped with tomatoes, eggs, lettuce, tuna and more.

And the next second, Rosalia said in the video that this plate of salad made her "taste the bitterness".

Australian Internet celebrity checked in to a Michelin restaurant, and was in pain with food poisoning

Rosaria: This salad gave me one of the most painful days of my life. Source: Daily Mail

"Last night in Paris, we had dinner here [at a Michelin-starred restaurant] and the view was amazing," she said in the video. I wasn't hungry at the time, so I ordered some light food, and then, I got food poisoning. ”

According to her recollection, the day after the salad, she and her husband went out on a journey that made her feel sick on the way.

"It was the day we traveled, and that morning, I was sweating, shivering, uncomfortable, really uncomfortable. I don't even know how I got through airport security, I took two flights and one bus. ”

"It was the worst day of my life. Food poisoning was so bad to never want to see tuna again. ”

Australian Internet celebrity checked in to a Michelin restaurant, and was in pain with food poisoning

图源:Daily Mail

Subsequently, Rosalia and her husband arrived in Italy, and in the hotel, her poisoning symptoms began to worsen.

Rosalia felt nauseous as soon as she arrived at the hotel and then couldn't help but go to the bathroom to vomit, "I woke up at 2am and felt very nauseous, and then at 3am I started vomiting. ”

She also said that her husband went to the pharmacy with her to buy medicine after learning about it, but after taking it, it had little effect.

"I couldn't even stand up straight, I had to sit down or lie down."

Rosalia arrives at the medical center at the airport, where doctors prescribe more medicine to her. Rosaria said that by this time she was almost at the limit of her patience.

Australian Internet celebrity checked in to a Michelin restaurant, and was in pain with food poisoning

图源:Daily Mail

Currently, Rosalia is on holiday in Europe with her husband and their two children.

Rosaria said it was the worst experience of her life, "Long story short, it was one of the worst days of my life. ”

Rosalia, one of Australia's most influential influencers, met 10 years ago with her husband Nick at the Melbourne nightclub Eve, who is the owner of Eve.

In 2016, Nick decided to shut down Eve, where celebrities gathered, and said it had left him with extreme anxiety.

Australian Internet celebrity checked in to a Michelin restaurant, and was in pain with food poisoning

图源:Daily Mail

Rosalia's food poisoning incident has once again raised people's thinking about high-end restaurants such as Michelin, whether high-end restaurants with luxury brands and sky-high prices are worthy of their name or over-packaged?

It is reported that this is not the first outbreak of food poisoning in Michelin-starred restaurants. Someone died the next day after eating at a Michelin-starred restaurant.

In addition, there was a collective food poisoning outbreak in high-end restaurants in Australia, and a large number of customers felt extremely unwell after eating.

Are these high-end restaurants worthy of people's consumption?

Australian Internet celebrity checked in to a Michelin restaurant, and was in pain with food poisoning

Source: ABC

2. There are frequent food poisoning in Michelin restaurants, and a large number of customers are extremely unwell

· Mass poisoning of Michelin-starred restaurants in Spain

According to CNN, a Michelin-starred restaurant in Valencia, Spain's third-largest city, suffered a mass food poisoning a few days ago, a female diner has died, and 29 other people have become unwell due to dining at the restaurant.

The deceased, 46, named Maria Calvo, was found dead in her home the morning after dining at a Michelin-starred restaurant, the report said. Her husband and 12-year-old son also got food poisoning but have since recovered.

Australian Internet celebrity checked in to a Michelin restaurant, and was in pain with food poisoning

Source: CNN

It is reported that on the day of the incident, Maria's family came to a Michelin-starred restaurant in Valencia to celebrate her birthday at RiFF Restaurant. According to her husband, Maria ordered rice and morels.

Founded by German chef Bernd Knoller, who has lived in Spain for 30 years, the restaurant is a well-known and respected restaurant in the region, specializing in new concepts of Mediterranean cuisine.

However, after eating a morel mushroom meal, Maria developed food poisoning symptoms and vomited and diarrhea.

The next morning, Mary died.

Australian Internet celebrity checked in to a Michelin restaurant, and was in pain with food poisoning

Restaurant webpage. Source: CNN

Authorities investigated customers who dined at the restaurant within four days before and after the day of Maria's meal and found that another 29 customers had food poisoning.

The food inspector then visited the restaurant but was unable to ascertain the cause of the food poisoning.

Some media reported that a type of mushroom used in restaurants may be the cause of the poison.

A spokesman for the local health department declined to comment on the claim, saying analysis of the food was still ongoing.

Australian Internet celebrity checked in to a Michelin restaurant, and was in pain with food poisoning

Source: New Idea

The restaurant's manager and head chef issued a statement saying he was deeply sorry for the unfortunate accident and said he would fully cooperate with the investigation. "I decided to close the restaurant permanently until the cause was identified, so that I could provide the necessary protection for both staff and diners when it reopened in the future."

He expressed his condolences to the deceased and said he was working with the local health department to find the cause of the incident.

It is reported that the restaurant is a one-Michelin-starred restaurant. According to the restaurant's website, the tasting menu includes snacks and Spanish specialties with 6 or 7 courses and 3 sweet dishes, using ingredients such as caviar, black truffle and crayed lobster.

CNN said that although the cause of the food poisoning is not yet known, it may be due to a problem with the food combination.

Australian Internet celebrity checked in to a Michelin restaurant, and was in pain with food poisoning

Source: CNN

· Mass poisoning in Michelin-starred restaurants in Japan

According to Yahoo News, there have also been mass poisonings at Michelin-starred restaurants in Japan.

According to the report, a fine and expensive one-Michelin-starred restaurant in Japan was ordered by the authorities to temporarily suspend business after a food poisoning incident was reported by customers.

Local government officials said that a total of 14 customers experienced symptoms such as stomach pain and diarrhea after eating sea urchin, squid and other seafood at the "Kita-Kamakura Charyo Phantom Dong An".

Australian Internet celebrity checked in to a Michelin restaurant, and was in pain with food poisoning

图源:Yahoo News

A spokesperson for the local food safety department said, "When the authorities received the food poisoning notification, no one was hospitalized and all were recovering. ”

According to the report, a total of 32 people visited the restaurant that day, and the Michelin-starred restaurant in Kamakura is famous for its kaiseki cuisine.

On the day of the incident, 14 customers who dined at the restaurant were each suffering from food poisoning symptoms, aged between 28 and 30.

"The symptoms all seemed mild, but the diarrhea wasn't pleasant."

After the incident, the restaurant closed its doors for investigation and subsequently reopened.

Australian Internet celebrity checked in to a Michelin restaurant, and was in pain with food poisoning

图源:Yahoo News

· Mass poisoning in high-end restaurants in Australia

According to The Age, a suspected food poisoning outbreak occurred at a high-end restaurant at the Crown Casino in Melbourne, Australia, where as many as 14 diners developed symptoms of suspected food poisoning after enjoying afternoon tea at the restaurant.

The authorities then launched an investigation into the incident.

Australian Internet celebrity checked in to a Michelin restaurant, and was in pain with food poisoning

Source: The Age

According to the report, the incident occurred on a Saturday, so there were more diners in the restaurant than usual, and some of them became unwell after enjoying afternoon tea.

Upon investigation, it was found that 14 diners claimed to be unwell.

The Victorian Department of Health has launched an investigation into the matter. At the same time, food samples have been collected for testing.

A spokesperson for Victorian Health revealed that Melbourne City Council has launched an investigation into the restaurant involved and has overseen a "general cleaning" of the restaurant.

Australian Internet celebrity checked in to a Michelin restaurant, and was in pain with food poisoning

Source: The Age

According to a victim of poisoning, Melissa, she and several friends had afternoon tea at the restaurant on the day of the incident, but five of them felt very unwell that night.

"After that, two more people also felt unwell in the following week, and then three others also developed symptoms."

She also said that they ordered a buffet afternoon tea that day, and the food included cold meats and cheeses.

"We were contacted by a diner who was also feeling unwell and said she was pregnant and had to seek medical attention just to be on the safe side. Her condition was severe and she even showed symptoms of dehydration. ”

In addition, Melissa also revealed that there was also a female diner and her 5-month-old baby who were experiencing the same symptoms as them.

Australian Internet celebrity checked in to a Michelin restaurant, and was in pain with food poisoning

Source: The Age

If even the most basic food safety of a restaurant cannot be guaranteed, no matter what packaging it is undergone, such a high-end restaurant is not worth customers to try again.

I hope that when choosing a restaurant, you will consider the cost performance and taste more, and it is not necessarily that the more expensive the restaurant, the better.

It is also hoped that the regulatory authorities can strictly supervise high-end restaurants through the halo and help the public to control food safety.

The first thing that Michelin and other high-end restaurants should ensure must be food safety.

Australian Internet celebrity checked in to a Michelin restaurant, and was in pain with food poisoning

图源:New York Post

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