
[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] hand in hand to plant, "tree" writes green beauty Xigu!

author:Civilization Dongfeng
[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] hand in hand to plant, "tree" writes green beauty Xigu!

Since the year

In order to actively respond to and further promote the "Millions of Projects"

and the ecological construction of "green and beautiful Guangdong".

The Party Committee of Xigubu Village gave full play to the leading role of party building

Actively coordinate and integrate resources

Gather the strength of many parties

Practice the concept of green development with practical actions

Continuously improve the level of rural greening

Thick green ecological background

[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] hand in hand to plant, "tree" writes green beauty Xigu!

Combined with the characteristic industry of Xigubu Village-longan, Xigubu Village has carried out many green planting activities with representatives of the National People's Congress, village groups, grassroots party organizations and teachers and students of Xigu Primary School, and planted a total of 510 longan trees.

[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] hand in hand to plant, "tree" writes green beauty Xigu!
[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] hand in hand to plant, "tree" writes green beauty Xigu!
[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] hand in hand to plant, "tree" writes green beauty Xigu!


[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] hand in hand to plant, "tree" writes green beauty Xigu!
[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] hand in hand to plant, "tree" writes green beauty Xigu!

Through the method of "inserting greenery in the cracks", extensive greening has been carried out on both sides of the road, in parks, rivers and other public areas in the village, as well as in front of and behind the houses of the villagers. Up to now, a total of 4,093 greening trees have been planted in Xigubu Village, including 753 saplings with a diameter of more than 4 cm at breast height (mainly longan and purple bell trees), 1,421 mulberry trees, and 2,710 fruit trees have been planted in the activity of "100,000 fruit trees entering the countryside and farmers", with a total investment of about 750,000 yuan.

[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] hand in hand to plant, "tree" writes green beauty Xigu!
[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] hand in hand to plant, "tree" writes green beauty Xigu!

Next, the Party Committee of Xigubu Village will continue to take rural greening as an important starting point for promoting the "Millions of Projects", further play the leading role of party building, actively carry out the action of planting greenery, protecting greenery and rejuvenating green, and widely call on all sectors of society to improve the living environment, draw a new picture of green and beautiful Xigu, and contribute to building a green and beautiful Zhongshan.

[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] hand in hand to plant, "tree" writes green beauty Xigu!

Edit | Deng Shufen and Liu Rui first instance | Xie Yinying's second instance | Chen Feilong, Yu Lixia third trial | Liu Jia

Source | Xigubu Village, Dongfeng Town

[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] hand in hand to plant, "tree" writes green beauty Xigu!

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