
Jiuxian Township, Dongping County: Rural B&B Construction Activates a New Engine for Tourism

author:Dongping County Rong Media Center

The old county and township of Dongping County deeply excavate its own natural resource endowment, actively cultivate the rural tourism homestay industry, open up the "realization" channel of "sleeping" resources, and make the residential villages between the green mountains and green waters become the "flow entrance" to promote rural revitalization.

Jiuxian Township, Dongping County: Rural B&B Construction Activates a New Engine for Tourism

In the Jiuxian Township Beijicheng Village B&B Creation Area, the construction of a B&B courtyard model room is about to come to a perfect end. This small courtyard is located in the tranquility of distant mountains and green trees, skillfully integrating the magnificent natural scenery of Dongping Lake and the rich rural characteristics, and has become a bright beginning of the construction of the lakeside homestay in the old county township.

The first phase of the project took the lead in launching the creation of the North Jicheng Village B&B District, and has 27 private houses in circulation, and the model rooms are in full swing.

Jiuxian Township, Dongping County: Rural B&B Construction Activates a New Engine for Tourism

The model rooms in the Beijicheng Village B&B area will adopt innovative online marketing to attract "new villagers" to experience rural life and enjoy the beauty of nature. This not only enriches the rural tourism industry, but also helps the rural economy to flourish and achieve sustainable growth.

In recent years, the old counties and townships have strengthened the integration of resource elements, focusing on gradually transforming "sleeping resources" such as rural "mountains, rivers, forests, lakes, farms, and houses" into "development capital", combined with the actual cultural conditions of various villagers, creating a model of rural boutique homestays, and further forming a tourist homestay agglomeration area, injecting new vitality into the rural economy, and promoting the comprehensive revitalization and sustainable development of the countryside.

Jiuxian Township, Dongping County: Rural B&B Construction Activates a New Engine for Tourism

In the next step, Jiuxian Township will combine the construction of beautiful migrant villages and the improvement of rural living environment, dig deep into the potential, expand capacity and improve quality, efficiently revitalize the sleeping assets and resources of the countryside, and create boutique homestays of different styles. At the same time, we will continue to work hard to improve infrastructure and service quality, do a good job in "tourism +" articles, expand rural tourism, and add color to rural revitalization.

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