
Nahui New Energy delivered green energy solutions to Haier's 400th Hope Primary School

author:Chopping wood nets

On June 28, Haier Hope Primary School was officially unveiled in Bahrain Left Banner in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, which is the 40th anniversary of Haier Group's founding and the 400th Hope Primary School built with Haier Group's assistance. At the event, Zhou Yunjie, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Haier Group, announced that he would continue to work with the China Youth Development Foundation and other relevant departments and organizations to launch a new public welfare project of Haier Hope Primary School - "Haier Little Scientists" program.

Nahui New Energy delivered green energy solutions to Haier's 400th Hope Primary School

At the event, the "Haier Low-carbon Smart Campus" of Haier Hope Primary School in Bahrain Left Banner was unveiled. It is understood that Nahui New Energy, a subsidiary of Haier Group, has tailored a "green carbon hut" for the school and given the children an interesting "light energy laboratory" science and technology class, which not only helps to build a low-carbon smart campus, but also plants the seeds of green technology innovation in the hearts of children.

Nahui New Energy delivered green energy solutions to Haier's 400th Hope Primary School

Nahui New Energy builds a green and low-carbon campus

Over the past 40 years, Haier Group has adhered to the original intention of public welfare, starting from the construction of the first Hope Primary School in 1995, and actively participated in the public welfare undertakings of Hope Primary School, and has now assisted the construction of 406 Hope Schools, which is the largest number of Hope Primary Schools aided by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League.

The development and upgrading of Hope Primary School is a key step to promote the implementation of rural revitalization, and in this process, it is necessary to firmly grasp the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, adhere to the green bottom line, and adhere to green development. Therefore, it is in this context that Haier actively explores the creation of a low-carbon smart campus by upgrading the hardware of existing school buildings and creating a green and healthy campus environment.

Located in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Bahrain Zuoqi is a semi-arid continental monsoon climate zone in the middle temperate zone, where the four seasons are distinct, the sunshine is sufficient, and there are good conditions for solar power generation. In view of the high cost of electricity in schools, Nahui New Energy, a subsidiary of Haier Group, designed and installed a "green carbon hut" for the school, taking advantage of the abundant local sunshine resources.

Nahui New Energy delivered green energy solutions to Haier's 400th Hope Primary School

The core of the Green Carbon House is the integrated photovoltaic and storage solution, which converts solar energy into electricity by installing distributed photovoltaics on the roof of the school, giving priority to the teaching and other electrical equipment in the teaching building, and storing excess electricity in energy storage modules. After sunset or on cloudy days, the energy storage module can be used to supply power for students' living and learning.

Nahui's integrated photovoltaic and storage solution maximizes the use of photovoltaic power generation, helps the campus to be self-sufficient in green electricity, and provides more than 15,000 kWh of electricity per year for Haier Hope Primary School in Bahrain.

Nahui New Energy delivered green energy solutions to Haier's 400th Hope Primary School

As a new energy brand of Haier Group, Nahui's business has covered 27 provinces across the country, providing green new energy services for more than 1,000 districts and counties, and its products and solutions have been exported to more than 40 countries and regions around the world, contributing Haier's strength to global green and low-carbon development.

Create a science and technology classroom to ignite the dream of science

The 2024 government work report proposes to thoroughly implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, strengthen the basic support for high-quality development, and adhere to the integrated promotion of the construction of a strong country in education, science and technology, and talent. "It is necessary to do a good job in the addition of science education in the 'double reduction' of education, stimulate young people's curiosity, imagination and desire to explore, and cultivate young people with the potential of scientists and willing to dedicate themselves to scientific research."

Igniting the scientific dreams of young people is also an important direction for Haier's public welfare exploration. During the day's activities, "Dr. Na" from Nahui taught a "Haier Brothers Science and Technology Classroom" - the Light Energy Laboratory, leading the students to explore the mysteries of energy in sunlight. In the classroom, under the guidance of "Dr. Na", the students assembled the solar windmill step by step, and when they got to the sun, the windmill fan blades "hulala" rotated, which attracted a burst of "wow" exclamation from the students, and also had an intuitive understanding of the "energy" of solar energy, a new energy.

Nahui New Energy delivered green energy solutions to Haier's 400th Hope Primary School

"Dr. Na" popularized the relationship between energy and life, the types of renewable energy, the application of solar energy in life, etc., so that the students "admired" the green and clean solar energy, and said: "Study hard, study new energy technology in the future, and contribute to the green development of mankind and the earth." ”

At this event, Haier also released a new Haier Hope Primary School public welfare upgrade action - "Haier Little Scientist Program", through the construction of Haier Hope Primary School laboratory, the "Haier Little Scientist" science and technology research summer camp, sowing the fire of scientific and technological innovation in the hearts of the children of Hope Primary School, guarding the dream of scientific and technological innovation, and playing a corporate social responsibility in high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance, and high-quality development of science and education.