
Always remember!

author:Jinan Metropolis Channel

July 1 is the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the martyrs' cemetery of Jinan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery ushered in three special mourners - Wang Jun, the grandson of martyr Wang Jianmei, and Deng Qingmei, the niece and granddaughter of martyr Deng Enming. Accompanied by the relevant leaders of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, and the Municipal Veterans Affairs Bureau, the three presented flowers to the tomb of the martyrs Wang Jianmei and the tomb of the martyrs Deng Enming, expressing their remembrance and respect for their ancestors.

Always remember!
Always remember!

Then everyone visited the Jinan Battle Memorial Hall, in the vivid explanation of the on-site narrator and the wonderful presentation of the panoramic gallery, the comrades present immersed themselves in the fierceness and cruelty of the battle at that time, appreciated the magnificent momentum of the Jinan Campaign, and also admired the heroic figures of the revolutionary soldiers who sacrificed their lives and forgot to die in the battle.

Always remember!
Always remember!

It is understood that the representatives of the party's "First Congress" and the founders of the Shandong party organization, Wang Jianmei and Deng Enming's descendants were invited to Jinan at the same time to participate in the "Walking with the Times-Jinan City Celebrates the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China and the 30th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party Building TV Column of the Times" jointly organized by the Organization Department of the Jinan Municipal Party Committee and the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee. At the performance site, the descendants of the two martyrs will be on the same stage for the first time, sharing the revolutionary will, fighting spirit, and original intention of the martyrs, and telling a special party lesson for everyone.

Source丨Tianxia Spring City
