
Photography meets abstraction! The International Art Exhibition of "Abstract Photography" was launched

author:Upstream News

Summer vacation is coming, and the feast of art is also on the scene.

Photography meets abstraction! The International Art Exhibition of "Abstract Photography" was launched

From now until July 27, the "Abstract Photography" International Art Exhibition will be open to the public free of charge at No. 5 Independent Image Art Space, 1st Floor, Building 1, Jinshan Yiku Cultural and Creative Industry Park, Chongqing.

It is reported that the independent image art space will launch the "Abstract Photography" international art exhibition. The exhibition brings together 40 abstract photographs by 24 artists from Asia, Europe and the Americas, showcasing their unique explorations and creative expressions in the field of abstract photography.

The works in this exhibition transcend the boundaries of traditional photography and delve into abstract art, focusing on the often overlooked lines, textures, shapes, and blocks, transforming ordinary scenes into extraordinary abstract narratives. Each work in the exhibition embodies the artists' unique understanding and innovation of abstract photography, redefining the boundaries of photography through different perspectives and techniques.

The exhibition will present a diversified artistic perspective, through the in-depth excavation and creative expression of abstract elements, leading people to embark on a journey of visual and intellectual exploration, allowing the audience to appreciate how artists use abstract elements to express emotions and thoughts, how to find beauty in ordinary things, and invite the audience to think about the infinite possibilities of photography as an art medium.

Jinshan Yiku invites art lovers and photography enthusiasts to visit and explore and feel the unique charm of abstract photography. In this art feast that crosses borders, discover the extraordinary in the ordinary, and experience the collision of art and imagination.

Participating Artists: Agatha Ma, Andrea Margara, C.E. Morse, Elizabeth Wood, Gabriel Kelsey, Gary Doerr, HANNAZ, Ivailo Yordanov, Joanna Li, John Luchin, John Traonso, Jonas Tu, Joseph O'Neill, Laura Proccilow, Max Kramer, Mai Jingru, Oleg Gantt, Patricia Abreu, Peter Wapenick, Roland Bloom, Rettis M. Jervikas, Liao Tianqi, Zhou Xeni, Xiomaro

Some of the works on display:

Photography meets abstraction! The International Art Exhibition of "Abstract Photography" was launched

C·E·莫尔斯《混杂 #7》

Photography meets abstraction! The International Art Exhibition of "Abstract Photography" was launched

Elizabeth Wood's Portrait of Cher

Photography meets abstraction! The International Art Exhibition of "Abstract Photography" was launched

Gary Doerr "Extraction 04"

Photography meets abstraction! The International Art Exhibition of "Abstract Photography" was launched

Max Kramer, Outer Space, Berlin

Photography meets abstraction! The International Art Exhibition of "Abstract Photography" was launched

Liao Tianqi "Untitled"

Photography meets abstraction! The International Art Exhibition of "Abstract Photography" was launched


Upstream news reporter Wang Yufeng

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