
42-year-old Li Xiaolu took pictures on the side of the road, wearing ultra-short suspenders, her figure soared, the real person was very short, sweet and dark

author:Laurel muffins


After Li Xiaolu quit the entertainment industry because of emotional problems, her life is still chic, in addition to spending most of her time with her daughter, Li Xiaolu is also quite popular with advertisers, and has received several advertisements one after another. On the first day of July, some netizens encountered Li Xiaolu taking pictures on the side of the road on the street.

42-year-old Li Xiaolu took pictures on the side of the road, wearing ultra-short suspenders, her figure soared, the real person was very short, sweet and dark
42-year-old Li Xiaolu took pictures on the side of the road, wearing ultra-short suspenders, her figure soared, the real person was very short, sweet and dark

On July 1, a netizen ran into Li Xiaolu, who was taking pictures with a group of partners in front of a store. Li Xiaolu seems to be communicating with the photographer, constantly waving her hands to output her opinions. The chance encounterer said that Li Xiaolu "is super beautiful, not at all like a 42-year-old person".

Looking carefully at Li Xiaolu's outfit that day, it can be described as youthful and energetic. She wore a cropped suspender belt with wide-leg jeans and a checked shirt tied around her waist. The beautiful dress with fair skin and delicate makeup makes the men passing by can't help but look back. However, some sharp-eyed netizens found that Li Xiaolu was much stronger, and it can be said that his body has soared.

42-year-old Li Xiaolu took pictures on the side of the road, wearing ultra-short suspenders, her figure soared, the real person was very short, sweet and dark
42-year-old Li Xiaolu took pictures on the side of the road, wearing ultra-short suspenders, her figure soared, the real person was very short, sweet and dark

After that, Li Xiaolu took a bottle of drink in a concave shape, and from the side, she was plump, and she was indeed not as thin as before.

42-year-old Li Xiaolu took pictures on the side of the road, wearing ultra-short suspenders, her figure soared, the real person was very short, sweet and dark

After that, Li Xiaolu continued to communicate with the photographer, her smile was very sweet and bright, and the photographer looked at her and was stunned, presumably shocked by Li Xiaolu's beauty.

42-year-old Li Xiaolu took pictures on the side of the road, wearing ultra-short suspenders, her figure soared, the real person was very short, sweet and dark

Li Xiaolu's appearance is impeccable, but her body shape is quite controversial, in addition to saying that Li Xiaolu's body has soared, netizens also lamented that Li Xiaolu is not tall, even if she is standing on the steps in 10cm thick-soled high heels, she is not much taller than the photographer.

In fact, some netizens met Li Xiaolu and Tianxin before, complaining that she was very short, and questioned that she was less than 160cm tall.

42-year-old Li Xiaolu took pictures on the side of the road, wearing ultra-short suspenders, her figure soared, the real person was very short, sweet and dark
42-year-old Li Xiaolu took pictures on the side of the road, wearing ultra-short suspenders, her figure soared, the real person was very short, sweet and dark

The netizen met Li Xiaolu and Tianxin by chance in Taikoo Li, Beijing, when the two were waiting for the traffic light. Li Xiaolu was wearing a white suspender belt and could see that her figure had risen sharply, Tianxin was standing in front of her mother, and she had a lot of tan with glasses, which was in stark contrast to Li Xiaolu's complexion.

42-year-old Li Xiaolu took pictures on the side of the road, wearing ultra-short suspenders, her figure soared, the real person was very short, sweet and dark

Many netizens said that Li Xiaolu has gained a lot of weight, and her figure has changed a lot from before.

42-year-old Li Xiaolu took pictures on the side of the road, wearing ultra-short suspenders, her figure soared, the real person was very short, sweet and dark
42-year-old Li Xiaolu took pictures on the side of the road, wearing ultra-short suspenders, her figure soared, the real person was very short, sweet and dark

Some people also questioned Li Xiaolu's height of 165cm at all, and it would not exceed 160cm at most. In a photo of Tianxin and Li Xiaolu's backs in the same frame, the mother and daughter are wearing the same shoes, and their heights are almost the same, which can also confirm the speculation of netizens.

42-year-old Li Xiaolu took pictures on the side of the road, wearing ultra-short suspenders, her figure soared, the real person was very short, sweet and dark
42-year-old Li Xiaolu took pictures on the side of the road, wearing ultra-short suspenders, her figure soared, the real person was very short, sweet and dark

Of course, for Li Xiaolu, height is no longer important. At the age of 42, she can maintain such a good state, and she has surpassed many female stars of the same age. Today's Li Xiaolu lives a very comfortable life, in addition to work, she accompanies her daughter Tianxin.

At the end of June, Li Xiaolu also posted a group photo of a mother and daughter to celebrate Tianxin's graduation from primary school. In the group photo, Tianxin is still a big girl wearing a white shirt and holding a rose; But Li Xiaolu has a short skirt and long body, and her long hair is fluttering, but she is not old at all. This is perhaps the most gratifying existence between mother and daughter: you have grown up, and I am still young.

42-year-old Li Xiaolu took pictures on the side of the road, wearing ultra-short suspenders, her figure soared, the real person was very short, sweet and dark
42-year-old Li Xiaolu took pictures on the side of the road, wearing ultra-short suspenders, her figure soared, the real person was very short, sweet and dark
42-year-old Li Xiaolu took pictures on the side of the road, wearing ultra-short suspenders, her figure soared, the real person was very short, sweet and dark

Because she faded out of the screen, Li Xiaolu has more time to enjoy life, she often posts photos with Tianxin, and almost never misses any festival with her daughter.

42-year-old Li Xiaolu took pictures on the side of the road, wearing ultra-short suspenders, her figure soared, the real person was very short, sweet and dark
42-year-old Li Xiaolu took pictures on the side of the road, wearing ultra-short suspenders, her figure soared, the real person was very short, sweet and dark

Although Li Xiaolu's love life has been controversial, she is conscientious in accompanying her daughter to grow up, and her current life situation has also allowed her to reap her own happiness and satisfaction.

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