
Will Manipur in India eventually become independent? Why would they say that their ancestors were from China

author:Brother Kanshan

Before answering the question of whether the Manipur region can be independent, let me clarify one thing, many people on the Internet say that the Manipur region of India is another China, the six-pointed five-star red flag and the like, in fact, in 2015, the ambassador to India, Mr. Le, has given an explanation, Manipur and China do have a relationship, but the circulating "six-star flag" and another China are nothing, and the locals don't know about it at all.

Will Manipur in India eventually become independent? Why would they say that their ancestors were from China

The picture shows the girl in Manipur. The region, with its own culture and beliefs, is alien to India, and the idea of independence is understandable.

Although the Manipur people belong to India, but the skin color of Indian wheat and the brown skin color of South Asia are different, but the same yellow skin as the Chinese, they admit that their ancestors came from China, in the last years of the Tang Dynasty, the peasant uprising Huangchao established the Great Qi regime, and then because of the warlord melee, the people were not able to make a living, and the Qi people went away, one of which went south to South Asia, which is the descendants of the Chinese Qi people in Manipur.

Will Manipur in India eventually become independent? Why would they say that their ancestors were from China

Because Manipur has a close historical relationship with China, its cultural customs have retained many Chinese elements to this day, such as dragon worship, Chinese martial arts, food, etc., so Manipur is culturally incompatible with India; Historically, Manipur was an independent kingdom until the British came to colonize it and incorporated it directly into British India. There is a name called Nepal that has the same fate as Manipur, and this country also has its own dynasty called the Shah Dynasty, which was directly colonized as British India after the British came, but Nepal became independent in 1923 and has always been a constitutional monarchy until 2008 when it became a democracy.

On the map, Manipur is located in the easternmost part of India, with a narrow passage connecting the continent.

So Nepal's independence has greatly stimulated the urgent idea of independence in Manipur, since the 80s of the last century, there have been large-scale independence movements and armed forces in Manipur, and in recent years, demonstrations have continued to break out in Manipur, and the purpose is only one, to demand independence, and the Indian military has designated this as a key area, dispatched a large number of military forces to control this place, a number of Manipur independence people disappeared inexplicably, only in 2008 as many as 500 people.

Will Manipur in India eventually become independent? Why would they say that their ancestors were from China

Finally, a calm analysis, Nepal was recognized by the British in 1923 and became independent, and the Manipur region has been firmly controlled by India, half a century of assimilation, has allowed Indian culture to integrate into the region, such as culture, food and beliefs, so Manipur wants to be independent must have the strong support of the superpower to achieve it, and at present we and Manipur are only friendly diplomatic relations. Without the support of powerful powers, Manipur can only be like Russia's Chechnya at best, and it is impossible for him to be recognized by the world.

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