
The problems that novice cat slaves will encounter, they already know that they will suffer less!

author:Encyclopedia of dog knowledge

The first time I became a cat slave, I was more or less in a hurry, and I didn't know what to do and what not to do. This time, we will talk about the most common problems encountered by novice cats, and help you how to avoid minefields and become a qualified cat slave faster.

The problems that novice cat slaves will encounter, they already know that they will suffer less!

1. What should I do if I don't eat or drink?

The cat has just been taken home, and it has not yet adapted to the new environment, and may not eat or drink to find a place to hide, which is a normal phenomenon, and the shovel officer does not need to be too alarmed, let it slowly familiarize itself with the home environment, and do not interfere too much to disturb it.

The problems that novice cat slaves will encounter, they already know that they will suffer less!

Second, what to do if you like to scratch and bite

Cats are very fond of grinding their claws and teeth, so scratching and biting is inevitable, so you can only trim your cat's claws regularly and prepare more cat scratching boards and cat climbing frames for it to scratch, and also prepare toys and snacks for cats to grind. The corners of the sofa and mattress at home can be covered with linen materials to prevent them from being scratched and bitten.

The problems that novice cat slaves will encounter, they already know that they will suffer less!

3. I don't know how to go to the toilet, what should I do if I pull indiscriminately

This may be because the cat is not trained in place by you before the cat mother is trained, you must first clean up the excretion area in time, spray deodorant, it is recommended to put some of the cat's excrement into the litter box, and then take the cat to the litter box to smell it, press its butt to suggest that this is its convenient place! Or put the cat on the litter box and gently rub its anus with a moist cotton swab, just like a mother cat licks the kitten's anus when it is born to stimulate its bowel movements.

The problems that novice cat slaves will encounter, they already know that they will suffer less!

4. What should I do if I have loose stools?

1. If the cat is only afraid of the new environment, it will have soft stools and loose stools, which is a normal stress response, and it will be fine after it adapts to the environment.

2. If the cat has been soft and loose, the shovel officer should pay attention! Pay attention to whether the cat drinks and eats clean, whether it is eating bad things, etc., you can give the cat a little probiotics to regulate the stomach. If there is blood pulling, then it is necessary to seek medical attention in time.

The problems that novice cat slaves will encounter, they already know that they will suffer less!

5. Why did you get ringworm in cats when you got home?

Feline ringworm is more common in malnourished and frail cats, it is not a difficult disease, annoying is easy to infect, not only to other animals, but also to people, so once it is found that the kitten has cat moss, it must be treated in time, if there are other cats at home, they must be isolated.

When we deal with ringworm in cats, we first shave off the sick area of the cat and some of the hair around it. Then soak and scrub the sick area with hot, soapy water, which will soften the crust. After that, a cotton swab dipped in some alcohol is used to wipe off the dander and hard scab in the affected area, and then apply the medicine so that the medicine can penetrate directly into the skin. Use Mingruining to coat the cat externally, and the effect is good. At the same time, give it some B vitamins that will help in the treatment.

The problems that novice cat slaves will encounter, they already know that they will suffer less!

6. What should I do if the cat won't let me hold it?

When a cat has just arrived in a new environment, it will definitely feel strange and scared. At this time, don't rush to get close to it, otherwise the cat will think that you are going to hurt it. You can comfort your cat with the food it loves, and when you feed it, you can also gently call its name to make it feel safe around. After a long time, the cat will naturally get close to you! Try to have a snack when you interact with it.

The problems that novice cat slaves will encounter, they already know that they will suffer less!

7. How to feed a cat to make it grow well?

Two months after weaning is a period of rapid development of cats, and nutrition must be in place! If you don't want your cat to grow too sharp-mouthed monkey gills, the nutrition of the kitten must be a lot of effort, and you can choose cat food for cats that are high in nutrition and high protein, which can meet the needs of kittens for growth.

The problems that novice cat slaves will encounter, they already know that they will suffer less!

8. Is the purring sound of a cat a problem with the respiratory tract?

It is normal for cats to purr and purr, and generally cats will purr when they feel safe and comfortable.

The problems that novice cat slaves will encounter, they already know that they will suffer less!

Conclusion: Are you ready to become a qualified cat slave?

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The problems that novice cat slaves will encounter, they already know that they will suffer less!