
Jin Yong's martial arts are the most hilarious and useless five kinds of martial arts

author:Yan Zhao Wushuang

The flying snow shoots the white deer in the sky, and the smiling book god leans on the blue duck. In Jin Yong's martial arts world, there are many strange martial arts moves, including many powerful god-level martial arts. But some martial arts are not necessarily very powerful, and even some funny, it makes little sense to practice or not, the following five are the best examples.

Jin Yong's martial arts are the most hilarious and useless five kinds of martial arts

How about Dai Zong

How is Dai Zong in this move "Smiling Proud Jianghu" is the most profound swordsmanship of the Taishan faction, and it is indeed a very advanced swordsmanship. But it's somewhat funny, the gist is not the sword move in the right hand, but the calculation in the left hand. When fighting, it is necessary to calculate the enemy's position, martial arts sect, body length, blade size, and the level of sunlight, etc., which is extremely cumbersome and complicated, and it is too speechless!

Jin Yong's martial arts are the most hilarious and useless five kinds of martial arts

There is a feeling of being preemptive, planning and then acting. But when it comes to the moment of life and death, who will have such a clear mind? To put it bluntly, this is similar to the "Referring to the Mysterious Realm" in fantasy novels, where the prophet predicts the enemy first!

Jin Yong's martial arts are the most hilarious and useless five kinds of martial arts

To practice martial arts, you also need to learn various disciplines of mathematics, physics and chemistry, otherwise you will not be able to exert your power at all, this martial arts is too brain-burning. Powerful is powerful, but with this spirit of study, I'm afraid other martial arts can be practiced at will, right? It's really useless!

Acupuncture closure

The acupuncture technique comes from the novel "The Condor Heroes", the martial arts of the Gongsun family of the Ruthless Valley, and after practice, all their own acupoints can be closed, so that the enemy cannot break through their own acupoints. In fact, the martial arts are still good, but the practice conditions are too harsh.

Jin Yong's martial arts are the most hilarious and useless five kinds of martial arts

When practicing, you can't eat and drink the slightest bit of meat, otherwise this kung fu will automatically become invalid, which is equivalent to practicing in vain. Just like Qiu Qianqi said, the Gongsun family's acupuncture skills are difficult to practice and easy to break, so don't practice! If you can't eat meat, forget it, if you bite your lip or something, you will be wasted after decades of hard work!

Five Luo light cigarette palms

The martial arts in the novel "Dragon Babu" is the stunt of Duan Zhengchun, the king of Dali cannons, and Wuluo is famous all over the world. It is an ethereal and light palm, the main one is chic and handsome, and the power is enough to extinguish the candle, commonly known as the palm of the light.

Jin Yong's martial arts are the most hilarious and useless five kinds of martial arts

Light smoke curls, smoke is swirling, smoke is cloudy, clouds and smoke are misty, smoke is filled, and the smoke is gone. Duan Zhengchun has fought against people all his life, using the "One Yang Finger" magic skill externally, and relying on palm techniques to support the face internally, subduing countless young women!

Flat sand and falling geese

Pingsha Luoyan style, from the novel "Smiling Proud Jianghu", strictly speaking, only this martial art is the funniest and most useless, and it can't even be regarded as martial arts. A move like kicking the enemy's ass is less powerful than a thousand-year kill.

Jin Yong's martial arts are the most hilarious and useless five kinds of martial arts

If the martial arts are higher than the other party, it will be effective, if Ling Hu Chong uses this trick to deal with Zuo Lengchan, it is estimated that the grave grass is several zhang high. Purely hilarious moves, there's nothing to say!

God fell and the ghost fell three times in a row

The three consecutive gods and ghosts fall down, from the novel "Chivalrous Journey", are Bai Zizi's most proud moves. Pulling the back of the neck with his right hand, grabbing his chest with his left hand, and stumbling with his left foot, three moves in succession, there are countless famous heroes planted under these three chains.

Jin Yong's martial arts are the most hilarious and useless five kinds of martial arts

is a little wrestling and grappling skills, and he was blown to the sky by the arrogant and arrogant Bai Zizi, and he also bragged that Patriarch Bodhidharma and Zhang Sanfeng could not be compared with themselves. Let me be arrogant is a real force, and Bai Zizi is somewhat sitting in the well and watching the sky. Especially Shi Potian, who can't fight back, is so funny, he forcibly punches a small fist into a punch the size of a sandbag, haha!

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