
Darrell Bush16张画作发起版权维权 案件号:24-cv-05262

author:Jite intellectual property

Darrell Bush's 16 copyrighted paintings have been activated, and the case is represented by Keith Law Firm, which has not yet received a TRO motion, and is expected to receive an injunction in 1-2 weeks.

Case Information:

Time of prosecution: June 24, 2024


Type of Protection: Copyright

原告品牌:Darrell Bush

品牌:Darrell Bush

Law Firm: Keith

Place of occurrence: Illinois, USA

Brand website:

Brand introduction:

Darrell Bush is a brilliant artist from Illinois; Darrell Bush specializes in wilderness art; His paintings not only show the charm of nature's wilderness, but also show the peaceful atmosphere of nature.

Darrell Bush16张画作发起版权维权 案件号:24-cv-05262

Case Progress:

Darrell Bush16张画作发起版权维权 案件号:24-cv-05262

List of Cases:

Darrell Bush16张画作发起版权维权 案件号:24-cv-05262

Copyright Infringement Details:

Darrell Bush16张画作发起版权维权 案件号:24-cv-05262
Darrell Bush16张画作发起版权维权 案件号:24-cv-05262

Law Firm Introduction:

Keith A. Vogt is the name of a lawyer and also the name of a law firm, which is a very small American law firm located in Illinois, United States. Keith Law regularly acts as outside counsel to assist its clients in commercial disputes, contract negotiations and amendments, and intellectual property disputes.

Product examples:

Darrell Bush16张画作发起版权维权 案件号:24-cv-05262

Sellers who sell related products should pay attention to self-inspection and avoid stepping on the minefield of infringement. What happens if you are sued? After receiving the notice from the platform, you can immediately entrust a lawyer to analyze and deal with it, and it can be solved in as fast as 1-2 months. If you need professional infringement settlement services, or want to know whether your products are infringing, please leave a message for consultation~