
All localities and departments in Yunyang carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate "July 1st" (1)

author:Yunyang micro release

To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

For days

All localities and departments in Yunyang County organized and carried out

Celebration of "July 1st" theme activities in various forms and rich contents

Encourage the majority of party members and cadres

Interpret the original intention with responsibility

Practice the mission with hard work

All localities and departments in Yunyang carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate "July 1st" (1)

On June 30, the representatives of party members and cadres, youth league members, and young pioneers in our county came to the New Era Civilization Practice Center, and the party members and cadres reviewed the oath of joining the party, and the Communist Youth League members and Young Pioneers reviewed the oath of joining the group and the oath of joining the team. On the same day, we also organized everyone to carry out activities such as learning the history of the party and knowing the history of the party, sharing red stories, and answering questions and answers, and deepened the study and education of party history by reviewing the major events in the party's history, explaining the glorious course of the party, and sharing the stories of the party's history.

All localities and departments in Yunyang carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate "July 1st" (1)
All localities and departments in Yunyang carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate "July 1st" (1)

On June 28, the county political and legal system held a poetry recitation contest of "Celebrating July 1st and Ode to the Party". The 20 contestants closely focused on the theme, combined with the actual position, and used simple language and vivid examples to give speeches, expressing their love for the party, the motherland, the people and the political and legal cause, reflecting the good spirit of political and legal cadres and policemen who perform their duties loyally and selflessly, and demonstrate the confidence and determination to forge ahead on a new journey and make contributions to the new era. After fierce competition, 1 first prize, 2 second prizes, and 2 third prizes were selected on the spot.

All localities and departments in Yunyang carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate "July 1st" (1)

On June 27th, Moziling Community, Qinglong Street, carried out the party day activity with the theme of "Loyalty and Responsibility to the Party, Forge Ahead to Welcome July 1st", through the sitcom "Diet to Cure All Diseases", Tibetan dance "Sing Mountain Songs to the Party Again", dance skewers "Reflecting the Red Mountain", musical instrument ensemble "Fisherman Girl at the Seaside" and other programs, expressing the infinite love of community workers and the masses for the party and the motherland, and also conveying deep feelings and good wishes to the party.

All localities and departments in Yunyang carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate "July 1st" (1)

On June 25, Nixi Town carried out the celebration of "July 1st" and the party rules and party discipline knowledge competition, studied and implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, and guided party members and cadres to learn discipline, know discipline, know discipline, and abide by discipline.

All localities and departments in Yunyang carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate "July 1st" (1)
All localities and departments in Yunyang carried out a series of theme activities to celebrate "July 1st" (1)

On June 29th, Yunyang County Aerobics Club staged more than 10 programs such as "Always Follow the Party", "Song of Civilized Etiquette", "Caiyun Sunshine" and "Red Song Singing" around the theme of "Celebrating July 1st and Celebrating the Party", giving the audience a very educational cultural feast.

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