
Huazhuang Town, Honggu District, held a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and a promotion meeting for the construction of the "Vegetable and Fragrant Flower Village" Rural Revitalization Demonstration Belt

author:Red Ancient Release


On July 1, Huazhuang Town, Honggu District, held a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and a promotion meeting for the construction of the "Vegetable and Fragrant Flower Village" Rural Revitalization Demonstration Belt.

Huazhuang Town, Honggu District, held a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and a promotion meeting for the construction of the "Vegetable and Fragrant Flower Village" Rural Revitalization Demonstration Belt

The event kicked off in a cheerful song, the main person in charge of Huazhuang Town awarded and wore a commemorative medal for the "50 years of glory in the party" medal, and paid high tribute to their unremitting adherence to the original mission, Huazhuang Town Party Committee commended 3 advanced grassroots party organizations, 10 outstanding party members and outstanding party workers, and encouraged young party members to learn from the old party members, and devote themselves to the future work with more enthusiasm, higher morale and more pragmatic style.

Huazhuang Town, Honggu District, held a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and a promotion meeting for the construction of the "Vegetable and Fragrant Flower Village" Rural Revitalization Demonstration Belt

In the subsequent theatrical performances, the scene of applause thunderous, the program forms are diverse, rich in content, dance "Chinese Dragon", "Long Live the Motherland", Qin Yan sang "Honghu Red Guards", recitation "The Times is Calling", "Youth of the New Era, May You Pursue Your Dreams", solo "Five-Star Red Flag", "The Motherland Will Not Forget" and other programs were staged, leading the audience through the smoke of history, revisiting the glorious course of the party, singing the sincerity and heroism of the new journey in the movement of the times, and presenting gifts to the party's birthday.

Huazhuang Town, Honggu District, held a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and a promotion meeting for the construction of the "Vegetable and Fragrant Flower Village" Rural Revitalization Demonstration Belt

This art show not only enriched the spiritual and cultural life of party members and cadres, condensed the centripetal force between the party and the masses, but also stimulated the pride and sense of mission of all party members and the masses, and enriched the cultural life of residents. In the future, Huazhuang Town will continue to carry out a variety of activities, strive to write a new chapter in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era with more enthusiasm and high morale, practice the original mission with practical actions, and present the party's 103rd birthday with excellent results.

All-media reporter: Xie Xuan

Editor: Sun Yanan

Executive Producer: Bao Zhen

Director: Xie Tian

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