
BRICS has reached a critical juncture! It is up to China to be vigilant and resolve internal contradictions in the United States

author:Strange Mouth History



The BRICS currently has 10 member countries, including China, Russia, Brazil, India, South Africa, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates, among which Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, and Ethiopia are new members that just entered in January this year.

Then all of a sudden, according to Russian media reports on June 26, the Russian Foreign Minister revealed on June 26 that the 10 BRICS countries unanimously agreed to temporarily stop admitting new members in order to focus on "digesting" the new members who have just joined.

The most important thing for an international organization is to play its due role, not to covet a large number of members, otherwise, one United Nations would be able to solve all problems.

The most important thing is to "stay true to the original intention", stick to the core goal of creating the organization, and really make a difference.

At the beginning of its establishment, the goal of the BRICS organization was to be an economic organization, which was reflected in the global face and paying more attention to economic and cultural exchanges. Its primary goal is to establish a diplomatic international order that is different from the "United States and the West". This is the essence in the core. If new members are blindly admitted, these new members may have contradictions and conflicts with other countries, and eventually they will become scattered and lose the meaning of the organization.

Remember that not long ago, the United States and Ukraine held a large-scale Swiss peace summit, and what was the result? A farce that has not changed anything!

There is also our own SCO, which originally only had six countries: China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, covering China, Russia and Central Asia.

International organizations in similar situations abound, such as the "Quad mechanism" jointly engaged in by the United States, Japan, India and Australia, anyway, now with the participation of India, it is basically very possible to reach an agreement, and the notorious "Five Eyes Alliance" Although the number of people is small, but because of their different demands, the efficiency of action has become lower and lower, such as New Zealand is keen to do business with us, and the United States wants to continue to suppress us!

BRICS has reached a critical juncture! It is up to China to be vigilant and resolve internal contradictions in the United States

Now the BRICS has similar problems, but it has not yet reached the point where it is difficult to return, but the fact that each has different needs has already arisen!

Recently, Iran and Russia are planning to launch their own digital currencies, why do they want to do this is very incomprehensible, and then I saw the analysis of these digital currencies, saying that Russia and Iran want to launch resource-based digital currencies, binding resources, also similar to petrodollars!

It is conceivable that if you continue to play resource currency, then it is another kind of hegemony, the resource country with strong military capability will take the resource country with less resources, and the resource country with weak military capability will also be controlled by the resource country with strong military ability, which is not as good as petrodollars, at least we have mastered the laws of this system, and we have indeed developed rapidly in the past few decades!

At present, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have joined China's digital currency, Iran and Russia plan to build natural gas hubs, and several other BRICS countries are waiting and seeing, and those who want to join are also having their own thoughts, and if they do not find a feasible plan, they will not be able to play.

BRICS has reached a critical juncture! It is up to China to be vigilant and resolve internal contradictions in the United States

The key problem is that the BRICS lacks an absolute leadership country like the United States!

On the American side, the Western system was formed after World War II, and the United States, as the hero who saved Europe, became the leader of the West. Over the past 80 years, the United States has also maintained a leading position in the economy, science and technology, and is naturally the unshakable big brother of the West. You see NATO or the G7, after so many years, it has been very active, although it has been complained about and scolded for being brain dead, but people can really affect the world political pattern, and they can run out and toss it from time to time!

The BRICS countries do not have such historical origins, and everyone was poor and white before (Russia was very wide before, but now it is in decline), and it is easy for cooperation to be affected by immediate disputes. The two conflicts that have erupted in the world in the past two years have exposed the ugly face of the West and inspired more countries of the South to join the BRICS, hoping to be sheltered by the big family.

It's good to have enthusiasm, but the most important thing right now is to have a unified sense of action, a program, and authority. Therefore, this organization urgently needs a leader to do a good job of internal coordination, and the big country in the east is now the strongest existence among the southern countries, and the strange mouth feels that it should stand up and shoulder the responsibility! It is difficult for an organization to succeed without a leader, this time to stop absorbing new members, it is a good thing, now do a good job of internal unity, set a good tone, clear goals, in order to think in one place, force to make in one place, otherwise it is the grass platform team!

BRICS has reached a critical juncture! It is up to China to be vigilant and resolve internal contradictions in the United States

Only by doing a good job of internal coordination and forming a consensus can we truly develop and grow, otherwise even if we join all the countries of the South, we will have no influence. If new members are blindly admitted, these new members may have contradictions and conflicts with other countries, and eventually they will become scattered and lose the meaning of the organization.

From BRICS to BRICS. Sometimes it's a little bit of a slow. It's to digest it and run faster.

For those countries that deliberately stir up trouble in the BRICS and undermine the overall situation of BRICS cooperation, a removal mechanism should be established.

Now that the expansion of the organization is no longer a problem, it is time to stop and consolidate the results and set the rules.

Countries that join in the future will have to accept these rules, and countries that join early will have the opportunity to participate in the formulation of the rules.

Set the key rules and regulations first, lay a solid foundation, and then think about other things.

In particular, the idea is to prevent the United States and the West from quietly stuffing stinky fish and rotten shrimp into it when they are expanding, and turning it into internal resistance, you must know that this is their usual trick, look at the original Britain joined the European Union, the European Union was called happy, and then we all saw the results that a Brexit EU was played by the United Kingdom, and the losses were heavy! Such a thing must not happen to the BRICS.

These are the key now, the number of people is not a problem at all! As long as everyone can see the strength of this organization and the hope of this organization, then there is no worry that no one will join, the world has suffered for a long time, but most countries do not have the strength and the ability to resist, it's not that they don't know, it's not that they don't want to!

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