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author:Home in the Drum Tower


Always follow the party

Forge ahead on a new journey

Shuibu Street carried out the "July 1st" theme party day activities

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, guide party members and cadres to feel the party's kindness, listen to the party, and follow the party, and further promote the study and education of party discipline to be deeper and more practical, on June 30, Shuibu Street carried out the party day activity with the theme of "always follow the party and forge ahead on a new journey" to welcome the "July 1st". The event was led and organized by the party branch of the sub-district organ, and the secretary of the party committee of the five communities, the secretary of the party branch of the economic cooperation society and the representatives of party members participated together.

The oath of joining the party "recalls the original heart"

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Lin Song, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Shuibu Street, as the oath taker, led all party members to review the oath of joining the party under the party flag. The party members stood neatly and with firm eyes, and jointly reviewed the solemn commitment made when they joined the party organization, and further strengthened their loyalty to the party and communist faith.

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Learning Party Discipline "Show Your Style"

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Three representatives of outstanding party members took the stage to speak, and they exchanged and shared their experiences and insights on the "Disciplinary Regulations of the Communist Party of China" in combination with their own learning and work practices. Their speeches inspired every party member present to strengthen their beliefs, take responsibility, and promote the study and education of party discipline into their minds and hearts.

Party building and co-construction to "promote development"

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In order to improve the quality and efficiency of party building work, strengthen the exchange and cooperation of party organizations, and realize resource sharing and complementary advantages, the party branch of the sub-district organ of the Ministry of Water signed a party building and co-construction agreement with four units, including the Water Branch of the Gulou District Taxation Bureau, the Market Supervision and Management Institute of the Ministry of Water in Gulou District, the Yan'an Kindergarten of Fuzhou Yan'an Middle School Education Group and Fujian Yongan Property Management Co., Ltd.

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Lin Song, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Shuibu Street, stressed the need to give full play to the role of grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress, and encouraged all grassroots party organizations to take this opportunity to further strengthen their own construction and improve their work level.

Birthday Ceremony "Enjoy the Glory"

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This is an unforgettable "political birthday", and the exquisitely made birthday cards are impressively written with inspiring words, pinning the expectations and blessings of the party organization on party members. Through the "political birthday", the party members practiced their solemn commitment to the faith. There was also a beautiful birthday cake at the scene, and everyone made a wish and sang "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", and jointly wished the party and the country prosperity.

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Red film "Strong Thoughts"

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All party members watched the red classic film "The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party", which reproduced the glorious history of the birth of the Communist Party of China with vivid pictures and plots. The party members were deeply touched and deeply experienced the spiritual outlook of the Chinese communists who cherished lofty ideals and dared to dedicate themselves to the revolution, as well as their firm belief in shouldering the great mission of national rejuvenation and people's liberation.

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This activity strengthened the loyalty and belief of party members and cadres to the party, and inspired their determination to adhere to their original intention and take on the mission. The party members jointly promised to transform the gains and insights in the activities into concrete actions for daily work, fulfill the party's mission with practical actions, and highlight the unique style of party members in the new era.

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