
Hurricane Bero has increased in power, becoming the first hurricane of the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season

author:True quantification

Beryl is the first hurricane of the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season, and much of the southeastern Caribbean has stepped up preparedness amid weather crews predicting that Beryl will soon become a major storm.

"Beryl" moved north-west

Time: 08:00 on the 1st (Beijing time)

Area: North Atlantic

Name: Beryl

Central location: 11.2 degrees north latitude, 57.3 degrees west longitude

Intensity Rating: Category 4 Hurricane

Maximum wind: 17 (60 m/s, equivalent to a super typhoon on the mainland)

Central pressure: 960 hPa

Reference location: About 480 km south-easteast of Kingston, Jamaica

Change: Over the past 24 hours, "Beryl" has increased from level 12 to level 17

Forecast conclusion: "Beryl" will move rapidly to the north-west at a speed of about 30 kilometers per hour, with little change in intensity.

Hurricane Bero has increased in power, becoming the first hurricane of the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season

The National Hurricane Center (NHC) said Berrow, which is currently located in the Atlantic Ocean about 1,160 kilometers east of Barbado, will evolve into a "dangerous large hurricane" when it arrives in the Windward Islands on the evening of June 30 and July 1.

美国国家飓风中心在最新公告中发布等级不一的警报,巴贝多达「警告」(warning)等级,圣露西亚(St Lucia)、圣文森及格瑞那丁(St Vincent and the Grenadines)和格瑞那达(Grenada)则是「注意」(watch)。

Hurricane Bero has increased in power, becoming the first hurricane of the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season

In Barbados' capital, Bridgetown, there are queues at gas stations and people flocking to supermarkets and grocery stores to buy food, water and supplies.

On the Saffir-Simpson scale, which is the highest Category 5 hurricane wind scale, a level 3 or higher is considered a major hurricane, with winds of at least 178 kilometers per hour.

The Atlantic hurricane season lasts from early June to late November, and experts say it's extremely rare for such a powerful storm to form at its very early start.

Hurricane Bero has increased in power, becoming the first hurricane of the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season

Hurricane expert Michael Lowry posted on social media X: "There have only been five records of large hurricanes (above level 3) in the Atlantic Ocean before the first week of July. Bero will be the sixth, and the first to appear in the tropical Atlantic."


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