
Once the expansion is completed, Taiping Island may become a large military base and the heart of the South China Sea

author:Scientific knowledge points

In China's overall development, there has always been an advantage, that is, our military development strength is very strong, and the location of the South China Sea on the mainland is also very important, so there are also many neighboring countries eyeing the tiger, and under the same circumstances, they also want to have some corresponding data to develop, but in fact, the South China Sea region itself is important, so there will be more attention.

Once the expansion is completed, Taiping Island may become a large military base and the heart of the South China Sea

Taiping Island, the heart of the South China Sea, can be expanded to form a large military base for us, and since this location is very critical, there are many people who are concerned about the expansion of Taiping Island.

The location of the South China Sea is very important and is the reason why many countries have been paying attention to it, and many countries opposed it when Japan was reclaiming the islands in the past, but because of their power quibbles, this matter did not develop.

However, this has opened up a new path for China, after knowing that the island-building will not be affected, China has also begun to do some island-building in the South China Sea, and now the expansion of Taiping Island is about to be completed, this development is even more incredible, in fact, the mainland can have more territory, which means that we have a longer period of use.

Once the expansion is completed, Taiping Island may become a large military base and the heart of the South China Sea

Taiping Island is located in the mainland Nansha, the archipelago in the northwest corner of the Zhenghe Islands a large island, its own area is not much, and the whole is very long and narrow, under the same situation it is not easy to build, and the surface is still easy to weathered fine sand, although there are hard reefs underground, but can not have a better construction, so the expansion of the island is a better choice.

And computers can also promote development to a greater extent, because the wind speed here is relatively small, if there is no typhoon passing, there are fewer extreme weather, and at the same time, there are some lush plants growing on the island, and there is abundant fresh water underground to provide life, and the overall view of this island is very suitable for sand blowing and reclamation.

Once the expansion is completed, Taiping Island may become a large military base and the heart of the South China Sea

Taiping Island has always been the inherent territory of the mainland, so everyone has more jurisdiction over him, plus it is the farthest island from the island, so it is deeply valued by Taiwan Province, in 2008, Taiwan Province has carried out modernization construction on Taiping Island, and about 100 troops are stationed on the island.

According to reports at the time, Taiwan Province expanded the island again in 2014, and the airport runway has been expanded from the original 1,150 meters to 1,500 meters, and it can directly take off and land F16 fighters, C130 transport planes and P3C anti-submarine aircraft on the mainland.

The construction of the island will promote the advantages to a greater extent, and there is a large port on the southwest side of the island, from the satellite map, the deepening and rescue work of the port terminal has been completed, after the official completion of the inner side can dock 1000-ton ships, on the outside can also dock 3000-ton ships, this use also allows everyone to have a new understanding of the island, in fact, there are heavy guards, but also we do this basic guarantee.

Once the expansion is completed, Taiping Island may become a large military base and the heart of the South China Sea

Taiping Island is very important to the mainland, because the distance is relatively close, and the Nansha Islands are also the closest to the mainland, and there are many Southeast Asian countries near the Nansha Islands that are invading us one after another, but under the same circumstances, it is also very important to arm the forces here.

And from the distribution of the major artificial islands, the location of the mainland Taiping Island is very special, other countries will also have artificial islands to build, but it is in the core of the major artificial islands, so you can call it the heart of the South China Sea, it is also expected, the mainland's military base means that there will be more grasp here, and Taiping Island can also be linked with other islands.

Once the expansion is completed, Taiping Island may become a large military base and the heart of the South China Sea

Once the expansion of Taiping Island is completed, it can also form a large-scale military base, but in fact, it can be used in terms of port, configuration and application area, and if there is also a reserve in the military base, it will be more likely to be used, in fact, everyone's attention to China is also very obvious.

In fact, China's use of military power has also developed in more aspects, and the South China Sea region is a very wonderful place for China, so it is not surprising that there is such a construction in this area.

Once the expansion is completed, Taiping Island may become a large military base and the heart of the South China Sea

The construction of large-scale military bases, in fact, is a crucial thing for every country, in this case, but also for the mainland's Taiping Island sand blowing reclamation is also very concerned, coupled with China's technological maturity in recent years, so the construction of such islands is faster, China's military strength is strong, can also make other countries dare not take action against us.

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