
Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!

author:Chinese veterans
Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!

"Your check-in has been completed

Please take the priority lane for veterans......"

In one scene took place in Qingdao, Shandong

Jia Dianfu, a retired soldier, checks in at the check-in counter

Both boarding passes and baggage are marked with a green priority sign

Be guided by airport staff

Priority access from veterans

Enter the security screening area for security check

What's going on?

Check it out with the old squad leader!

Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!
Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!


It is understood

Qingdao, Shandong Province is on the basis of giving priority to servicemen on active duty in accordance with the law

Launched the Priority Service for Veterans

At check-in, security, boarding and other workstations

A special green channel has been set up

At the same time, priority signs are designed and posted in conspicuous places

Veterans at check-in and baggage check-in procedures

Enjoy priority service with preferential treatment card and invalids card

Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!

The airport staff will be on the boarding pass and luggage

Post a special priority sign

Prioritize the whole process

Facilitate retired servicemen, military dependents and

Travels for other recipients of preferential care

Create a stronger atmosphere of respect

Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!

"Before, we used to take the bus and subway for free with the Invalides Card

Now there is a priority lane even for airplanes

Check-in and security checks are much faster than before

It took less than 10 minutes to complete all the procedures

Special thanks to the state for its care and care for us. ”

Liu Shixin, a retired soldier, said excitedly

Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!
Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!



Sichuan Ganzi Prefecture Shuangyong Office has joined hands with three airport companies in the state

A signing ceremony was held for a cooperation agreement on supporting the armed forces and providing preferential care

Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!

Kangding Airport, Daocheng Yading Airport, Ganzi Gesar Airport

It is an active duty soldier, a retired soldier, a "three-family" and accompanying family members

Exclusive oxygen lounge (VIP room) available

Priority check-in, expedited security, boarding, baggage pick-up

and other preferential services

Preferential shopping and dining discounts are provided to the recipients of preferential treatment

Free parking is provided within the public time limit of the airport parking lot

and other "three excellent and three benefit" services

Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!
Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!
Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!
Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!

The list of preferential treatment projects in various places continues to be new!


The old squad leader noticed many places recently

The list of preferential treatment items has been updated one after another

Let's take a look!

In Nanchong, Sichuan

The list of the second batch of preferential treatment projects was released

It involves medical care, finance, cultural tourism, accommodation, and auto repair

Shopping, culture, sports, dining and other aspects

The details are as follows

Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!
Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!

Service Hotline:

Nanchong Veterans Service Center: 0817-2806380

Shunqing District Veterans Service Center: 0817-2999190

Gaoping District Veterans Service Center: 0817-3573678

Jialing District Veterans Service Center: 0817-3630036

Langzhong Veterans Service Center: 0817-6351667

Nanfang County Veterans Service Center: 0817-5558916

Xichong County Veterans Service Center: 0817-4234433

Yilong County Veterans Service Center: 0817-7216123

Yingshan County Veterans Service Center: 0817-8232191

Peng'an County Veterans Service Center: 0817-8686576

in Jingzhou, Hubei

The public security county issued retired servicemen and other preferential care recipients

List of preferential treatments

Let the vast number of veterans and other preferential care objects

Enjoy real benefits

Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!
Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!

In Shangrao, Jiangxi

Guangxin District has introduced a plan for the majority of active military personnel, retired soldiers and

A list of preferential treatment items for other preferential care recipients

There are a total of 50 merchants in Wuyue Plaza

Distributed on all floors

Glass doors or walls of every merchant that supports the army

It is posted with a circular pro-army merchant logo

Discount promise cards are placed at the checkout counters of the stores

Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!

There are a total of 48 merchants supporting the army on Gaopole Street

Catering, snacks, clothing, etc. are covered

The glass door or wall of every merchant that supports the army

All of them are affixed with A4 paper-sized pro-army merchant logos

Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!
Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!

In Xianyang, Shaanxi

The first batch of 30 in Weicheng District

The "Merchants of the Alliance for Supporting the Army" was unveiled

Covering catering, tourism, and leisure

Accommodation, shopping and healthcare

Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!

Xianyang Old Street "Supporting the Army Merchant Alliance" guide map.

Not only for active military and retired soldiers

and other key preferential care objects

More preferential treatments

Also for retired military personnel and military families

Provide more employment and entrepreneurship opportunities

Promote the whole society to participate in the strong atmosphere of supporting the army and giving preferential treatment to family members

The details are as follows

Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!
Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!
Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!
Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!
Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!

A preferential treatment card, every bit of respect

The preferential treatment card is a proof of the retired soldier's dedication to the country

In recent years, various localities have continued to expand preferential treatment certificates

In public transport, cultural tourism, medical security

Application scenarios for social services and other aspects

Enrich the content of preferential treatment

Refresh the preferential treatment "Circle of Friends"

Increasing the "gold content" of preferential treatment

The Veterans Security Act provides

Retired servicemen can enjoy it with valid documents

Preferential treatment for public transportation, culture and tourism

It not only makes the veterans feel more satisfied

It has also created a strong atmosphere of respect in the whole society


Every small step has been taken in the preferential treatment of veterans in various localities

It will become a big step in the socialized service model for veterans

In a sense

The priority of retired servicemen is the priority of national defense and army building

It warmed the hearts of active duty and retired soldiers

It is to consolidate national defense and army building

Looking forward to more and more enthusiastic enterprises and individuals

Participate in the cause of supporting the army and giving preferential treatment to family members

Jointly contribute to the modernization of national defense and the armed forces


In which scenarios have you used the card?

What kind of convenience did you enjoy?

Welcome to chat in the comment area!

Quick look! Veterans enjoy exclusive benefits on board!

Article source: Chinese veterans (ID: zgtyjr). The reprint must be indicated from the WeChat public account of "Chinese veterans", otherwise it will be regarded as infringement.

Source: Hubei Provincial Department of Veterans Affairs, Qingdao Veterans Affairs Bureau, Shangrao Veterans Affairs Bureau, Ganzi Prefecture Veterans Affairs Bureau, Nanchong Veterans Affairs Bureau, Xianyang Veterans Affairs Bureau