
Immediately enter the sky, how to manage the leeks, green onions, melons and vegetables in the ground, with or without watering and fertilizing

author:Vegetable girl
Immediately enter the sky, how to manage the leeks, green onions, melons and vegetables in the ground, with or without watering and fertilizing

Futian is a period of time with typical climate characteristics in a year, generally from mid-July to mid-to-late August, about 40 days, this time period of temperature is particularly high, rain is particularly much, air humidity is high, and the light is relatively weak. Generally speaking, except for a few leafy vegetables that like temperature and water, such as amaranth, water spinach, and fungus, other vegetables do not grow very well during this time.

Leeks should be dormant in summer, green onion seedlings are mostly just planted, melons and vegetables are also growing rapidly but have not yet begun to produce a large number of melons. But for these growing vegetables, the management of Futian is very important, related to whether the leek autumn stubble can be harvested, whether it will grow strong or not, and also related to the growth and yield of green onions.

Immediately enter the sky, how to manage the leeks, green onions, melons and vegetables in the ground, with or without watering and fertilizing

1. Water and fertilizer management

Although there is usually more rain in Futian, it is not necessarily, and we have mastered this principle in watering and fertilizing.

1. Try not to water and top dressing leeks

Leek and green onion belong to the lily family of allium vegetables, the root system is a string-like fibrous root system, which has the function of storing nutrients and water, and the leaves are sparse and long, and the water lost by transpiration is relatively small, so the drought resistance is very strong. The temperature is high in summer, and the leeks basically stop growing, and the leeks at this stage are not harvested, watered, or fertilized, if the leeks grow relatively weakly. Or leeks that have been growing for many years, then the leeks are no longer harvested in autumn, but enter the plant's nutrient reserves, and in winter, the nutrients from the aboveground plants flow back to the root system to prepare for the next year's growth.

Immediately enter the sky, how to manage the leeks, green onions, melons and vegetables in the ground, with or without watering and fertilizing

2. Futian green onion is in the seedling growth stage, the growth amount is small, and it is drought tolerant, so it almost does not need to be watered.

After the green onion seedlings are planted to the beginning of autumn, the temperature is high, the growth is very slow, and there is a lot of rain, it is not recommended to water more during this period, you can not water in drought, as long as the seedlings do not die. It is also not topdressed, but more loosening soil, and more loosening soil after rain to promote root growth.

At the beginning of autumn or after the summer heat, the weather is obviously cooler, and the green onion enters the rapid growth stage, which can be topdressed after the summer heat and after the white dew to promote the growth of the plant. For the first time, 1500 kg of rotted farm fertilizer, 20 kg of superphosphate and 10 kg of potassium sulfate were applied per mu, and they were evenly spread; The second top dressing, the main available nitrogen fertilizer, preferably urea, 20 kg of urea and 15 kg of potassium sulfate per mu. At the same time, the soil is kept moist to meet the needs of green onion growth.

Immediately enter the sky, how to manage the leeks, green onions, melons and vegetables in the ground, with or without watering and fertilizing

3. Watering and fertilizing melons and vegetables

We often plant melons and vegetables such as loofah, bitter gourd, pumpkin, winter melon, melon and vegetable root system is developed, the root system is very deep, the deepest reaches one or two meters, can absorb the water and nutrients of the deep soil, so the drought resistance of melon and vegetables is also very strong, even if the plant wilts very badly, a rain or watering can still grow very vigorously.

In general, leeks, green onions and melon vegetables basically do not need to be watered and fertilized in Futian, unless they are about to die of drought. In not particularly dry years, it can grow well with rain.

It is necessary to pay attention to the need to have waterlogging prevention measures at this stage, leek green onion because of its root system has a strong repair ability, so drought tolerance is also waterlogging, there is stagnant water in time to drain will not affect its growth, and the waterlogging resistance of melons and vegetables is very poor, a few hours of water accumulation in the field, may damage the root system. In places with a lot of rain, to plant melons and vegetables, it is necessary to choose well-drained plots, or plant them with high ridges.

Immediately enter the sky, how to manage the leeks, green onions, melons and vegetables in the ground, with or without watering and fertilizing

2. Field finishing

The goal of field management in Futian vegetable field is to make the field well-ventilated and light-transmitting, free of weeds, pests and diseases, and free of branches and rotten leaves beaten by rain. Therefore, we should do a good job in three aspects of field management.

1. Melons and vegetables should be pruned and weeded in time

Melon and vegetables will have a lot of growth in Futian plants, especially after rain, the growth is very vigorous, and a lot of branches and vines are born, so the whole pruning and branching occupy a lot of work.

Winter melon and pumpkin are mainly main vines or sub-vines, and double vines or triple vines are selected for pruning. The base of the main vine selects 1~2 strong vines to stay, each plant bears one or two melons, and the rest of the vines or grandvines can be knocked off after the melon.

The loofah and bitter gourd plants planted in the vegetable garden are weak and usually do not shoot much, but they should be evenly introduced to the shelves, so that the plants receive sufficient light. Two or three leaves can be left for topping after the melon is set to balance the nutrients of the plant.

Immediately enter the sky, how to manage the leeks, green onions, melons and vegetables in the ground, with or without watering and fertilizing

2. Leeks and green onions should be weeded in time

Even with the use of herbicides, many weeds still grow after each rain. Weeds can cause the field to be shaded, with weak light and poor ventilation, which can lead to the occurrence of pests and diseases. Therefore, at this stage, you can't be afraid of trouble, hoe in time if you have weeds, and at the same time loosen the soil to promote the growth of roots and plants.

3. Pest control

Whether it is leeks, green onions or melons and vegetables, it is necessary to carry out the prevention and control of pests and diseases, focusing on prevention, spraying fungicides and insecticides after each rain, and at the same time to observe diligently, with pests and diseases, targeted spraying control.

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