
New qualitative productive forces from the perspective of historical materialism

author:Colorful Qin'an

【Research on New Quality Productivity】

The new quality of productive forces, a major theoretical innovation, has a distinctive scientific, contemporary, advanced and practical nature, is the original achievement of Xi Jinping's economic thought, and is the latest development of Marxist theory of productive forces. When presiding over the 11th collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "High-quality development needs to be guided by new productivity theories, and new quality productivity has been formed in practice and demonstrated a strong driving force and support for high-quality development. "It is of great theoretical and practical significance to use the basic principles and methodology of historical materialism to perceive the new quality of productive forces in terms of a deep understanding of the scientific connotation, theoretical logic and practical path of the new quality of productive forces, and to further develop the Marxist theory of productive forces.

A multi-dimensional perspective of the "new quality" of new quality productivity

Proceeding from Marx's historical materialist viewpoints on productive forces, socialized large-scale production, scientific production, "total workers", and "general intelligence", we can profoundly grasp the scientific connotation of the new quality productive forces and their multifaceted embodiment.

First, the new quality productive forces are the contemporary development form of the advanced productive forces. In his study of the large-scale machine industry, Marx revealed that the productive forces are a complex structural system with a combination of multiple factors, including the subject and object of laborers, labor materials and labor objects, and their intermediary structures, and the advanced productive forces are first embodied in the comprehensive development of this factor and system. The new quality productivity is not a simple optimization and quantitative iteration of the traditional productivity, but the formation of a new type of productivity factor structure system, which reflects the advanced, innovative and leading nature of the productivity from the aspects of the factors themselves, the relationship between the elements, the structure formed by the relationship, and the system functions played by the structure. The new qualitative productive forces have undergone "qualitative" and structural changes in the factors of production, which not only include the technological improvement of physical factors such as laborers, labor materials and labor objects, but also integrate science and technology, information and data, economic management, human economy and other dynamic factors into all links of the productive forces system in an all-round way, bursting out with a powerful practical force to transform the world.

Second, the new quality productivity is a form of technological empowerment for socialized large-scale production. Marx revealed the "self-negation" power inherent in the capitalist mode of production, that is, the socialization of production, and scientifically predicted that the all-round development of the social productive forces would provide a key material basis for the emergence of new needs, new social relations and new modes of interaction. The new quality of productivity means that the level of socialization of production has been significantly improved. Specifically, the new quality productivity has promoted the innovation and upgrading of production technology, and the intelligent and information-based production equipment has been widely used in various fields, thus forming a closer social division of labor and cooperation, a wider range of socialized concentration of means of production and labor, and a higher level of large-scale production organization, so that all aspects of the social production process form a flexible and flexible organic whole, and provide a strong guarantee for the sustainable development of the socialization level of production.

Third, the new quality productivity is the latest achievement of the trend of "scientific production." Marx noted that since the Industrial Revolution, the production process has increasingly shown a trend of scientificization, and science and technology have increasingly become the most revolutionary factors of productive forces. The new quality of productive forces embodies the latest achievements of the trend of scientific production, which means that the trend of science and technology directly becoming productive forces has developed to a new level, which not only intrinsically changes the mode of labor and the mode of division of labor and cooperation, but also reshapes the specific mode of production that mediates the contradictory movement of productive forces and production relations. The new quality productivity is closely related to strategic emerging industries and future industries, and is a productive force with intensive scientific and technological innovation, a productive force with original innovation as the core driving force, and a productive force that fully releases the innovation potential of scientific production. The development of new quality productivity means that intelligent and automated production equipment systematically replaces traditional mechanical equipment, and new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, and virtual reality play an increasingly prominent role as engines and intermediaries in the production process. This transformation not only improves labor productivity, but more importantly, stimulates people's initiative and creativity, and makes production activities more dependent on the general improvement of human scientific and technological literacy and collective innovation ability.

Fourth, the new quality of productivity is the latest embodiment of the "total worker". Marx revealed the mode of social union of labor in the large machine industry, and called the social union of laborers "the total worker". The so-called "overall worker" refers to the social whole formed by the combination of workers involved in all aspects of the production process, including workers directly engaged in production and scientific researchers and managers indirectly involved in production. "Total workers" include the structural combination of simple labor and complex labor, the intermediary combination of physical labor and mental labor, and the differential combination of material labor and immaterial labor. The new quality of productivity reflects that the level of "overall workers" and the integration of labor and society has been greatly improved, and the connotation has been greatly enriched. With the rise of the knowledge economy, the development of information technology and the innovation of artificial intelligence, more and more workers are engaged in complex labor such as knowledge creation and technological innovation. As the backbone of the "overall workers", these innovative workers not only have a high level of professional skills and knowledge, but also can flexibly use new technologies and new methods to solve complex problems in production, distribution, circulation and consumption, and reflect the comprehensive and creative development of their labor ability.

Fifth, the new quality productive forces are a rational form of development of "general intelligence." Marx revealed the formation and development of "general intelligence" in the large machine industry. The so-called "general intelligence" refers to the intellectual factors that are separated from the labor process, relatively independent and used by the public in the trend of modern scientific production, which are embodied in the public intellectual factors in the socialized division of labor and cooperation in a narrow sense, and in a broad sense, they are extended to the collection of intellectual objectified products, including knowledge, science, technology, machines, information, data, etc. "General intelligence" derives from the capitalist labour process and is subject to the multiplication of capital value and capitalist private ownership, and thus exhibits an alien and antagonistic nature vis-à-vis individual labourer. Under the conditions of socialism, the rational development of "general intelligence" can become the key condition for the development of new quality productive forces. Workers no longer rely solely on their own acquired knowledge and skills to work and participate in the production process, but more through the intermediary of the information network of co-construction, sharing and sharing. At present, generative artificial intelligence is giving birth to and leading a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, digital technology is penetrating and integrating a variety of production factors in an all-round way, and the socialization and publicization trend of "general intelligence" is increasingly taking digital form. Correspondingly, the "power" of the new quality productivity is also mainly manifested in the upgrade from the previous heat, electricity, and information power to "computing power", and this global-scale cloud computing "computing power" is the latest embodiment of "general intelligence".

Develop new quality productive forces and shape new production relations

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "To develop new quality productive forces, we must further deepen reform in an all-round way and form a new type of production relationship that is compatible with it. "In the basic principle of historical materialism, the productive forces are the most active and revolutionary factor in promoting social progress, and the ultimate determining force in promoting social development; The relations of production must meet the requirements of the development of the productive forces. Driven by the development of advanced productive forces, the relations of production have become highly elastic and malleable. To promote high-quality development at a new historical starting point, we must scientifically grasp the law of contradiction between the productive forces and the relations of production, further deepen the reform in an all-round way, accelerate the shaping of a new type of production relationship that is compatible with the development of the new quality of productive forces, and form a management system and operating mechanism that are compatible with the development of the new quality of the productive forces and the new type of production relations, so that all kinds of advanced and high-quality production factors can flow smoothly to the development of the new quality of the productive forces, and let all the sources of creating people's wealth fully flow.

The new quality of the productive forces has put forward new requirements for the development of production relations: speed up the shaping of new types of production relations that are compatible with the development of the new quality of production relations. The new type of production relations here is, of course, the embodiment of the socialist relations of production, but it has a series of new characteristics, new structures, and new functions in the specific institutional mechanisms and elements of the relations of production. First, the new quality of productivity requires production relations to be more flexible and plastic. We should deepen the reform of the economic system and the scientific and technological system, strive to break through the blockages that restrict the development of new quality productive forces, establish a more flexible, flexible, and efficient innovation mechanism and market mechanism, optimize the allocation of production factors, and let all kinds of advanced and high-quality production factors such as labor, knowledge, technology, management, capital, and data give full play to their vitality in the development of new quality productive forces. Second, the new quality of productivity requires that the relations of production be more able to ensure fairness, justice and sustainable development. Under the influence of new quality productivity, the drive of scientific and technological innovation is becoming increasingly strong, the quality and efficiency of economic development are improved, and the growth rate of social wealth is accelerating. Therefore, it is all the more necessary to ensure that the people can share the fruits of social development by improving the distribution system and strengthening the construction of the social security system, and continuously protect and stimulate the people's subjectivity and innovation by improving the "reproduction" mechanism of the main body of labor, so as to promote sustainable economic and social development. Third, the new quality of productivity requires production relations to be more open, inclusive and common development. Under the current conditions of economic globalization, economic ties, information sharing, scientific and technological exchanges, and mutual learning between civilizations among countries are becoming increasingly close, which makes the conditions for the development of new productive forces need to be integrated globally. Therefore, it is necessary to create a good international environment for the development of new quality productive forces, expand high-level opening up, strengthen exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and promote world modernization and the common development of human civilization.

In the process of shaping the new type of production relations, the relationship between the new quality of productive forces and capital is an important issue that cannot be avoided. According to Marx's scientific analysis of the capitalist mode of production, capital is the dominant production relations and economic power. The essence of capital is the embodiment of capitalist production relations in specific factors of production, so on the one hand, it greatly stimulates the emancipation and development of the productive forces, and on the other hand, it also transforms the social productive forces into the power of capital itself, which in turn dominates and exploits the laborers, and constantly exploits the time conditions and material preconditions for the survival and development of the laborers. However, under the conditions of socialism, the socialist relations of production restrict capital, which is mainly a factor of production, stipulate the form and proportion of its existence, and transform its internal characteristics, fundamentally determine the characteristics and behavioral laws of capital, and dominate all kinds of capital, public or non-public, in different ways, directly or indirectly, so that they can serve the all-round development of man and society. As a result, the complex relationship between the new productive forces and capital is both interdependent and mutually restrictive. On the one hand, capital still plays a significant and positive role in promoting Chinese-style modernization. Under the socialist market economy system, capital can be used as a highly dynamic factor of production to stimulate efficient, flexible and innovative resource allocation, and promote the rational use of resources and the efficient development of the economy. On the other hand, it is necessary to be vigilant against the possible negative impact of the profit-seeking nature of capital and its brutal growth on the development of new quality productive forces. Capital has long revealed that capital has the nature of blindly pursuing profits, which may lead some enterprises to pursue short-term benefits excessively and ignore technological innovation and sustainable development. In addition, the wild growth of capital may also hinder the widespread application and popularization of new quality productive forces by monopolizing the market, lowering labor costs, and destroying the ecological environment. Therefore, we need to regulate and guide the healthy development of capital in accordance with the law and ensure that it plays an active role in the development of new quality productive forces.

The new quality productive forces are advanced productive forces centered on the people, which are fundamentally different from the productive forces centered on capital. Only by adhering to the people-centered development of new quality productive forces can we ensure that new quality productive forces can play the greatest role in promoting Chinese-style modernization and provide strong support for the construction of a great modern socialist country.

Develop new quality productive forces and promote Chinese-style modernization

From the perspective of the basic principles of historical materialism, advanced productive forces are the key driving force for the development of modern society and the core of the achievements of modern civilization. Therefore, the development of advanced productive forces is the general law governing mankind's modernization.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "The development of new quality productivity is an inherent requirement and an important focus to promote high-quality development, and we must continue to do a good job in innovation to accelerate the development of new quality productivity." "The development of new quality of productive forces provides a strong driving force for Chinese modernization and rich civilization connotation, and Chinese modernization provides a broad space for the development of new quality of productive forces. In the process of Chinese-style modernization, the new quality of productive forces can promote progress in technological innovation, industrial upgrading, social development and human development, and provide a solid material foundation and strong new momentum for building China into a great modern socialist country in an all-round way.

The development of new quality productive forces can promote the enrichment of connotation and form innovation of Chinese-style modernization. The new quality productivity not only promotes the development of material civilization with production efficiency as the core, but also contains the improvement of spiritual civilization with the ability and quality of workers as the core. In the practice of Chinese-style modernization, on the basis of developing the material productive forces, we are also constantly emancipating the cultural productive forces: constantly promoting the "two combinations", inheriting and carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, absorbing and learning from the achievements of the world's excellent civilizations, and striving to build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. The development of new productive forces can provide richer cultural connotations and more diverse cultural forms for Chinese-style modernization.

The development of new quality productive forces embodies the dialectical unity of the general law of modernization and Chinese characteristics of Chinese-style modernization. Chinese modernization not only follows the general laws of modernization, but also combines China's specific reality and China's excellent traditional culture, so as to have distinctive Chinese characteristics. As an important driving force in the process of modernization, the new quality productive forces not only have the universal characteristics of human civilization and progress, but also embody the innovative development with Chinese characteristics. In promoting Chinese-style modernization, we should give full play to the driving force and leading force of the new quality productive forces, and continue to deepen the organic integration of the general laws of modernization with Chinese characteristics.

The development of new quality productive forces plays a fundamental role in promoting the realization of human modernization. In essence, the productive forces are the real forces of human beings to transform the world, and the development of people's own abilities and qualities, especially the ability to innovate, is the greatest productive force. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the essence of modernization is the modernization of people". The foothold of promoting Chinese-style modernization lies in the all-round development of human modernization and freedom. Only the subjectivity and creativity of the masses of the people can be the foundation for the development of new quality productive forces. One of the key aspects of developing new quality productivity lies in improving the scientific and technological level of workers and promoting the integrated development of workers' own ability and quality and material productivity. From the point of view of the trend of social development, the development of new quality productive forces is fundamentally conducive to the formation of "a system of universal social material transformation, comprehensive relations, multifaceted needs, and comprehensive capabilities", and helps people's social potential tend to be creative, comprehensive, and individualized, thus promoting the free and all-round development of people.

(Author: Xi Ge, Dean of the School of Marxism, Renmin University, Chinese University, and Research Fellow, Xi Jinping Institute of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Renmin University, Chinese)

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