
Strive to create a "Fengqiao-style people's court" | Guanqiao Court strives to create a "Fengqiao Park" with tea town characteristics

author:Chinese Trial
Strive to create a "Fengqiao-style people's court" | Guanqiao Court strives to create a "Fengqiao Park" with tea town characteristics

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Text | Xie Weifeng, Xu Zhilin

"Cuobian head and tail, first come to sip tea", "Life is a sea and a sea of Tieguanyin, win or lose and smile and smile a cup of tea"...... The words hanging on the lips of the people in the tea country express the birthplace of the world's famous tea Tieguanyin, the hometown of China's oolong tea (famous tea) - Anxi, Fujian's long tea rhyme and strong nostalgia.

In recent years, the Guanqiao People's Court of the Anxi County People's Court, based on the actual situation of the tea township, has innovatively integrated the cultural essence of "purity, elegance, courtesy, and harmony" of Tieguanyin into the mediation of contradictions and disputes, gathered the joint force to resolve disputes, improved the linkage mechanism, and sank judicial resources, so as to solve both the "legal knot" and the "heart knot", so that the contradictions and disputes can be dissolved and resolved in a cup of fragrance, and provide strong judicial support and services for the social harmony and stability and high-quality economic and social development of the jurisdiction.

Strive to create a "Fengqiao-style people's court" | Guanqiao Court strives to create a "Fengqiao Park" with tea town characteristics

In October 2023, the police officers of the Guanqiao People's Court of the People's Court of Anxi County, Fujian Province, walked into the tea garden of Chashan and carried out legal popularization activities Photo by Tang Qiaoyun

Law benefits people's livelihood

Solve the people's urgency, distress and hope

Every tea season, the tea trees in Anxi are full of new greenery and fragrance.

"The funds for the spring tea business are finally settled!" A few days ago, Xu Mouping, who got the mediation letter, couldn't hide the joy in his heart. Previously, Xu Mouhe bought tea from Xu Mouping. After settlement, Xu Mouhe owed Xu Mouping a total of more than 120,000 yuan for tea. Xu Mouping repeatedly demanded it, but the other party failed to pay. Spring ploughing and preparation, agricultural materials first, Xu Mouping was worried that there was not enough funds to invest in the production and operation of spring tea, so he asked the Guanqiao Court for help.

Due to the tea income involved in the tea farmers, Judge Wang Qiuqiong of the Guanqiao Court immediately opened the "green channel" and contacted Xu Mouhe by phone as soon as possible to confirm the fact of the tea transaction and persuade him to empathize and repay the loan as soon as possible. Xu Mouhe told Wang Qiuqiong about his current shortage of funds, hoping to repay the arrears in installments. In the end, under Wang Qiuqiong's repeated explanations and reasoning, the two parties reached a mediation agreement on installment repayment.

The Guanqiao Court actively explores the case-handling mode that meets the characteristics of tea towns and the needs of tea farmers, explores and creates a new path of grassroots governance of "one household with a cup of tea", "one village with one tour" and "one town with one tea table", and sets up "tea table mediation rooms" in towns and towns under its jurisdiction, regularly carries out roving trials in communities and villages, and provides convenient services such as "door-to-door case filing", "noon court" and "on-site mediation", so as to realize that judicial services do not violate agricultural time, do not miss agricultural affairs, and do not add to the burden of litigation.

In addition, for the contradictions and disputes that are prone to occur around the masses, the Guanqiao Court actively explores the "model litigation + circuit trial" model, selects cases with exemplary significance to carry out more than 50 circuit trials and demonstration judgments, and uses case "living teaching materials" to give "open courses" on the rule of law, so that more contradictions and disputes can be resolved before they occur and stop before they are litigated.

The law protects peace

Serve the overall situation of grassroots governance

During the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty, Li Guangdi, the head of Anxi Lake, who was the official to Zaifu, paid attention to family style and family education, and formulated family rules such as "Family Motto and Edict", "Later Text of the Family Commandment" and "Covenant of the Clan", which still have far-reaching influence today.

"Li Guangdi told his juniors in the "Later Texts of the Commandment" that they should 'restrain themselves and be gentle and humble', and asked them to strictly restrain themselves and be 'filial piety and diligence'." On April 16, Wang Qiuqiong said when mediating a divorce dispute case.

Xiao Ming and Xiao Hua married and had a son. Due to emotional discord, Xiaohua filed a divorce lawsuit with the Guanqiao Court. During the trial of the case, both parties had agreed to divorce, but in order to fight for the custody of the child, Xiao Ming hid the child and did not let Xiao Hua contact him. In order to substantively resolve the conflict and minimize the adverse impact of divorce on minor children as much as possible, the Guanqiao Court immediately launched the joint mediation mechanism for family disputes, inviting family mediators to participate in case mediation on the one hand, and citing the "Li Guangdi Family Rules and Family Motto" on the other hand, to guide the parties to restrain their own behavior, to know the law, to be reasonable, and reasonable. Eventually, the parties agreed to divorce and reached an agreement on the custody of the children.

"The resolution of family disputes should not only be legal and reasonable, but also intercede, and it is necessary to unite grassroots forces to mediate, find the crux of the contradiction, open the knot, and resolve the dispute in substance." After the mediation, Wang Qiuqiong said.

In view of the large emotions of the parties in family disputes and neighborhood disputes, the Guanqiao Court adheres to the principle of "educating people with law and culture", pays attention to drawing wisdom from excellent traditional culture, sets up a mediation room of "harmony is precious", actively creates an atmosphere of warmth and dispute resolution, invites rural "soil experts" such as "village sages" and "patriarchs" to mediate at the site, and integrates Li Guangdi's family motto and family rules and southern Fujian folk culture into dispute mediation, integrates grammar and law, eliminates estrangement, and effectively promotes the joint management of conflicts and disputes and the resolution of conflicts and disputes at the source.

From January 2021 to March 2024, the Guanqiao Court concluded a total of 2,460 cases and only 53 appeals, with a 97.8% acceptance rate. "Hokkien people have a strong family concept, and integrating family rules and local customs into dispute mediation can better enhance the parties' acceptance of the adjudication results and promote the substantive resolution of disputes." Liu Sunming, vice president of the Anxi Court, said.

Farun Tea Township

Escort the healthy development of enterprises

"Dissolve or terminate the labor contract in accordance with the law and pay economic compensation in a timely manner."

"Your enterprise should pay social insurance premiums for workers in a timely manner in accordance with the law."

Not long ago, Judge Chen Linbing of the Guanqiao Court visited the enterprises in the jurisdiction to learn more about the production and operation of the enterprises, inquire about the judicial needs of the enterprises, and give legal risk reminders on the issues related to employment and contract signing that may be encountered in the production and operation of the enterprises.

Guanqiao Town is located in the hinterland of the "Golden Triangle" in southern Fujian, and has economic parks such as Siming Garden and Huli Park under its jurisdiction. In order to further optimize the business environment under the rule of law, help enterprises improve the legal risk prevention and control system, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of enterprises, the Guanqiao Court has created a "sinking" judicial service according to local conditions, relying on the "Judicial Service Private Enterprise Studio" set up in the High-tech Industrial Park of the South Wing New Town Development Zone, a police officer contacts a park to provide legal advice for major business activities of the enterprise through roving cases, etc., so as to understand the demands of the enterprise at the first time, solve the problems of the enterprise at the first time, and strive to create the characteristics of the tea township" Park Fengqiao".

According to statistics, in the first quarter of 2024, the number of new cases accepted by the Guanqiao Court decreased by 29.8% year-on-year, and the effect of grassroots social governance work is gradually emerging. "The people's tribunals are rooted in the grassroots, facing the masses, and closest to the people. In the next step, the Guanqiao Court will take the opportunity of creating a 'Fengqiao-style people's court' to unite and resolve disputes, promote the advancement of judicial services, the 'sinking' of cadres and police, and draw a new 'maple' scene in the tea township. Huang Xiaodan, president of the Anxi Court, said.

Cover and table of contents of this issue

Strive to create a "Fengqiao-style people's court" | Guanqiao Court strives to create a "Fengqiao Park" with tea town characteristics
Strive to create a "Fengqiao-style people's court" | Guanqiao Court strives to create a "Fengqiao Park" with tea town characteristics
Strive to create a "Fengqiao-style people's court" | Guanqiao Court strives to create a "Fengqiao Park" with tea town characteristics
Strive to create a "Fengqiao-style people's court" | Guanqiao Court strives to create a "Fengqiao Park" with tea town characteristics

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China Trial, Issue 11, 2024

China Trial News Semi-Monthly, No. 345

Editor/Min Sun

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