
Inheriting the red gene and gathering the strength to forge ahead - the anti-drug corps held a party day activity to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

author:Inner Mongolia drug control

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and encourage all party members and auxiliary police to keep in mind the mission and move forward bravely, on the morning of July 1, the Party Branch of the Anti-drug Corps of the Public Security Department of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region came to the Daqingshan Red Cultural Park in Hohhot City to carry out the party day activity of "inheriting the red gene and gathering the strength to forge ahead".

Inheriting the red gene and gathering the strength to forge ahead - the anti-drug corps held a party day activity to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

With a solemn mood and under the guidance of the commentators, all party members, people's auxiliary policemen and party activists successively visited the exhibition of revolutionary martyrs in the Daqingshan area and the exhibition hall of revolutionary history in the Daqingshan area. Through detailed explanations, rich physical objects, pictures and text introductions, everyone learned in detail about the revolutionary history of the Daqingshan area, listened to the glorious deeds and outstanding meritorious deeds of the revolutionary martyrs, reviewed the magnificent revolutionary process in the Daqingshan area, and personally felt the unswerving ideals and beliefs of the revolutionary ancestors and the revolutionary spirit of fighting for the cause of national liberation for life.

Inheriting the red gene and gathering the strength to forge ahead - the anti-drug corps held a party day activity to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

In front of the martyrs' monument, Liu Zhigang, captain of the anti-drug corps of the Public Security Department and secretary of the party branch, led all party members to raise their right fists, gaze at the bright red party flag, and review the oath of joining the party: "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China and support the party's constitution......" Everyone expressed their unswerving oath of "feeling the party's kindness, listening to the party, and following the party" with a sonorous and powerful oath.

Inheriting the red gene and gathering the strength to forge ahead - the anti-drug corps held a party day activity to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

Everyone said that through this theme party day activity, they once again received a profound party spirit education and spiritual baptism. As party members and auxiliary police of public security organs, they must cast their souls with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, strengthen their beliefs with the party's glorious tradition and fine style, inherit the red gene, gather the strength to forge ahead, devote themselves to their own work with more enthusiasm and higher morale, and resolutely build a strong anti-drug safety barrier in northern Xinjiang, so as to escort the completion of the "two major events" in the autonomous region.

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