
Respond to the call and carry forward the fine work style of the Soviet region

author:New Fujian

On June 16-17, 2024, the Shanghang National Weather Station recorded a staggering 233.9 mm of daily precipitation, a figure that not only broke the record since 1956, but also heralded a serious challenge. When it was hit by a historically rare heavy rainstorm, 15 local towns and villages, including Lanxi, Xikou and Chadi, became the hardest hit areas, and a post-disaster reconstruction campaign related to people's livelihood and well-being was quietly launched.

Respond to the call and carry forward the fine work style of the Soviet region

The Shanghang County Party Committee and the county government responded quickly and issued an urgent call for "10,000 cadres to bring their own dry food to support", mobilizing 10,000 party members and cadres in the county to devote themselves to this battle without gunpowder. At this critical moment, the Party Branch of Longyan Shanghang Branch of Industrial Bank actively responded to the call of the county party committee and county government, took the initiative to integrate into the volunteer team of all units in the county, and jointly undertook the important task of post-disaster reconstruction.

Respond to the call and carry forward the fine work style of the Soviet region

On June 19, the Longyan Branch of Industrial Bank launched a fundraising initiative, and after the first batch of donated materials were delivered to the disaster area on the 21st, in the face of the shortage of staff at the distribution point of relief materials, the five employees who accompanied them formed a temporary team on the spot to participate in the handling and distribution of materials at the first time. Looking at the warehouses that had been filled and emptied over and over again, this temporary team received high praise from local staff and the public.

On the 23rd, under the call of the county party committee and county government to "10,000 cadres bring their own dry food to support", the party branch of Longyan Shanghang Branch of Industrial Bank took advantage of the rest time of holidays to form a support team with party members and cadres as the pioneer, employees voluntarily signed up to participate, and more than half of the total number of employees. They rushed to the Xikou disaster area with dry food and tools, with deep concern for the people in the disaster area and firm belief in the reconstruction work. Here, they are not only financial workers, but also incarnate as ordinary and great volunteers, working together with personnel from other units, obeying the overall arrangement and working together.

Respond to the call and carry forward the fine work style of the Soviet region

In a corner of the disaster area, the staff of the Longyan Branch of Industrial Bank worked closely with other volunteers to clean up the mud and help restore production and rebuild homes. "The current society is good, the Communist Party is good! Thanks to you, we really don't know how to do it until the Year of the Monkey! Looking at the cleaned houses, one of the affected people said excitedly.

The volunteers are on the front line of emergency rescue and disaster relief, and their clothes soaked in sweat and mud are the best interpretation of the spirit of "one party is in trouble, all parties support", and it is also the best embodiment of the sense of social responsibility and mission of financial institutions. They actively responded to the call of "10,000 cadres to bring their own dry food to support", inherited the good style of cadres in the Soviet area, selfless dedication, unity and cooperation, and went to the places where the masses needed it most.

Source: Fujian Daily New Fujian App