
Huaiji County "Mai Bar" gateball match was successfully held

author:Huaiji Fusion Media


From June 29th to 30th, Huaiji County held the "Mai Bar Ha" gateball match. Qian Zhuo, the old leader of the county, attended the event first.

Huaiji County "Mai Bar" gateball match was successfully held

The relevant persons in charge of the County Culture, Radio, Tourism and Sports Bureau, the County Sports Association for the Elderly, and the County Gateball Association delivered speeches respectively, highly praising the "Mai Bar Ha" Ecological Agriculture Optimization Center for donating to support the construction of the stadium and carrying out the ball game, and hoped that in the future, we can strengthen cooperation, hold more sports activities that the masses like to see, further promote the national fitness movement, improve the physical fitness of the masses, and inherit and carry forward the spirit of sportsmanship.

Huaiji County "Mai Bar" gateball match was successfully held
Huaiji County "Mai Bar" gateball match was successfully held

It is understood that this year's Gateball Association has sent teams to participate in various competitions held by the national, provincial and municipal governments for many times, and has achieved good results. A total of 11 sports teams participated in the gateball game, and all the players met friends with the ball, exercised with the ball, and played in style, style and level. After two days of fierce competition, a total of eight teams, including the National Shield Team, the Kaida Team, the Huiyou Team, the Power Supply 2 Team, the Random Team, the Education Team, the Yancheng Team, and the Telecom, entered the semi-finals and decided the rankings.

Release: Huaiji County Rong Media Center

Correspondent: Liang Peiwei

Editor: Li Liangyuan

Editor: Phyto-sensitizer

Review: Lee Kwang Gil

Huaiji County "Mai Bar" gateball match was successfully held

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