
Joy Lang, start from the "new"!

author:Lishui release

Nanjing Xizhilang Food Co., Ltd

(hereinafter referred to as "Nanjing Xizhilang")

One has grown up in Lishui for 20 years

An established food processing enterprise

While deeply cultivating the traditional business

In terms of scientific and technological innovation and industrial integration

Remarkable results have also been achieved

Become an exploration and development of new quality productivity

One of the exemplary enterprises in Lishui's practice

Joy Lang, start from the "new"!


Increase productivity

  Recently, the reporter walked into the Nanjing Xizhilang production workshop located in Lishui Development Zone, where there is a busy and orderly production scene. The automated production line is running at high speed, the workers are proficient in operating all kinds of advanced equipment, and many series of popular products have been rolled off the assembly line from here.

  Generations of Xizhilang people have always been persistent in the persistence and investment in scientific and technological innovation. Since jelly and other snack foods are non-standardized products, in order to standardize the production process and improve product quality, Xizhilang has set up an intelligent production line innovation team and invested nearly 100 million yuan to independently develop and transform the jelly intelligent production line and digital intelligent manufacturing MES system.

  Chen Zhengjie, general manager of Nanjing Xizhilang, introduced that at present, all production lines have completed the upgrade of "intelligent transformation and digital transformation", realizing the automation and closed-loop management of the whole production from material storage, ingredient production to product delivery, providing reliable and powerful hardware guarantee for the production of high-quality products, and the production line workers have also been reduced from more than 4,000 to more than 1,600, which has greatly improved production efficiency.

Joy Lang, start from the "new"!

Industrial convergence

Advance strategic layout

  Founded in 1993, Nanjing Xizhilang Group is one of the four major production bases of Xizhilang Group, which was completed and put into operation in 2003. For more than 20 years, Nanjing Xizhilang has continued to carry out forward-looking strategic layout in industrial integration.

  The company has a deep insight into market trends, while maintaining the advantages of traditional food business, actively responding to consumer needs, and realizing the transformation and upgrading from a single product to a diversified, healthy and younger product through technological innovation and product research and development. In recent years, Nanjing Xizhilang has successively launched new products such as "five red" and "five black" milk tea, konjac jelly, etc., which not only meet consumers' pursuit of healthy food, but also further expand the future development space and consolidate its leading position in the snack food industry.

  At present, the company has nearly 100 production lines of many series of products such as "Xizhilang Jelly", "Good Time Seaweed", "Yoremi Milk Tea" and "Happy Time Chocolate Biscuits", with annual sales of about 2 billion yuan, and has been successfully selected as a "high-quality development enterprise in Nanjing".

Joy Lang, start from the "new"!

Green production

Leading the way in sustainability

  While improving economic benefits, Nanjing Xizhilang has always adhered to green production and sustainable development. The company has invested hundreds of millions of yuan to introduce advanced equipment from a number of well-known international suppliers, and has realized the whole process of green production by optimizing the production process, improving energy efficiency, and reducing waste emissions.

  At the same time, the company attaches great importance to the management of product quality, establishes strict raw material procurement standards, and selects suppliers who meet the requirements of health and environmental protection to ensure that each product meets the relevant standards, so that consumers can eat at ease and rest assured.

  In years of continuous innovation and consistent adherence to quality, Nanjing Xizhilang has launched generations of classic products that are loved by consumers. In the update and iteration of products, the company has achieved growth and expansion, and is expected to achieve an output value of 2 billion yuan and a tax payment of 300 million yuan in 2024.

Joy Lang, start from the "new"!

  Chen Zhengjie said that Nanjing Xizhilang will continue to increase investment in research and development, accelerate the exploration and development of new quality productivity, provide consumers with a richer and healthier experience with better quality and more delicious products, and help our district build a new growth pole for the development of the city's advanced manufacturing industry with practical actions towards the "new".

  Reporter: Tao Yanyan