
The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

author:New oxygen

Anyway, what did Du Jiang and Huo Siyan do to enjoy the good things of Taimiao? actually let netizens award a "collapsed house exemption" award.

Even if you only have one chance, you can't do more. (Contemporary netizens really have clear rewards and punishments, and the rules are strict)

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

In fact, it was not a "big event", but the couple rescued an experimental beagle.

It is said that stray animals meet soft-hearted gods, which can be called the eternal traffic password on the Internet.

But netizens who are not uncommon in this regard clicked on Huo Siyan's video, and they were still hard controlled for three minutes...

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

Injured puppy, please forget about the first half of your life

"I'll raise you."

"Forget about the first half of your life."

Huo Siyan's three-minute video made many people unprepared to enter, and then withdrew with tears in his eyes.

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

The cause was that Du Jiang saw a helpless puppy in the grass when he was driving through a small road at night.

When I looked closer, I found that it already had obvious external injuries on its head.

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

The couple, who already had several dogs, immediately decided to take the puppy to the hospital for a physical examination.

Seeing that it was trembling and its eyes were full of horror, Huo Siyan hurriedly reassured: "Don't be nervous, I'll raise you." ”

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

However, the more distressing is yet to come.

When I took it to the pet hospital, this beagle not only had a traumatic wound on the top of its head, but also had a long scar on its abdomen.

Timid and fearful, highly cooperative with the examination, there is a string of codes on the inside of the ear... All signs show that it is not an abandoned stray dog, but an experimental dog serving in medical research.

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

It didn't even scream from beginning to end.

I'm afraid that in its cognition, this is just a process of being caught from one laboratory to another, and repeating the experiment.

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

After the examination, Huo Siyan and Du Jiang took the dog home and named it "Pearl".

In the comment area, Du Jiang explained that the name means "pearl in the palm of your hand", and it also represents an unexpected encounter with pearls.

It is said that with a name will be treated with care, from then on, it is no longer the string of codes, it is a puppy pearl.

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?
The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

Perhaps just out of the laboratory to get in touch with the outside world, Pearl has no interest in the outdoor life of the sunny grass that ordinary puppies love, and it can't even go down the stairs, and most of the time it just sleeps on the mat.

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

She is well-behaved and cautious, all revealing her past.

How did she survive those unknown days?

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

Luckily for the misfortune, Pearl met a family of good Samaritans.

Although she was still very weak, she quickly became close to Huo Siyan's family.

After a kiss and hug, Pearl's ears lifted to reveal the string of codes that had replaced the name.

Du Jiang gently covered its ears and said, "Forget about the first half of your life." ”

This gentle and secure treatment is probably something that the pearl that has never had a name has never experienced in the first half of his life. And in the days to come, she can finally be cared for with such care.

It is said that love will make the broken body grow bloody flesh. The wounds in Pearl's body and soul will one day heal with the passage of time.

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

is the "living father" who demolishes the house, and he is also a hero who saves lives

With the touching story of the pearl being rescued, more people paid attention to the group of experimental beagles.

Beagle, as a "living father" in the pet industry, always appears in front of everyone with the vigorous energy of its beagle genes.

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

Image source: @sasa is a pure and good little treasure

However, what many people don't know is that beagles have another identity, that is, laboratory dogs.

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

Every year, 100,000 dogs in the world are experimented with in humans, and 98% of them are beagles.

Because of its proximity to human organs, small physique, docile personality, low pain, easy to breed and many other advantages, the beagle has become the only internationally recognized experimental dog breed.

You can understand it this way: every little bit of medical and scientific research progress in our lives is inseparable from the power of laboratory dogs.

From drugs used in clinical treatment to whether a bottle of shower gel can cause skin allergies, there may be countless beagle dogs with data from personal tests.

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

Many experimental beagles are born in laboratories and have never seen sunlight or grass, let alone what it's like to have fun in the great outdoors.

A combination of numbers and letters represents their lifetime.

In the video of Huo Siyan rescuing the pearl, the most heartbreaking picture is that when the puppy was taken to the hospital, it would take the initiative to stretch out its paws to cooperate and be examined motionless.

What makes Beagles so cooperative is that they are used to it.

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

A large number of beagles have been put into the experiment, and a large number of beagles have completed their mission and become retired experimental dogs.

So, where will the retired experimental dogs go?

There are often two endings that await them. Those who are in good health can wait for adoption, while those who are in poor health will face euthanasia.

In fact, the experience of being in the laboratory has caused them to form a huge psychological trauma, showing cowardice, sensitivity, and uncertain temperament... Therefore, not all retired laboratory dogs can meet the adoption criteria.

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

Even after meeting the adoption criteria, waiting for the retired experimental dog is still a heavy test.

This is the performance of a retired laboratory dog when it first comes into contact with a stable ground.

Accustomed to the mesh touch of the cage, it hesitated, wandered, and was at a loss when it came into contact with the ground, and did not dare to take a step forward at all.

And the process of helping Beagles adapt to society and cohabit with the humans they fear the most is far more difficult than this first step out of the cage.

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

However, there are still many people involved in rescuing experimental dogs.

@比格哈妮, it is a retired experimental dog that was adopted by its owner two months ago.

When she first arrived home, Hani behaved extremely timid, even if she was held in her arms and took the elevator, she was still trembling and uneasy.

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

After being tempted, observed, approached, and infiltrated with love and encouragement by her master, Hani finally overcame her fear and was able to run freely in the sun.

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

Some people adopted experimental dogs from formal channels, and some people spent 400 yuan to save experimental dogs from the knife of the owner of the dog meat restaurant.

Fear of knives, fear of screeching sounds, and defecation in the open from time to time... But none of this prevents it from being loved by its owner, or from slowly adapting to this new world.

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

The physical and mental trauma of experimental dogs is not formed in a day, and it is not possible to heal these injuries in a day or two.

But love and time can give us the answer.

For the owners who have adopted them, there is nothing happier than being sincerely accepted by the experimental dog and running towards him with his tail wagging.

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

Changing the world starts with saving a life

At this time, although some people jumped out and said in a weird way: I hope it is not a show to earn word of mouth.

The attitude of digging sauce is: let them put on a show, let them earn.

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

The fact is that the star halo has made more people see experimental dogs, and even changed the status quo of their existence.

After the release of the video of the rescue of the pearl, the experimental beagle adoption agency also received a large number of patrons, and the dog, which usually can't be adopted for a month, found a new family within a day.

When more people see it, what awaits the retired experimental dogs will no longer be just euthanasia, but a new opportunity.

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

Seeing everything that happened to the beagle, some people on the Internet also accused the medical workers of being cold-blooded and ruthless.

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?
The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?
The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

In fact, we do not need to condemn medical workers for using animals as test subjects.

Because as beneficiaries of the development of medicine, each of us enjoys the results of laboratory dog experiments.

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

This time, the experimental dog was rescued by a star on the hot search, and it happened to make up for a late lesson for everyone.

As laboratory dogs, they also have a service period. Laboratory animals have clear rules that do not consume their lives indefinitely.

Knowing beagles and their experiences as laboratory dogs is not to make everyone denounce the ruthlessness of scientific research and fall into another mood of total denial.

However, under the attention of more people, we can open up the adoption channels of experimental dogs on a larger scale, and constantly standardize the industry standards of laboratory animals, so that they can adapt to society as soon as possible and live a new life.

Isn't this an ordinary person who has enjoyed the benefits of medicine, and the best reward for beagles?

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

In "The Companion," a book about humans and animals, Aisha Ahta, M.D., writes the words: "There may be no one who can save the world, but he can save a life... Or two. Think about how much we can save if we are together. ”

It is hoped that with such popularity, the survival status of experimental beagles can be known to more people.

When you think about getting a puppy, you can also think of a puppy called a beagle, who has experienced pain for the sake of humans, and they are waiting to be seen and saved.

Of course, when you shout "I raise you" to the puppy like Huo Siyan, I hope you are also mentally prepared, instead of having a hot head, causing a second abandonment or even greater damage.

Because adopting a retired lab dog means that it may take ten times more energy than an ordinary puppy.

But it must also be a process of companionship and healing that transcends the relationship between ordinary humans and pets.

The only celebrity couple in domestic entertainment who deserves to enjoy the Taimiao, has the only right to pardon the collapse of the house on the whole network?

Beagles have contributed a lot to the scientific progress of mankind, and they are also unsung little heroes under the progress of the times.

We can't decide the past of the lab dogs, so let's make "forgetting the first half of our lives" the best promise we can make with them about the future.

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