
Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

author:New oxygen

Can Zhao Lusi be removed from Sipuli?

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

Some people found that Zhao Lusi seems to have thickened her lips recently, narrowed her nose, and her makeup has become more and more exquisite, so the problem of wide face and swollen face has been solved, and the whole person is in a very beautiful state.

Ou Hua looked at it, I don't know if it's the reason for retouching or weight loss, the nose seems to have changed a little, but it's not obvious.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

But the lips are really three-dimensional.

It is important to know that makeup generally only changes the area of the lips, and it is difficult to change their thickness.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

This change made her even more visionary of Zhang Yuanying, and she was on a level of beauty.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

I don't know if Ruth has also read the articles of aesthetic bloggers analyzing her and Zhang Yuanying, and the idea of becoming beautiful is the same

In fact, there have always been many people who feel that Zhao Lusi is a little wronged to stay in Sipuli, after all, her round head and high face are very strong talent for appearance.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

However, there are also many people who believe that the reason why Zhao Lusi is worthy of the word "Pu" is not because of the pot of her face, but more importantly, her posture often lacks the calmness of a big beauty, and even "cringe" and "full of stealing".

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

When I got in the car, I was complained about muscle weakness and twisting and pinching.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

However, Ou Hua felt that Zhao Lusi was also a little wronged because of "stealing".

You must know that back then, the big beauty Jun Ji-hyun relied on her nerves, and the "stealing" Qian Songyi fascinated Chinese and Korean netizens, and her same style was all sold out.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

Why does "stealing feelings" become true feelings when placed on Jun Ji-hyun, and when it is placed on Zhao Lusi, it becomes a petty family?

It resonates with everyone, how does "stealing" affect everyone's growth, and what obstacles will it bring us to become beautiful?

Isn't there any merit in "stealing"?

Today, let's talk about "stealing" from an aesthetic point of view!



It's insulated from the United States?

Different from the pejorative nature of "stealing" itself, "stealing" is more of a neutral word, which refers to a behavior or state of being cautious, unobtrusive, and silently achieving a goal.

In the aesthetic field, stealing is a kind of twisting and cowardice that is different from generosity and stretching.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

If the big beauty touches her, the beauty seems to be inferior by three points.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

For ordinary people, "stealing" also seems to hinder us from becoming better:

For example, "stealing touching" will feel that losing weight is a secret war, and even dare not really start fitness because they are afraid of failure; I also feel that taking pictures is a shameful thing, because I am afraid of being watched, so I only dare to secretly compare yes ✌️.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

However, although "stealing" is a state of timidity and cowardice on the surface, it actually hides a kind of insecurity in people's social state.

In the complex real life, we are inevitably connected with others, and anyone is inevitably troubled by interpersonal relationships, so stealing has become a social invisibility cloak, covering people's sensitivity and loneliness.

When the Internet broke the circle of this emotion that should have become private and resonated widely, everyone realized that this was a normal emotional experience.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

International directors and actors can also be full of stealing

As a result, "stealing" has also been given a new meaning, which can be a state of unconfidence and cringe, but also a spirit of sincerity and self-consistency.

This kind of word, which originally had a bad meaning, finally turned into a choice that we took the initiative to show with our own efforts.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

Similarly, in the realm of aesthetics, stealing is no longer the opposite of "beauty".

Allow all the small shortcomings to be shown, and you can also follow your favorite aesthetic efforts, in short, the fat and thin tide soil can be decided by yourself.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

When we no longer regard the scrutiny of the outside world as the golden rule, but self-acceptance as the aesthetic standard, generosity and self-confidence will naturally arise.

Those tiptoeing movements, random looks, and not stretching postures have also been transformed into smart, lively, eccentric, sincere and interesting.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

Biye and the flustered eyes are also cute

It's also the case that there are always labels that are deconstructed, reconstructed, and then widely recognized.

Humble and fragile people, behind which is hidden is persistence and affection, so there is a sense of brokenness beauty.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

Ambition used to be a derogatory term, but when everyone found out that behind it was persistence, strength, and strength, femme fatale beauty also became a high praise for a strong woman.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

In the same way, there may also be a bright face of "stealing beauty" that represents "smart, cautious, and eccentric", which can allow introverts to be themselves generously in their own style track.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

So today, the sheep will talk about how to accept the "stealing feeling" from an aesthetic point of view, and give full play to the beautiful and bright side of the "stealing feeling".

Don't get trapped by stealing

Secretly be a "quirky beauty"

In fact, for "stealing touching", no matter what style he is popular, as long as it involves obvious changes in appearance, then we "steal touching" dare not try it easily.

Therefore, Yang intimately prepared a silent beauty methodology for everyone.

Step 1: Increase your base beauty value

You must know that the underlying framework of beauty is the health layer, and the health layer refers to the overall shape of the skin, body, and posture.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

Even if you don't look at your face, just because you have good skin, good posture, and good hair, there are many examples of beauty.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

However, improving the beauty of the health level still costs the least money, but the benefit is the greatest.

"Stealing touching" has always liked to do things quietly and focus on themselves, and it is best to use this trick to make changes.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

But Yang Tong, as a "stealing touch", has been on the road of "secretly becoming beautiful" and "slowly becoming beautiful" for more than ten years, but he also has to tell everyone the truth.

Many of the "persistent beauty techniques" are either ineffective, too cumbersome, or pure IQ tax.

For example, Yang used to follow female celebrities to do bedtime facial treatment, and after he had a closed mouth and allergies, he realized that applying so many things would increase the burden on his face.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

After stepping on so many pits, Ou Hua found that the real cost-effective means to improve the basic value of beauty are actually these two.

1⃣️ Take good care of your hair and release your vitality

How many golden characters are erected by glowing hair.

The volume of hair may not be too much, but if it is smooth and shiny, it will appear that it has a lot of vitality.

If the hair is dry and frizzy but there is a pile, it is just a mess like a stack of firewood.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

The first step in the ordinary girl in the film and television drama is to change the hair quality

There are too many examples to prove that there is only one hair quality difference between the spiritual sister and the princess sister.

Therefore, "stealing touching" must secretly work on the hair quality to surprise everyone.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

2⃣️ Wear level: pay attention to the neck and shoulders, and add more colors

The most critical part of the whole body is the neck and shoulders.

The straight neck and the sinking power together support the foundation of the temperament.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

However, although the body is tight, it is another real beauty to look relaxed when you are occasionally slacking off and cringinge.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

But why do beauties look relaxed when they slack off, and ordinary people have a "sense of stealing" when they slack?

In fact, from a certain point of view, it has become a habit for beauty stars to be tense for a long time, and they have cultivated "the ability to stretch and be generous due to inertia even if they are occasionally slack".

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

In fact, the Tianxian shoulder slip is quite obvious, but despite this, the posture is still very good-looking

And ordinary people are in a "state of slackness" all year round, and if they want to become a star in a state of casual beauty, they should be "deliberately tight".

But the inertia of life will still retain the slack function that you are most familiar with, so even if ordinary people pose very hard, they are still full of stealing.

It's also easy to solve this problem, use cheating to wear clothes, concave the beautiful neck and shoulders, and slowly get used to this stretch, and you can turn stretching into a habit.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

First of all, you can wear more clothing that increases the width of the shoulders, but does not increase the shoulders.

After pulling out the shoulders in this way and improving the head-to-shoulder ratio, there will be an open effect of pulling the inner buckled shoulders apart.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

Then add a V-neck element to improve the visual length of the neck.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

Alternatively, you can choose some accessories to divide the neck and shoulders.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

Small accessories can re-improve the angle of the neck and shoulders and ruin the smooth slippery feel.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

After solving the version, add some color to the clothing.

"Color has a direct impact on the spirit, and the key to the harmony and unity of color lies in the purposeful enlightenment and stimulation of human beings."

Adding a little dopamine to your outfit can make people feel happier and more excited, diluting sneaky cringes and fears.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

However, if you're afraid that experimenting with color will make you too eye-catching to feel insecure, you can start with Moranti-toned accessories.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

It's shallow, and it's very reassuring

A small change, a touch of color, will appropriately enhance your happiness attribute a little bit, and then slowly accumulate self-confidence points.

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

From "that social phobia woman" to a grain of rice from "color bloggers".

In the end, the sheep also found some suitable photo poses for everyone.

It is suitable for stealing touching photo poses, and it must meet the "reasonable", as long as it is reasonable, it is not easy to attract other people's strange eyes.

And the action of taking pictures for the sake of taking pictures is mostly a bit "unseemly".

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

But reasonable actions often do not play a role in grooming themselves, so stealing people will rarely take pictures.

However, the sheep still found a few photo poses, which can make everyone "reasonable", "decent" and "natural" to leave some happy moments.

Sit face support:

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

‧ Pick up the hair:

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

Play with your phone to capture

Milk burp contrived + full of stealing, when will Zhao Lusi realize that she was scolded not because of her face

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