
The summer is coming: the best season to nourish the spleen and stomach, do 1 thing to nourish the spleen and stomach to spend the summer safely

author:How to live
The summer is coming: the best season to nourish the spleen and stomach, do 1 thing to nourish the spleen and stomach to spend the summer safely

Now life is busy, diet and environment are also worrying, many people's physique is weak and blocked, conditioning needs to be supplemented, but also need to dredge and clean up, to consider many aspects.

Is there a way to tone the body in many ways at the same time? Today I would like to share with you an acupuncture point that can be nourished and passed, and the spleen, stomach, liver and kidneys can be nourished.

1. Healthy Spleen Wet: Immortal Goddess Cave

In summer, the body is weak and cold, the spleen and stomach are weak, and the humid and sultry weather makes the spleen damp and trapped, and it is easy to have problems such as poor appetite.

At this time, you can often press this acupuncture point to strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, especially for friends with poor spleen and stomach deficiency and cold absorption, and poor dietary therapy effect.

Now in the Five Poison Month, the skin is prone to problems, and you can also press this acupuncture point to improve the skin problems caused by heavy moisture.

The summer is coming: the best season to nourish the spleen and stomach, do 1 thing to nourish the spleen and stomach to spend the summer safely
"The spleen is the foundation of nurture, the main muscle"

It is the source of absorbing nutrients and metamorphosis qi and blood.

With the growth of age, the spleen and stomach qi and blood become weaker, the muscles will slowly relax, showing the state of aging, now there are many young people, busy with work, staying up late, etc., their own qi and blood loss, young age looks exhausted, haggard "pre-aging".

You can rub it here often to nourish the spleen, stomach, qi and blood, restore muscle strength, make the skin firmer, and let aging come more slowly.

2. Nourishing the liver and regulating menstruation: gynecological savior acupoint

This acupuncture point can nourish the liver, regulate the body's rhythm, and regulate menstruation.

People who are in a bad mood, love to frown, and sigh for a long time are prone to liver depression, qi and blood imbalance, and endocrine disorders. Spots on both sides of the cheeks and near the cheekbones, acne near the chin and cheeks, little blood clots in menstrual flow, premenstrual breast tenderness, and swelling pain in both flanks, you can use it to regulate the liver and dredge qi and blood.

Staying up late a lot, looking at mobile phones and computers a lot, hurting the liver and kidneys, dark and long spots, dry eyes, blurry vision, dry and itchy skin, pale complexion, pale lips, and vertical lines on nails, you can use it to nourish liver and blood, moisturize eyes and skin

The summer is coming: the best season to nourish the spleen and stomach, do 1 thing to nourish the spleen and stomach to spend the summer safely

It is also the first important acupoint in gynecology, and it can even be said to be the "general treatment acupoint" of gynecological diseases.

Good menstruation requires the kidneys to provide the foundation, the spleen to ensure the supply of qi and blood, and the liver to regulate the rhythm, and this acupuncture point can regulate the liver, spleen and kidney at the same time.

Friends with obvious dysmenorrhea can moxibustion this acupuncture point for half an hour every day about 1 week before menstruation.

3. Nourish the kidneys and improve all kinds of yin deficiency

This acupuncture point nourishes the liver and kidneys, which is good for gynecology and good for men.

Male reproductive and urinary system related problems can also be used to regulate, and regular massage is beneficial to the harmony of husband and wife.

The summer is coming: the best season to nourish the spleen and stomach, do 1 thing to nourish the spleen and stomach to spend the summer safely

The body is divided into yin and yang, there is yang qi as important as the sun, and there is also water that moisturizes all things, silently moisturizing the essence and blood (yin) of the whole body, this acupuncture point is good at replenishing the essence and blood of the liver and kidneys, and nourishing half of the body's yin.

The essence and blood stored in the kidneys are the source and the last reserve of the body. This acupuncture point can tonify the kidneys, strengthen the spleen, and ensure the absorption of new qi and blood, so it can improve various yin deficiency problems.

If there are elderly people in the family, when the blood pressure is too high or too low, you can rub this acupuncture point every day to nourish the liver and kidneys and help regulate blood pressure.

Fourth, three yin jiao: one of the nine acupuncture points of huiyang

This acupuncture point is Sanyin Jiao, also known as Chengming, which is one of the "Huiyang Nine Needle Acupoints" of Chinese medicine first aid.

Its name comes from its specialness, this acupuncture point is the body's foot syncope yin liver meridian, foot shao yin kidney meridian, foot tai yin and spleen meridian, the three yin meridians in the qi and blood substances intersect. Therefore, rubbing here can directly regulate the problems of the three meridians of the liver, spleen and kidney, as well as the three organs of the liver, spleen and kidney.

The summer is coming: the best season to nourish the spleen and stomach, do 1 thing to nourish the spleen and stomach to spend the summer safely

The Sanyin Jiao is located on the medial aspect of the calf, 3 inches above the tip of the medial malleolus, and posterior to the medial border of the tibia.

Doctors generally acupuncture, we can maintain our daily health, and we can often press and rub it. When you are free, massage with your thumb 2 times, 5~6 minutes each time, about 100 strokes. However, it should be noted that pregnant women are not allowed to do so.

You can knead 50 times clockwise, 50 times counterclockwise, and make up for the reverse discharge, and the same as the reverse and backward, it is more balanced, and all kinds of physique can be done.

The strength should be slow and deep, when the friends with problems with the liver, spleen and kidney press and rub, there will be pain and numbness, and the friends with insufficient sperm and blood may also have black eyes.

This summer, often bask in the sun, nourish yang qi, sleep well, and knead the three yin to nourish the essence and blood.

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