
Qian Sanqiang | He is the founder of China's atomic energy industry

author:Knowledge is Power Magazine

Qian Sanqiang (October 16, 1913 - June 28, 1992), a member of the Communist Party of China, a nuclear physicist, the founder and leader of China's atomic energy industry, a member (academician) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a recipient of the "Two Bombs and One Star" Meritorious Service Medal.

Born in a famous family, he changed his name to the top three

Qian Sanqiang | He is the founder of China's atomic energy industry

Qian Sanqiang

On October 16, 1913, Qian Sanqiang was born in a scholarly family in Shaoxing, Zhejiang. His father, Qian Xuantong, was a master of Chinese culture who led and participated in the New Culture Movement, and he paid great attention to cultivating his interest in learning.

Qian Sanqiang, formerly known as Qian Bingqiong, entered the primary school affiliated to Beijing Higher Normal School at the age of 6 and transferred to Confucius School a year later. Confucius School was a new school at that time, founded by Cai Yuanpei, the then president of Peking University, and advocated the balanced development of students' morality, intelligence, physique, aesthetics and labor. During his time at school, he excelled in academic and literary excellence, was physically strong, was a member of the school's basketball team, and laid a solid foundation in French.

Once, Qian Xuantong accidentally learned that Qian Bingqiong was called the "top three" by his classmates, so he curiously asked the reason. Qian Bingqiong explained with a smile: First, he ranked third among good friends, and second, he had excellent results in school's studies, music, and sports, hence the name "Top Three". Qian Xuantong nodded again and again after hearing this, and felt that the "three strong" was very in line with his son's characteristics, so he suggested that he change his name to "Qian Sanqiang", expecting him to develop morally, intellectually, and physically in an all-round way. Although "Qian Sanqiang" is not as elegant as "Qian Bingqiong", it pins on his father's care and expectations.

"From Cow to Love" Studying at Tsinghua University

In the spring of 1929, Qian Sanqiang read Sun Yat-sen's "Strategy for the Founding of the People's Republic of China" and was deeply moved, believing that the only way for the country to become prosperous and strong was to establish a strong industry. As a result, he devoted himself to the "industrial salvation of the country". Because the target university at that time was English teaching, Qian Sanqiang decided to take the preparatory class of Peking University to learn English first. He studied without sleep or food, and finally broke through the English barrier.

At Peking University, Qian Sanqiang also often audits classes in the physics department. At that time, two physics professors from Tsinghua University were teaching part-time at Peking University, and the teaching was interesting and artistic, and Qian Sanqiang was attracted. At this time, he happened to read the book "The New Theory of Atoms" and was fascinated by the mysterious microstructure of matter.

After the "918" incident, Qian Sanqiang decided to change his major and transferred to the Department of Physics of Tsinghua University. Qian Xuantong understood and supported his son's choice, hoping that he could carry forward the spirit of perseverance, learn from Newton and Einstein, bravely climb the peak of science, and inscribe the book "From Ox to Love" as a gift.

Ten years of study in France, scientific and truth-seeking

Qian Sanqiang | He is the founder of China's atomic energy industry

Qian Sanqiang and He Zehui

In August 1937, Qian Sanqiang arrived in France and studied under Irena Curie (who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1935 with her husband Joliot-Curie). During this period, he devoted himself to research projects, was open-minded and eager to help others, and was deeply appreciated by his mentors and colleagues.

In 1946, He Zehui, a former classmate of Tsinghua University, came to France from the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Royal Wilhelm Institute in Heidelberg, Germany, and engaged in nuclear physics research with Qian Sanqiang, and later became a scientific couple. In the countless fission trails, they cooperated to discover the phenomenon of triple fission and quadruple fission of uranium nuclei, breaking the inherent understanding and causing great repercussions in the international scientific community. As a result, many Western newspapers and periodicals called them "China's Curie couple".

Don't forget the original intention, know people well

In June 1948, Qian Sanqiang and He Zehui returned to the motherland with a full family and national feelings.

After that, Qian Sanqiang devoted himself to the creation of the atomic energy industry. In May 1950, the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was established, and Qian Sanqiang served as the deputy director and took over as the director in 1951. During this period, he led the construction of China's first heavy water atomic reactor, the first cyclotron and other important instruments and equipment, which laid the foundation for subsequent research.

In 1960, China decided to become self-reliant and develop the atomic bomb. The development of nuclear weapons is a large-scale national project, and it urgently needs to gather a large number of outstanding scientists and engineers. Because Qian Sanqiang has rich experience in nuclear physics research and organizational management, the organization appointed him as the chief designer of China's nuclear weapons project.

The chief teacher has a keen eye, knows people well, has a strong cohesion, and has devoted himself to cultivating a new generation of discipline leaders, and has successively recommended Peng Huanwu, Zhu Guangya, and Deng Jiaxian to lead the theoretical design work, and Wang Gan (gàn) Chang, Cheng Kaijia, etc., to be responsible for the testing work...... They have all made important contributions to the "two bombs and one satellite" project.

At 3 p.m. on October 16, 1964, China's first atomic bomb was successfully exploded. Since then, China has become the fifth country in the world to possess nuclear weapons. This day also happens to be Qian Sanqiang's birthday.

This article is excerpted from "Qian Sanqiang, the Founder of China's Atomic Energy Industry" in the magazine "Knowledge is Power".

Qian Sanqiang | He is the founder of China's atomic energy industry

"Apply what you have learned and serve the motherland" is Qian Sanqiang's lifelong pursuit. On the way forward, he proved his firm pursuit of science and infinite love for the motherland with his actions.

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