
Rongshui Sirong Township, this event is really lively, are you here?

author:Beautiful meltwater style Miao Township
Rongshui Sirong Township, this event is really lively, are you here?

On June 29th, Sirong Township, Rongshui Miao Autonomous County, carried out the first "Concentric Festival" activity of Luojiu Water Conservancy Hub Reservoir Immigrants, through lion dance, reed sheng performance, ethnic characteristic parade display, Indian unity handprint and unity dance, etc., to jointly celebrate the fifth anniversary of Luojiu Water Conservancy Hub Reservoir immigration, the activity attracted many other towns and towns and tourists from all over the country to watch, and the scene was very lively.

Rongshui Sirong Township, this event is really lively, are you here?
Rongshui Sirong Township, this event is really lively, are you here?
Rongshui Sirong Township, this event is really lively, are you here?

At the event site, the crowd was crowded, after a reed sheng performance, the parade teams of various villages in Sirong Township carried out the parade of ethnic characteristics in an orderly manner, they were dressed in national costumes, and their faces were full of happy smiles, which fully demonstrated the thriving life of the masses after the relocation of Sirong Township Reservoir immigrants. After the parade, the people of Sirong Township lined up to glue their hands with paint, printed finger prints on the pomegranate map symbolizing unity and took a group photo; Then the crowd and tourists held hands and danced the national unity dance, and the scene was a happy scene.

Rongshui Sirong Township, this event is really lively, are you here?
Rongshui Sirong Township, this event is really lively, are you here?
Rongshui Sirong Township, this event is really lively, are you here?
Rongshui Sirong Township, this event is really lively, are you here?
Rongshui Sirong Township, this event is really lively, are you here?

The event also held the 9th National Unity Rural Art Show of Sirong Township, a photo exhibition before and after the relocation of Sirong Township Reservoir Migrants, a reed sheng competition and interesting activities for farmers, so as to promote the unity of all ethnic groups in the township and create a national unity family of "harmony and happiness, ecological beauty, prosperity and wealth, green and low-carbon, charm and openness".

Rongshui Sirong Township, this event is really lively, are you here?
Rongshui Sirong Township, this event is really lively, are you here?
Rongshui Sirong Township, this event is really lively, are you here?
Rongshui Sirong Township, this event is really lively, are you here?
Rongshui Sirong Township, this event is really lively, are you here?

He Haiyun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Sirong Township, told reporters: "In the next step, we will rely on the 'Landscape Gallery' in the Beijiang Scenic Area to create a 'Xiushui Sirong' ethnic characteristics immigration reservoir area that combines ecological landscape and national culture, and jointly promote the integrated development of the cultural and tourism industry through ethnic cultural exchanges, and open up a new channel for national unity work." ”

Rongshui Sirong Township, this event is really lively, are you here?

Graphic reporters丨Rong Zhenjue, Long Tao, Meng Chengyuan, Correspondents: Yang Wenqing, Liao Ziyuan

Proofreader on duty丨Liang Junyuan

Editor丨Liang Liming

Responsibility audit丨 He Cheng

Responsible Producer丨Gong Xiangyou

Produced by丨Rongshui Miao Autonomous County Rong Media Center

"Drunken Beauty Melt Water" APP and "Xiumei Melt Water Style Miao Township" WeChat public account are all rights reserved, and the work may not be reproduced, excerpted or otherwise used without written authorization.

Rongshui Sirong Township, this event is really lively, are you here?

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